Private Technology

: 1,117 arrangements

"Good boss." Without hesitation, Meng Liting may be deeply affected by Liu Mengmeng, and feels that her boss must have a way to deal with it.

As the official helm of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, Meng Liting knows who changed her life.

Even the name of the company can tell that the future owner of this company will be the little one who is only 6 years old, but this will not affect Meng Liting's respect for Guan Ming.

Change the family, change life, everything is dreamlike. As the world becomes more colorful, Meng Liting can feel the power of Guan Ming more and more.

Unlike ordinary people's admiration for Guan Ming's wealth and power, Meng Liting admires his talent and ... kindness.

"Is the company's book money enough? Tell me if it's not enough. I personally continue to inject capital into it."

Independent companies also need to be independent in their finances, not only Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, but also Xiyu Entertainment, so Guan Ming doesn't want frequent corporate funds to flow under his name.

"With the funding, the first phase of the experiment can still be sustained. With the second phase, based on the current profit and book capital, it is estimated that it can only support about 2 months. Type 1 diabetes drugs have not shown stronger competition in the market. Power, and foreign countries are full of discrimination against the domestic pharmaceutical industry, it is difficult to open up the market. "Reluctantly shaking his head, even if a human brain chip is installed, some things are not good at it is not good at it.

Every time I think of that little man smugly in front of himself, he said that he saw which country's commerce minister, leader or something, and Meng Liting had a terrible toothache.

Especially when Meng Liting heard that the Indian side intentionally cracked the company's drugs, she was so anxious that her chest was faint.

"It's all a trivial matter. I'll recapitalize it later. I'll tell you that at the time. By the way, if you have type 1 diabetes drugs, you can contact my uncle and ask him if he wants to be the general representative." I forgot, so I asked first.

"Drug generation? But ... what about our previous generation?" A little surprised, Meng Liting was a little hesitant.

The general generation is easier said than done. The so-called general generation can be regarded as a salesperson, a type that looks at performance and takes a commission. The connection is very important.

How to form a team and how to develop a city's pharmacy and hospital are extremely testable.

The same is for colds. Why would a drug store recommend white and black instead of cold? Because of the content of chlorpheniramine?

For the same drug, the price difference must not occur in the same city. As an agent, you need to find a suitable price to meet the three levels of patients, hospitals / pharmacies and agents. How can this price be set?

To put it simply, now that the general generation is changed, Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical's finances may soon be in trouble.

"The total generation earns more, he is my uncle." Shrugging, Guan Ming said that he could afford the money.

"... Okay, but boss, you might have to inject capital earlier." Sighed, Meng Liting knew what to do.

"One ... is one billion worth enough? Counting the second phase of human experimentation." Guan Ming originally wanted to say one billion, but considering it, the money didn't seem to be enough.

There are a total of 100 volunteers in the first phase, excluding the water grid, and just 1.119 million in expenses per week for wages, food and cosmetics.

If the second phase is found, Guan Ming can draw a team of at least 1,000 people, that is to say, 11.9 million per week, and more than 200 million in ten weeks. The second phase of the experiment is to find the upper limit of the amount of drugs used for drug variables. Ten weeks must be more than that.

This is only the best idea, because the consumption of drugs, the calculation of double stars, including the wages of Meng Liting, are also calculated. If cancer or other things occur in the experiment, it may not be just money.

Cancer cells have highly active telomerase. At present, drugs can activate telomerase on the spot, but how to inactivate and whether there is a possibility of inactivation is not clear. He is also not sure if Meng Mengyu understands it. , But this can only be asked in private.

"You don't need so much, there is a balance in the company's accounts, and the boss of your artificial island is also the time to use funds ..." Can go to the bank for a commercial loan, but not without products.

"Not worse than this billion." Waving his hand, Guan Ming picked up the information on the table and looked at it.

Seeing Guan Ming busy, opened her mouth, Meng Liting didn't say anything at last. She looked at Miss Er and found that she was sitting neatly next to Guan Ming, who didn't need any care.

The information on hand is today's medical examination form. At present, only the item for breakfast is ticked. I turned it down and found that the content of breakfast is exactly the same as that of Mu Xiaoxiao this morning, and the food supplier is also the company kitchen.

Obviously, it is the double star who monitors Mu Xiaoxiao's daily diet and then sends it to Meng Liting and the kitchen at the same time to ensure that the volunteers' diet types and quantities are consistent with Mu Xiaoxiao.

This dish is too thick with oil and red sauce. Mu Xiaoxiao, originally from Shanghai, was affected by Guan Ming and was able to eat chili, but driven by Mu Xiaoxiao, these volunteers also experienced what it means to be spicy. Occasionally, there is a supper, fat house water or something, the most important thing is the fitness exercise during the day!

However, everything is moving closer to the benign side, and the physical improvement can be seen with the naked eye. So for this life, the volunteers report the greatest enthusiasm, but unfortunately, the second phase of the experiment will exclude the first phase of the volunteer to prevent drugs Precipitation and drug resistance.

"How did the space usage rate reach 50% or more?" Guan Ming couldn't help frowning, looking at a piece of data.

The space utilization rate of the human brain chip human experiment was only over 80%, and the volunteer team at the time was much more than now, and the team of scientists was several times the volunteer team, and there were various large physical examinations in the middle. device.

In comparison, the current per capita area of ​​drug experiments is definitely larger than it used to be.

"This is mainly the placement of sports equipment. I stated in the email I sent you before that I hope that the boss can choose a single, lightweight fitness method, but you give it up. Later, Shuangxing produced a batch of the same specifications. Fitness equipment ... "Meng Liting whispered, and from the daily arrangements of the volunteers, she knew who the target of the drug was in minutes.

There is nothing embarrassing or embarrassing. She only thought that Guan Ming had forgotten. In her opinion, such things only exist in fantasy.

"Uh ..." Guan Mingyi 愣 ~ ~ Then he looked down at the second daughter who has always been a salted fish. He didn't remember to read the e-mail or anything. However, this fact means that Guan Mengyu is sure. He said with Guan Ming that he got permission from Guan Ming at the same time, so Double Star made the equipment.

Therefore, there is only one truth!

"It's what you said, don't limit your mother's, but make the experiment more perfect." With Meng Mengda's child's voice, Guan Mengyu came to deny Sanlian.

"It seems that we have to consider space." Rubbing Guan Mengyu's head hard, it was Guan Ming's revenge.

Your elder life is definitely a scientist under the country. This funding pit, the level of the Nobel Prize, I can't find it without checking the account!

Although the picture in front of me is harmonious, I don't know why, Meng Liting always thinks something is wrong.

It seemed that Miss Er's expression was reluctant but she did not resist.

PS: Sorry to see the Q message ~ Thank you for your support!

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