Private Technology

: One thousand one hundred and twenty one

"Xiaoyu? OK, Xiaoxiao if it's okay." Although the big guy thinks that Guan Ming's requirements are a bit out of order, Guan Ming is a super class person.

The country's demand for talent and tolerance are very high. The wayward genius and obedient genius make different contributions to the country. Of course, if they do evil, they will have different degrees of harm to the country.

The role of the big brother to let Guan Ming bring Mu Xiaoxiao is not to feel that this stupid mansion has strong attributes and pity her, but to feel that being a woman has an advantage in bringing children and coaxing children.

"You first ... make a phone call, this time it will take some time to go to the emperor." Originally wanted Guan Ming to go back to prepare and then everyone at the airport round.

But time was running short, the big brothers were flying with them as soon as possible, and even because of the information brought by Guan Ming, even the chief giants who inspected somewhere had postponed their journey to Didu.

"Okay, then I'll call first." Guan Ming nodded, then walked out of the office smoothly.

There is no difficulty in communicating with the family, just push everything up.

I don't want to go to the capital, but the country needs me!

I don't want to take Mengyu with me, but I need to be more knowledgeable!

what? Won't you come Want to coax Guan Mengxi and his son who are going home right away?

MMP, I'm so brilliant, why did I find you such a concubine!

Let the little girl look at me, lest I find a dog outside to play mini games?

Friends, the graves on the earth have grown 4 crops, you eat too much!

For half an hour, the big brothers in Shanghai, Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu were sitting on a black car with two cars in front of and behind as security escorts.

"Xiao Yu has grown so big, don't you know Grandpa yet?" Hu Mengyu hugged Guan Yu on his knees, the big brother of Shanghai city and Yan Yue said with color.

"I know, I often see Grandpa on TV." Trying to keep my eyes wide open, trying to make my expression more 'naive', actually ...

Guan Ming's belly was almost bursting. This little girl should have been a woman in her life. She usually excludes contact with men. At home, her father and Mu dad can hug her.

However, she also knows what the four words "Shanghai City Gangster" means. This little point completely inherits Guan Ming's "counseling gene", let alone gangsters, she dare not look at the Gangster with dead fish eyes , Afraid that Guan Mingxue Liu Bei fell to the child.

"Haha, Xiaoyu can watch the news at such a young age, and the training is good." The smile on his face was bright, and the big man looked at Guan Ming and nodded with satisfaction.

Leaders on television, with the exception of flies and tigers, are very positive. Like "News Broadcast", domestic songs and dances are leveled up, and foreign fireworks are sky-high.

From the point of view of the boss, it is good to read more of these news, not to mention how well your stock market and policies are studied. If you read more, you can at least have a sense of belonging to the country.

If you look at it since you were a kid, you might be able to cultivate a red family, a kind of patriotic.

If a family of scientists has a patriotic attribute that can be inherited, it is absolutely great.

"It's all my dad, he loves to watch these things, and the little ones just look at the old people to watch the fun." Guan Ming showed a proud expression in a restraint in a timely manner.

"When I was young, I watched the excitement because I could n’t understand it. When I understood something, I did n’t look at the excitement. Besides, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu ’s IQ is still very high. Said, Xiao Xi's performance was really good! "Pat Guan Ming's shoulders, the big brother to show friendship.

"When Xiaoxi comes back, I will tell her that you praised her, and she will definitely jump up with joy." Guan Ming easily unplayed the fart magic skill at this moment, and heard Guan Mengyu quickly lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

Jump up? Don't make a noise, sister like you to persuade, knowing that the big names in Shanghai still remember her words, she can certainly persuade under the bed, okay!

"I take it seriously when you say that. The next time I see Xiao Xi, I will ask her. If she doesn't know, be careful I will hit you back." The **** in the sky is too vain!

Of course, even if it's a bit of a hiccup, being able to be shot by Guan Ming, the big names in Shanghai are still very happy. If Guan Ming is not so enthusiastic, maybe they can bring a little sense of accomplishment and superiority.

"It must be." Guan Ming's smile was a little stiff.

In fact, there is no special plane to the level of Shanghai's big brothers, and even there is no Air Force One in China at all, and the giant's plane is Air Force One!

Usually fly on domestic routes, temporarily converted into a special plane for the visit.

Although it was a temporary notice, the airport still dispatched an empty plane, and at the same time special crew members were also prepared.

The head warehouse is relatively wide, but it is obviously not as comfortable as its own plane when taking off. Even if the adult thinks that the eardrum is covered by layers of floating ash.

After the plane flew smoothly, the big brother in Shanghai took a sigh of relief, looked at the father and daughter around him, and said with a mockery: "I'm old, I feel uncomfortable flying."

"Where is your age at its peak? It's just a matter of air pressure and there is no solution." Guan Ming quickly said.

In fact, Guan Ming's aircraft has equipment to stabilize the air pressure in the cabin during take-off and landing. After all, it is Guan Ming's car. As long as Guan Ming does not refuse, Double Star will replace all currently achievable technologies.

A recent report showed that Double Star has already installed small star-like devices in the two private jets. As long as the country sends helium 3 down, the plane can really move around in the sky all day.

"The big plane of the country ..." As if remembering something, the big man shook his head.

After thinking for a while, the big man in Shanghai said: "The emperor has already gathered all the experts who may be involved in biology and medicine recently. The content of discussion at that time may involve the relatively secretive things of the drug. I hope you don't care , We have no intention to touch your scientific research success, so what to say and how to say, you can control it yourself. "This part is what the big brother and the chief giant talked about after the second phone call.

Although modern science is a common phenomenon of group strategy in the group ~ ~, the existence of the leader is inevitable.

Guan Ming was able to independently develop the drug to such an extent, which means that his potential and limit are not the same. It must be known that Guan Ming had to take the time to deal with the artificial island project.

Under the circumstances, everyone hopes that Guan Ming can work harder on the medicine. In order to avoid hurting his enthusiasm, it is also reasonable to say so.

"I see. Thank you for your understanding." Guan Ming said more clearly. At least the big boss in Shanghai knew what he meant by "understanding."

Of course, if it is derived, it may also be for everyone to 'understand' why the second phase will be all women, and even 'understand' his original purpose of studying drugs.

However, even if it is extended, there is no way to extend why Guan Mingjia consumes oysters and waists every day.


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