Private Technology

: One thousand one hundred and twenty two

Although it is not a private plane and some hardware benefits are reduced, whether it is lunch on the plane or the special car enjoyed after leaving the airport and directly to Zhongnanhai, it reflects the country's emphasis on Guan Ming, of course, of which It may also be because the big names in Shanghai are also accompanying.

Maybe I want to reflect humanity. The second stop to Zhongnanhai is Guan Ming's place of residence here, the relatively familiar little villa.

The first stop was to take the Shanghai boss to the door of a small building.

"Mr. Guan, I expect to meet in 45 minutes. If there is no problem, I will call you again in half an hour?" A service staff dragged his luggage and said to Guan Ming sideways.

"Yes, that's bothering you." The other party didn't make any phone calls, so Guan Ming determined that the other party must be a human brain chip user.

After entering the villa, Guan Mengyu, a denim bib shorts, sat directly on the sofa, paralyzed with grievances: "I'll tell you not at home remotely, it's interesting to ask me to come?"

"Can it be the same, besides, your younger sister will be back soon. If it weren't for me, your younger sister would be able to feed you." Guan Ming poured two glasses of water and said leisurely.

Calling Guan Mengyu mainly wanted her to sing the double reed with her. Whether explaining or answering the opinions of experts, Guan Mengyu could use electronic glasses to tell Guan Ming immediately, and Guan Ming had to do according to the book.

As for why she came here in person rather than separated by two places, the main reason is that Guan Ming is afraid of this little pit.

If they go home to beat their children, the family can stand opposite Guan Ming.

If he only scolds him, Guan Ming won't let it go.

So it was better to call her over after thinking about it. Although she may also pit herself intentionally, in the imperial capital, Guan Ming could not be a ghost father in this villa with only father and daughter, but he could be a wolf father.

"Don't make it so scary. I've been used to it for so many years. Besides, I don't have a younger brother. My younger sister seems to prefer to feed my younger brother." Having said that, I don't know why, Guan Mengyu's heart is always sour a feeling of.

Guan Ming: ...

You're right, I have no way to refute!

"I won't talk about that anymore. I asked you the day before yesterday, do you understand now?" Guan Ming rubbed his face and asked.

"The mysteries of the human body are endless. At present, I cannot determine the reasons for all optimization and evolution. There are many possibilities for this situation. The most likely is that these optimization performances are the most easily expressed in genes, similar to dominant genes. ; Secondly, the current natural environment reverses the performance of these genes, like the big dragonfly in the dinosaur era; in the end, it may be human thought that affects the evolution of the body, such as the grandma who lost her teeth and thought that it ’s good to have teeth in her heart After all, the same amount of drugs, even in the same age group, the teeth grow at different speeds, but there is also a gap in personal constitution. "

With both hands on his shoulders, Guan Mengyu said solemnly.

The total number of people in the first phase of the experiment was 100. Whether external or observable internal changes, these people are currently changing towards beneficial aspects.

Guan Mengyu has no way to control stem cell replication in the same way. Similarly, she has no theory to prove why the direction of change is beneficial, which is a bit like sugar toothache.

It is beneficial to eat sugar with low blood sugar. There is no problem in brushing your teeth frequently. If you do n’t brush your teeth, you will know the cause and effect, so you will have your own judgment.

But the problem is that the appearance that the drug can currently see is beneficial, but the disadvantages inherent in it are relatively clear, but there is no way how to solve or measure the middle degree. At least the current management of Mengyu is not Understand.

"Continue to use volunteers for the second phase of the experiment? I feel a little bit ridiculous." Looking at the experiment, Guan Ming's original swear-in attitude became hesitant.

I was thinking that I hope this medicine will be tested quickly and then feed Mu Xiaoxiao.

However, I was afraid that this experiment would be wrong. If a Hulk or something were to come out, it might be that even Guan Ming, now, would be beaten.

"Go for it, this can only be the case now." Guan Mengyu, who has seen Guan Ming for a long time, has no change in his attitude towards him at this moment.

The so-called 1,000 people in the second phase are just the 'selling price'. In Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu's minds, volunteers between 20 and 35-50 can be removed. As for the bottom line, they are Guan Ma and Mu Xiaoxiao The total age of 5 years old is only 20 years old, and the number of people per year can be reduced from 20 to 4.

"Okay, get your stuff, it's time to leave." After drinking the water, Guan Ming bent over the suitcase and pulled out a pair of electronic glasses from it. After all, this thing is the key to singing the double spring Props.

After the father and daughter communicated, about three minutes later, the doorbell rang.

Holding hands big and small, Guan Ming father and daughter set off with electronic glasses.

Normally, this kind of research-oriented thing is less likely to be discussed and analyzed in Zhongnanhai, because it is mainly administrative work, and on the scientific side, it is more reporting-oriented.

However, the total giants are tight in time and schedules, so this meeting is scheduled in Zhongnanhai. No one can tell why there is no clear reason for this. However, no one will pick this up.

"The small tube is here." When someone noticed that someone was sitting down, the chief giant looked away from the material and looked up, smiled and nodded, and said hello.

"Well, I didn't expect to be in trouble for you this time, I'm really sorry." There are name tags in front of each seat. Even if the service staff is in the wrong position, everyone can find a place according to the name tag ~ ~ It's just that Xiao Budian is arranged in a corner not far behind Guan Ming. Maybe she is afraid that her play will affect the meeting.

"Originally, I should say that the more troubles like this, the better, but now I see that this is really troublesome." Shaking the files in his hands, the general giant smiled slightly, and looked at Guan Ming seriously.

Guan Ming's counseling is well known, and it is also well known that Guan Ming likes Mu Xiaoxiao.

The cause, process and result of drug development have been collected and analyzed for a long time. Now, this result is a little biased.

The total giant is not sure what to do if Mu Xiaoxiao is going to take this medicine alive or dead. What if Guan Ming goes to the human experiment in private and in small doses?

The general giant saw a lot of shortcomings and more shortcomings in Guan Ming. He was not sure whether the weight of patriotism and counselling in Guan Ming's mind would be worthy of Mu Xiaoxiao.

PS: It's too late, I will send it out first, and then check for typos ~

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