Private Technology

: One thousand one hundred and twenty three

"So what ... I don't want to ..." Guan Ming sat in a restrained position and responded with a smile.

Seeing Guan Mingsui counseling, the total giant suddenly laughed.

Think about it. How can such a counselor be threatened? You must know that this counselor even pushes forward R & D of weapon systems, and even dares not go abroad, so he dares to gamble with his wife.

Besides, Guan Ming counseled, Mu Xiaoxiao also counseled, Mu Xiaoxiao dare to take his own life to be young?

The total giant's side can't get at Mu Xiaoxiao's point at least. From the analysis of the accumulated data, at least from the old age, the Guan Ming family exudes a thick 'bloom of blood'.

"OK, nothing else, but after researching something in the future, if you can't identify the security and application prospects yourself, you may wish to ask us to report on our work, and we will also help here, although this report It ’s a bit late, but fortunately nothing has happened, and it is worthy of praise. "Pat Guan Ming's shoulder was patted, the total giant comforted him a few words.

Guan Mengyu, who was sitting in the corner, couldn't help but take off the electronic glasses. Looking at the dialogue content transmitted by the double star and the profile of Guan Ming and the chief giant, she could not help jumping up and kicking her father.

What's wrong with this world? People who are so instigated can live so well. What do you do to let those who rob a bank or sell drugs?

Be bolder than you, dare to fight than you, and you wo n’t make much more than that, and enjoy the fate of being shot!

It may be that the talents who can mix up to Guan Ming at such a level are still very rare. After the general giants are comforted, they talk about some parents.

For example, it is best not to let Guan Mengxi play in the drama of drug directors, so as not to get involved.

After a while, a service staff closed the door of the conference room, and the secretary of the chief giant bent his ears to the chief giant's ear, indicating that the participants were all there.

"Everyone is here, time is tight, and I will not introduce them one by one, I believe you all understand, the previous materials have been sent to you, and now Guan Ming will introduce the specific situation." Then said.

Today's participants can be roughly divided into two types, one is an official, the other is a scientist or a think tank.

Guan Ming, who is sitting on the right side of the chief giant, is not sure why he would introduce him after reading the information, but this does not prevent him from repeating the content. It is nothing more than a waste of saliva. Since the chief giant has requirements, Guan Ming will naturally not be hard To reflect the true identity of his straight man.

After a little thought, Guan Ming started to introduce the reasons for drug development, the target of the effect, the performance of the drug, and the experimental process, focusing on the uncertainty and concerns of the drug.

"... The above is my specific introduction to the drug." After speaking, Guan Ming grunted and drank a large glass of water, and the service staff beside him poured Guan Ming another glass.

"Now let's talk about it. Just ask any questions and don't care about us." Seeing the people below move, the giant giant waved his hand and signaled everyone to speak freely.

"Then I'll come first." A flat-headed middle-aged man looked around, and then continued, "Mr. Guan, this medicine should be given intravenously, let alone the determination of the initial dose, how this kind of medicine is done Site-activated telomerase from stem cells? If it directly affects telomerase of target cells, does that mean we can choose to extend human tissues independently? "

As a stem cell of a universal cell, it is characterized by its ability to differentiate cells into a variety of tissues. It can be transformed and then transformed into more than 220 cell types in the human body.

Ordinary cells do not have this ability. Of course, ordinary cells also have a lifespan. To extend the lifespan of ordinary cells, theoretically, they can indeed achieve their goals, such as tooth rebirth and rejuvenation, but this situation is only a special feature. Heal your feet and your feet.

"... I have considered this situation before, but now human beings are precise individuals who have evolved over hundreds of millions of years, and rushing to prolong the life of some cells may achieve the goal I want, but will it not affect the entire human body? The irreversible effect is difficult to say, so I chose stem cells in the end in the hope that it could be used as a supplement to fill the damaged tissue and make the whole body look more harmonious. "Put on the shape, Guan Ming read the content on the electronic glasses.

"But from the current results of the current drugs, your targeting ..."

"This is mainly from the microenvironment regulation of stem cell differentiation and regeneration ..."

"... I have some new ideas about this."

"This, I remember as if I had read a dissertation last year. No, it's not in the field of stem cells, it's theoretical mathematics ..."

"Ethical issues? This ... I haven't thought about that much. After all, there are so many problems with drugs, so I haven't considered the topic of human eternal life."

Guan Ming was busy coping with various problems. With their questions, Guan Ming was reading the answer, and began to analyze the composition of these scientists.

At present, the most frequently asked questions are experts in the field of stem cells, followed by experts in oncology and cancer. The remaining part is mixed with sociologists, economists, experts in international relations, etc. This makes Guan Ming a little confused. Liberal art students are mixed in the science discussion. Is this a steal or a career change?

In fact, Guan Ming is essentially a simple person.

If drugs can live forever, how do you first redefine the distribution of functions among social elites such as leaders, rich people, and scientists?

If drugs can improve the body ~ ~ that country to country, how to deal with drugs, war or trade?

If the drug can evolve into a biochemical weapon, in the military aspect, is it to train a part and release it like a dog, or directly to the target area for evolution?

It hasn't been refined yet. Imagine if an old man who was aging, called a grandfather who looked like twenty or thirty years old, would hit people's inherent thinking.

Many technologies may only change daily life in the eyes of ordinary people, and even daily life cannot be changed, but every new thing that appears does not exist in isolation and has no impact on the current society at all.

Because of Guan Ming's scientific research ability, everyone here thinks that this drug can be developed in their lifetime. What they need to do is whether the drug's ability is threatening or benign, it must play a role in the country. Positive effect.

However, everyone here does not know that the real developer of this drug is Meng Yu, the daughter of Guan Ming.

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