Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-one

With the document in his hand, Director Wei slowly got up and prepared to convene the team leaders.

Looking at the old man in a white coat leaving the office, Guan Ming had some inexplicable feelings.

Obviously, he was able to reprimand Fang Yan, but at the moment his back feels a bit embarrassing. I don't know what sentiment is out of it. Guan Ming remembered the phrase "He looks like a dog" in Journey to the West.

Guan Ming did not have negative senses such as discrimination and contempt, but felt that the back had a kind of desolation, helplessness, and sadness.

"... Xiao Yu, can you study the thing that Director Wei said?" Unable, Guan Ming looked down at his little girl.

It wasn't a request, but it was also asked very seriously, because Guan Ming clearly understood that Guan Mengyu was not only his daughter, but also a scientist who traveled through time and space.

Guan Ming couldn't tell the truth, but he obeyed his own heart and hoped that the old man could get what he wanted. Perhaps in the eyes of Guan Ming, Director Wei is just a microcosm of all domestic scientists.

Facing the international blockade, facing technological difficulties, facing death, facing time, facing the country, society, and responsibility, the group of scientists is silently advancing forward, like a trackman, living with a “moderate” salary From the perspective of people, they burned their youth and wisdom for the rapid advancement of the country and society.

"Scientific research is like climbing a mountain. After the hills, mountains, mountains and mountains, there are the Himalayas, and even the earth, the solar system, and even the Milky Way and the entire universe. This is a way of no return. People on this road will always go. You can't help it until the end. "

You can feel Guan Ming's seriousness, and Guan Mengyu had a rare solution to him.

The essence of a scientist is to discover the unknown—unlock the unknown—discover the unknown. What drives the cycle is indifferent. The point is that the cycle is endless for individuals with a century-old life span, even for a life group. It's all endless, so this is simply an inexhaustible thing, even if there is a hard-working version of Guanming that strengthens the platoon.

"But speaking, I'm curious about your level of scientific research. For so many years, I don't seem to have seen any problems that can make it difficult for you." I think the topic is a bit heavy, and Guan Mengyu was jokingly joking.

Different fields and different directions, but Guan Mengyu can already feel Guan Ming's strength and even greatness, but it is difficult to show Guan Mengyu's control on ordinary days out of the natural despise chain of the passenger to 'indigenous'. Clear recognition and praise.

"Your dad and I are geniuses, so geniuses will always choose a direction that is more conducive to their own research." Holding a dog's head, Guan Ming forks her armpit and puts her on a driverless car. .

"Let's go and have a meeting soon. Don't let them wait."

Mmp, you wait for me, don't see that I can't beat you right now, after 50 years, the old lady will definitely hit you on the ground!

She shook her hair annoyedly, and made her messy hair more regular. In the heart of Mengyu, white hair was lying on the ground with dust on her body, holding her thigh to pray for her forgiveness, and at the same time Guan Ming's eyes crossed. The tears were full of remorse and shame over the past!

It is a bit similar to the Monday morning meeting. There are not many participants. There are more than 70 people, some of whom are two groups. The total number of research groups is close to 100.

However, these 100 are refined and then refined, and even some scientific research groups only do data analysis and do not participate in specific animal experiments.

"Are there any supplements? If not, just leave the meeting. Each group will make a concrete experimental plan before 8 am tomorrow." After helping the glasses, seeing that no one has made any sense, after Director Wei said that he was too late, everyone would be in a hurry. Se hurried away.

Each group has at least two sets of experimental schemes. Although it may seem simple to start the data according to the experimental scheme given by Guan Minggang, this is only simple. It is super troublesome if it is really done. A change of data, There will be a butterfly effect. If you want to rectify the experimental scheme to meet the expected results, the intermediate reference will be massive calculations.

Fortunately, there is a double star, and fortunately, there is a large amount of calculation support, so that each group can have the opportunity to make a plan before 8 am tomorrow, but the price behind this opportunity must be staying up late.

Perhaps there are several hairs in the middle that represent the hairline.

After all, getting stronger comes at a price.

"I'm fine here, let's go and see the group C subjects." Looking around, it was almost gone, Director Wei invited.

Group c refers to the animal experiments with human brain chips. It is also the group with the lowest injury rate at present. Because it can be described by 'taming animals', all researchers in group c should be cautious even if they are fantasy or fantasy. Mistakes caused those rabbits and mice to do some strange moves heroically.

Through the data analysis of the uploaded memories, Shuangxing uploaded all the orders that the experimental subjects could understand to Director Guan Ming and Wei. Therefore, Director Wei severely approved several researchers who did not express their words clearly and ordered them to write a 4D type Review book at the end.

Demonstrate how ridiculous your mistakes are in the form of a dissertation, as well as the causes and prevention of mistakes ...

Even though, most of those who died in the group C experiment were too many drugs, rather than too big a brain hole.

"OK." Nodded, Guan Ming got up and went out.


"Wanger, here you are. Just stand here and watch. The moon is big enough to see clearly tonight." At 12 am, two ghostly figures appeared hundreds of meters away from the assembly plant.

The moonlight was pale on the ground like mercury, but looking away, the whiteness was swallowed up somewhere, like a black hole.

Even a few hundred meters, the man with the surname Wang still had the illusion of coldness, as if it was not only moonlight that was swallowed up, but also his courage.

"Brother Zhao, can you be closer? There is nothing to patrol anyway." Wang Meng whispered his heart's cowardice, and scratched his arm with some nervousness.

Seems to be sweating and scratching, there is actually a miniature camera there!

Wang Meng didn't do this specifically, but he's got a bit lucky recently, so give it a try.

If you do n’t blog, the house must be indebted, maybe his wife will divorce.

If you check it out, the commission can buy a suite again!

As for whether or not this brother Zhao is next to the pit, Wang Meng has no time to think about it. If we really want to discuss it in detail, this brother Zhao who entered the palace is not a good person, otherwise he won't do the business now.

"You want to die! I'll tell you, now the distance, the police station doesn't care about it, and it is all kinds of questions to hold forward. I have several brothers detained in law and order!" Zhao Ping was startled, and quickly grabbed Wang Meng Sleeves, afraid that he would rush in with a stuffy head.

It is still a matter of reputation. As soon as the artificial island project in Guanming was announced, people from all over the country and even around the world are desperately rushing here. I want to see what it is, but there must be some secrets in it. There is no opportunity to take photos at close range.

In order to give a reasonable explanation, the city listed directly, saying that this is the city's key scientific research unit, and at the same time, there are various public opinions on the Internet, saying that this is a secret, I hope everyone understands, even if you are detained by law and order, more Inclusive.

On the Internet, public opinion is also very positive, and everyone understands it. At the same time, everyone is curious about what the assembly plant looks like. Naturally, there are people who are not afraid of death, such as Wang Meng and the party leader Zhao Ping'an.

"Add money, add another 500, give it on the spot!" Wang Meng remembered the total commission for this order, and decisively lured it.

"... at most, at most 100 meters forward, and everything with metal on it must be removed, even the trousers and belts!" Zhao Ping'an listened to all kinds of voyeurism by foreign forces ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Even if it is close to 100 meters, even if it is caught, it is a training and then driven away, but if you are surrounded by a pit, you may not be able to finish the jail by the end of the year.

"Yes, but at least 300 ... no, at least 250 meters, I will give you 1,000, immediately!" Although the words are for negotiation, Wang Meng decisively picks up watches, mobile phones, belts and other metal items.

Wang Meng is not unaware that there may be metal detection equipment, but he can only bet on one wave. In his cognition, the metal detection equipment is too expensive, and the side of this big pit is too long, he did not think that Can cover the entire periphery of the device.

Seeing Wang Meng being so decisive, Zhao Pingan touched his chin and thought for a moment: "5000, if you get caught too much, you must be detained and fined."

"Okay, but I have 2000 now, it's your deposit. I'll pay you 3000 when I go back." After stuffing things into the backpack, I took a dozen of money out of the backpack and handed it over.

"Okay, but I can warn you. I know a lot of people in the Shanghai market. Don't play tricks with me, otherwise you will be on the high-speed rail and I will be able to save you." Once again, a smooth wave of niubi was blown out. He didn't like online payment. After all, the smell of oil was only on the cash.

"I can't fool anyone, but let's go in quickly. I'll ask you to eat sheep and scorpion when I return." Wang Meng said with a smile.

After looking up and down a few laps, Zhao Ping'an did not search the body. It may be that Wang Meng was very decisive just now, or it might be the heart of the 5000 ocean.

"Okay, pay attention later, I said stop right away."

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