Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-two tacit understanding?

"How's the situation now?" A middle-aged male police officer walked into the room next to the interrogation room and looked at the suspect projected immediately.

"Secretary, judging from the current situation, it is difficult for us to find his boss. Wang Meng's confession stated that he owed 2.3 million because of gambling. Later, the gambling leader asked Wang Meng to take a close-up video of Guan Ming's new plant. , You can get a starting commission of 1 million, and increase the price depending on the total length, clarity and content, up to 50 million. "

"We have notified the next branch office that most gamblers have been arrested, but the lead has not yet been arrested. From the exit records, the person has already left the country in the afternoon and the destination is Vietnam. According to his identity, he found that the other party squatted in prison in his early years, and then ran abroad for a few years. The name was an overseas trade boss, and the company was just a bag company. "

Reportingly, the young police officer got up and gave up his seat.

"The news from Guan Ming this time?" The director asked with a frown after sitting down.

The so-called 'guanming side' is nothing but a double star disguised as an automatic alarm system to report the alarm. It comprehensively judges from many aspects such as behavior, carry, distance, and gives different levels of alarm plans.

Such as Wang Meng, they are considered as Class B. Generally speaking, they are amateur espionage, Class A is professional, and Class C is the kind that passers-by are curious.

There is no doubt that different levels of alarm schemes have different levels of judgment on suspects within the bureau. Wang Meng and others are certainly not justified in public security detention.

"Yes, we received an alarm call at 12:27, then immediately called the police and arrested the suspect." The young police officer nodded.

"Specially, people don't get a good night's sleep in the middle of the night!" When the director heard it, he scolded and said, not knowing whether he was scolding himself for not acting, or he was scolding Wang Meng for his actions in the middle of the night.

"Secretary Zou will come to our office for a while, you go and stare at the door, and come and inform me directly." The forefinger knocked on the table, the director said.

"Yes, Chief!" The young policeman shouted loudly subconsciously.

Secretary Zou is the secretary of the Shanghai city boss, Guan Ming may be eligible to not remember his name, but this does not mean that he is not qualified to make a voice on this land.

In fact, Secretary Zou's words and deeds all mean what the Shanghai big boss means, and not many people despise him.

Without the star, but accompanied by the moon, Secretary Zou walked tiredly into the gate of the branch without walking two steps. The former middle-aged director stepped forward with a smile.

"Secretary Zou, I'm really sorry, but I'm interrupting you to rest so late."

"Director Jin is polite, everyone is for work." Shaking hands, Secretary Zou smiled, his expression became serious.

This is a public security branch. Normally, Secretary Zou is fine even if he is cold all the way. After all, this kind of thing, right.

But the problem is that this branch was established in accordance with Mingxin's new factory. Perhaps the level is not high, but it has a great effect. Secretary Zou cannot completely reject the goodwill of the other party.

"Secretary Zou, sit in my office first. I happen to report the accident." The smile converged, and Director Jin knew that it was time to start business.

"Yes." Nodded, Secretary Zou followed Director Jin.

Boiling water drenched on the dry tea leaves, and as the tea leaves stretched, water mist repeatedly rose.

"It's like this ..." Director Jin explained all the information he knew.

While listening, Secretary Zou casually wrote down a few keywords in the notebook, mainly for the purpose of reporting to the big names in Shanghai during the day.

"If you remember correctly, this is the third time this month." After Director Jin finished the report, Secretary Zou frowned and thought.

"Yes, these three preliminary judgments on behavior involved at least two different overseas forces, but the lack of intermediate channels makes it difficult for us to judge. In the past, I also applied for technical support to decipher the other party's mobile phone number and network information. The key position was disconnected, and it is likely that they used paper slips to negotiate from the beginning of a certain ring. "Director Jin was a little bit pained. Although Secretary Zou didn't say it clearly, he also knew that the other party was saving him.

Now only in early July, there have been three Class B alarms. This has not been counted before. Even three times this month, the Double Star proactively issued an alarm, and then the sub-bureau was arrested.

In these times, the control before the branch office did not play any role at all!

"About Wang Meng's coming home, I still have to ask Director Jin to work harder. Recently, a summit will be held in the city. We must pay attention to the security issues here and not give others the opportunity." After thinking for a while, Secretary Zou did not say anything redundant. Because he is not familiar with Director Kim.

"I will urge the people below even more afterwards." Nodded, Director Jin did not give any guarantee. At least from the previous performance, any guarantee is pale.

"In that line, are the materials ready? Give me a copy if you are ready, and I may use it tomorrow." Secretary Zou took a tea cup and took a sip of dark brown strong tea, which immediately made him sober.

The next day, Guan Ming woke up slowly from his sleep.

Looking at the bright vision outside the window, Guan Ming's thinking was a bit chaotic.

Guan Ming is not a person who follows the rules. The biggest manifestation is the weight and the biological clock. Recently, he has worked with those scientists. There are not many things that are really getting started. For the most part, it is mainly observation and learning. What can't stand it is that these guys have no fear of the moon.

When the moon rises, shouldn't everyone lie in the duvet and play villain games, whether it be left sauce, right sauce or even cute pillow sauce.

When you see the moon, isn't there a picture of Chang'e, Zhitu and Rabbit in your heart?

I won't say it late at night, and the thief who is up every day is early, Guan Ming feels that he has boiled down for two pounds of oil!

However, this biological clock gives Guan Ming the greatest happiness. After opening his eyes in the morning, he may see the picture of his daughter-in-law drowsing, instead of opening his eyes as usual, seeing his wife-in-law with big eyes.

On the surface, the difference between the two should be waiting and being waited for. From the perspective of analysis, it is probably love and being loved.

As a fat man with a lot of talents, Guan Ming said that even if he had weak chickens, he was wild and an active person.

Looking at the big beautiful girl who slept in the arms, Guan Ming also showed a smile on his face that didn't wake up. He couldn't help raising his hips and burst a fart in the bed.

Suddenly, feeling that the shoulder on the other side was touched, Guan Ming turned his head and found that the home robot in the house ran over and poked at Guan Ming's shoulder with his fingers, while holding an electronic glasses in the other hand.

Presumably something happened, so Double Star will take the initiative to report, but Double Star did not wake up Guan Ming in advance, indicating that the matter was not urgent to a certain extent.

"What's the matter?" Guan Ming asked with his eyes in his electronic glasses.

"Last night, another group of people tried to take a close-up shot of the assembly plant. At present, they have been caught by the nearby branch. I reversely investigated it. It should be the Australian side. This is the second time that the Australian side has tried. But this time their intermediary has the nationality of another country, as is the case ... "

Lines of text appeared and disappeared, and Double Star told Guan Ming what happened last night.

What cannot be investigated by the branch bureau does not mean that Double Star cannot investigate. The former is limited in the level and level of technical support, while the latter can be unbridled.

The pit of the assembly plant is expected to be more than a meter deep, but this does not mean that a large meter pit must be dug before other constructions, such as wall renovations, are started.

With the presence of the Double Star, many tasks can be completed simultaneously, both in accuracy and efficiency. Unsurprisingly, of course, before that, Guan Ming had already fixed the lid on the assembly plant, similar to a gazebo, just putting the top Masking is used to avoid satellite observations.

And this is why the foreign forces choose to shoot at close range.

Air leakage on all sides is not without money, it is for the convenience of getting in and out of vehicles at the construction site.

"This is the first incident since the assembly plant was started. Judging from the data, the probability of similar incidents is rising. Do you want to hand over the survey data to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" At the end, Shuangxing asked.

Although Double Star has endless patience, this does not mean that Double Star can perfectly resist danger.

The steward family was not injured in the previous Island City attack, thanks to Guan Ming's persuasion to upgrade the 'turtle shell' at no cost and authorize the use of some of the weapons of destruction.

If there were really anti-tank mines or anti-tank mines in the first place, it was possible that Guan Ming would become the king and be caught alive.

However, according to the degree of domestic restrictions on weapons, it is more illusive to achieve this level, especially after the country's 'artificial intelligence' goes online, some small means deployed abroad have suffered heavy losses. Much of the downline is now temporary. The one I was looking for, the one that retreated immediately after I found it, was afraid of being captured.

"The data is sealed. Since the Shanghai big boss didn't ask me to say this, it means he must have other ideas. We don't have to be so strong." After thinking for a while, Guan Ming rejected the double star's proposal.

Both parties know that the other party does not mention ~ ~ It may be because of face considerations or deeper planning. The brave fat pride may emit a tyrant's spirit to deter the Quartet, but to discourage the fat In order to live the years of Wang Ba sit and watch Yun Cun Yun Shu!

"Good boss."

The handwriting appears and disappears slowly after three seconds.

Take off the electronic glasses, Guan Ming carefully placed on the nightstand, for fear of waking up his daughter-in-law because of his actions.

Just looking back, the idiot was awake, biting his lower lip and looking at himself.

"When did you wake up?" Guan Ming asked with a smile, looking at her puffy upper eyelid.

I just had a long time communicating with Shuangxing, which probably disturbed her.

Guan Ming believes that there are many places that are not as good as Mu Xiaoxiao. She is like her last life. As long as there is wind and grass, she will wake up.

Sometimes it was because Guan Ming turned over unconsciously, sometimes it was because the rain hit the window, sometimes it was a child crying.

After waking up, quietly looked at everything, or gave Guan Mingyu a good horn, or lowered his voice to coax the child.

In Guan Ming's heart, she is always a person who is not afraid of bothering herself but others. She is a person with a strong shell and a soft heart.

"Awakened by you, asshole, ah! You fart in the quilt again!" Clearly Guan Ming was busy, Mu Xiaoxiao mourned for a while.

Flopped like a child, kicked the blanket away.

As the sun rises in July, Mu Xiaoxiao is like a pure white lilac flower, unveiled in front of Guan Ming, blooming his fragrance and beauty.

Bathed in the same rising sun, Guan Ming's belly-shaped belly like a small mountain bag, was occasionally driven by the back of Mu Xiaoxiao's hands, causing waves of meat.

PS: There are two more chapters, and 8,000 words are completed today.

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