Private Technology

: 117 Cooperation intention

I heard that he could monopolize the civilian market, and Guan Ming had basically no objections to this cooperation.

Because the military market is troublesome and painful, because not only China has a military market, but also the United States and Russia. The military market orders will definitely be larger than the civilian market, but there are many points to be measured, usually With some political transactions, this part is what Guan Ming can't play.

Another point is that the military is higher than the civilian. If it is civilian, the price from the material to the rear is very close to the people. The production conditions are not harsh from the military. At the same time, there will be a standard system and mass production.

"The venue, the personnel, how do you arrange this part?" Guan Ming is not good at negotiating and has no time to go around the circle.

"We will provide some senior researchers for the personnel. The venue will mainly depend on you." It was a bit of relief when Qian Junhao entered the negotiation. He was afraid that Guan Ming had a bad temper, and he refused directly.

But in fact Guan Ming so counseled, how could he refuse.

Life is like a play. Guan Ming feels that the start has been smooth so far, especially after starting the company. It belongs to the wind start. The teammates saw that they played well. Go, although I have eaten a lot of experience ...

"... Researchers don't need it. I will send you a copy of the source code of the static projection. You will study it first. In terms of dynamic projection, if you have the necessary hardware, I will tell you to prepare it and wait for the dynamic projection to come out. Later, I will send you the source code to ensure technology sharing. "Guan Ming thought for a while and had to make this difficult decision.

Guan Ming cannot bring a group of researchers to study dynamic projection every day, because the current dynamic projection is not in Guan Ming's research sequence. After all, the static projection is not yet available, and the update cycle does not need to be so fast.

Secondly, dynamic projection is not a very difficult problem for Guan Ming. It is mainly limited by hardware, specifically CPU and GPU. The former is mainly computer hardware and the latter is for projection equipment hardware. There may be stronger CPUs and GPUs than the market, but the market is not, or the market has not been updated. The market for Guan Ming is the civilian market, and the hardware replacement cycle for the civilian market is about 18 months. Domestic technology blockade, the mainstream CPUs and GPUs in Europe and the United States are a bit weak, after all, for dynamic projection, data and image processing is still a very important point.

In the end, Guan Ming has more things to do. It is impossible for him to completely leak out his development cycle. Otherwise, according to the cycle, he can guess how many projects Guan Ming has in his hands. This is a More fatal problem.

As the saying goes, he is not afraid of the thief stealing, but he is not afraid of the thief. He does not need to use this exposure to increase product sales.

"This ..." Qian Junhao and Bian Chengwen looked at each other, wondering what to say.

人才 Talents are rare in the 21st century. Through a complete development cycle, one can expand one's thinking and ability in all aspects. This is also one of the purposes of sending researchers. Otherwise, how good the full-line experts and professors will be, and the progress will definitely be faster.

问题 But the problem is that science and technology cannot be faulted, scientific researchers cannot be faulted, and the continuous emergence of talents is an important point for the sustainable development of the country.

"I personally don't have any opinions on the researchers, but many times I like to study by myself, and static projection is a prerequisite for dynamic projection. After all, technology is inherited and orderly." No one learns to run before learning Go, Guan Ming said nothing wrong.

"If this is the case, I still need to go back and discuss it." Qian Junhao thinks about it, without giving a decision at the moment, of course he will not speak hard.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about technical reservations on my side. I can still distinguish between priorities." Guan Ming quickly expressed his loyalty when he saw the expression of the other party.

In terms of technology, although Guan Ming values ​​it, it is of limited importance. If anyone abducts his father and mother, whether Guan Ming controls technology or money, what the other party wants him to give, especially when the other party is a country, of course, The country did not abduct his father and mother.

But it is still the old saying that when the country is strong, he can research what he wants to do without hesitation.

"You can have this kind of heart." Qian Junhao said with emotion, but only with emotion.

"Shall we reach an intention today?" Bian Chengwen interjected.

Guan Ming's information also knows that it is best if he can sign some documents today, because Guan Ming is too watery. He has no relevant experience and does not know the relevant processes. If he signs the documents, there are a lot of things to be solved afterwards. At least do not have to face Liu Mengmeng.

The reason why they suddenly came today is because they heard that Liu Mengmeng went out to negotiate, she went to Foxconn's nest to talk about foundry issues, and before listening to the institute, Liu Mengmeng ran all the hardware used one by one Once again, I went to understand the price and market, not only that, I heard that Liu Mengmeng also asked Foxconn to upgrade the production line, give priority to production and postal delivery, etc. ~ ~ It's awesome.

"That's right, but I talked too fast today. I'll ask Sun Yanan to sort it out later, then discuss internally with the company, and finally discuss with you. How about it?" Guan Ming didn't have much feeling, just felt a little bit fast, as if Just like buying a car, you can place an order when you look at the model. There is no pleasure in spending ...

Qian Junhao, who left, was not too disappointed, but was more thinking about how to persuade his colleagues.

Suddenly, looking at the two leaving, Guan Ming was not too disappointed, because in his eyes, this was not a big deal.

Alas, in other words, he had expected such a scene.

The children swaggered across the market with gold diamonds. There were not many bodyguards. They could only be robbed, and they would be robbed even if there were bodyguards.

I asked Sun Yanan to let her arrange the documents and give them to Liu Mengmeng, then he went down to continue to make supercomputers.

I do n’t care if my father or mother is not at home, Guan Ming can do whatever he wants, without having to eat on time, or suggesting something to sleep, which is great.

Liu Mengmeng had helped before, although he only helped to cut the packing box, Guan Ming said that the construction period was still fast.

It ’s not that I have n’t thought about letting people come down to help myself, but the role of insiders in the company is not only to cut the box, but also to call 666, and at the school, Guan Ming does n’t want them to get involved too much. .

Or in other words, this belongs to Guan Ming's self-entertainment.

After checking one side, there was nothing wrong with the supercomputer. Guan Ming drove home and returned to his home in the central green space. He needed to set up a program to make Double Star move from the Internet. After moving, Guan Ming directly overloaded the super at home. Computers, scrapped and forgotten, it's tiring torn apart, unsafe if not broken.

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