Private Technology

: 118 Fudge Strategic Skills

"What's the matter today?" Guan Ming slaps his bag in the mirror. When he returned from the Greenland Center last night, he deliberately cut his head without dyeing or perming without a membership card.

In my last life, I was around high school, and Guan Ming had the urge to shave his head. This urge was realized the next year when he officially stepped into the job, but the day was not selected. He shaved his head in April and covered his head at night when he slept. Sleep, or freeze your head ...

However, Guan Ming is not prepared to bald in this life, it affects the image too much.

"I just came back today and I am going to report to you about this period of time." Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming of Bao Bao and was unable to vomit. He had not seen each other for a little week. It was very sad to say this when he met. Already.

"Oh? Let's have a meal together and talk about it." When it comes to Saturday, Guan Ming always grows grass.

"Oh, okay." Liu Mengmeng was not tall, Guan Ming walked two steps quickly, Liu Mengmeng had to take three steps, and Fangdian Fangdian followed behind Guan Ming.

"Foxconn has already talked about it. From raw materials to production, to the final postal delivery, Foxconn can do it. The price of each set of equipment is 2700 ex-factory, which guarantees at least two production lines to produce our equipment." Liu Mengmeng today I returned to Shanghai in the morning, the main reason was to go to Foxconn to talk about it.

博 China is a big city, of course. At this stage, human resources are also very cost-effective. When the society develops step by step, such human resource-consuming companies will definitely withdraw, such as going to India.

However, these problems are not serious. After all, those who can survive from Foxconn are at least a strong and skilled worker. Finding a job should not be a problem.

"Yes, have you studied market pricing?" Guan Ming asked.

"Researched, the domestic market is expected to be between 8,500 ~ 10,000, and the foreign market is between 1,500 ~ 2,000 US dollars." Liu Mengmeng followed into the elevator, and then clicked the elevator button.

"Domestic and foreign prices are different ~" Guan Ming is not interested in how to make estimates, but he is more surprised that foreign prices are actually higher than domestic prices, and the highest is nearly 2 times.

"It is mainly a matter of tariffs. Different countries have different proportions of tariffs, and our company also pays tariffs on exports. The so-called one exemption, two halvings, and one year of corporate tax exemption, and the tariffs are relative." In one point, Liu Mengmeng is very open, because consumers pay for it, it doesn't matter.

When Guan Ming heard it, he nodded to show that he knew.

Tariff is a very important tax for a country. During the period of the late Qing Dynasty, there was no shadow of tariffs, although it was because the foreigners could not get the Qing Dynasty in the market ...

现在 Now, there are many manifestations of tariffs. Those who are clamoring that foreign air is better than domestic are not without reason. Of course, this reason is not to say that the air is really good, at least from car consumption.

汽车 The sales price of a certain car in foreign countries, such as the United States, may be in the range of 500,000 soft sister coins, and it may be about 1.2 million in China. Then comparing the income, it is a bit painful.

Guan Ming was also a keyboard hero in his last life, and he also talked nonsense about domestic sales of domestically produced cars without tariffs, but the problem is that the same model has the same performance and the price is not low ...

Seeing Guan Ming nodded, Liu Mengmeng didn't know what it meant, so he explained: "Because there is no competition in the market, and only static projection of the equipment and our products are not necessities of life, our main target at present is units, enterprises. And some rich individuals. "

"How is the market researched? What is the staffing?" Guan Ming stepped out of the elevator and asked casually.

"Uh ... I recently recruited a group of employees, mainly in the market, because the company didn't have enough staff." Liu Mengmeng gave a stun, but did not expect Guan Minghui to ask.

Shrugging his shoulders, Guan Ming said it didn't matter, anyway, there was so much money.

Before lunch, Guan Ming has informed the restaurant, including noon meal options.

相比 Compared with the number of employees, the company has significantly more chefs, so it currently supports the ordering business. You can tell the restaurant in advance what you want, and the taste is also very good.

I took a tray with Guan Ming's favorite fried clams and sauce squid, and found a place by the window. Half of the table was directly exposed to the sun. Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng sat in the shadows.

"There are too many journalists who want to interview recently. Domestic, foreign, and some companies want to order holographic projection equipment and agency sales, etc. Boss, what do you think?" Liu Mengmeng held his own For lunch, the main course is braised pork with a deep red glow.

"Reject both the order and the agent. On the holographic projection, we don't need to look at other people's faces. The reporter's word, set a time, press conference, I will go at that time." Guan Ming said at the last product conference Not happy, maybe there are few people, or it may be something else, I always feel a little worse.

没 "No problem, how about today Saturday and next Wednesday?" Liu Mengmeng thought about the progress of recent events and asked.

"... Alright, then Wednesday." Guan Ming figured it out, Wednesday is really a good time.

The holographic projection needs to be ordered on the official website and then mailed. Domestic and foreign websites are already prepared, but it needs to talk to banks and third parties. Domestic talks are good. Foreign words are currently being discussed. It can be confirmed on Tuesday. At that time, the available transaction methods can be announced at the press conference to prepare consumers in advance.

Uh ...

The report is verbal and paper ~ ~ A lot of things are just about Liu Mengmeng, time is still a bit tight after all.

Sitting in the car, Guan Ming looked at the documents on hand, which recorded the foreign third-party trading platforms and banking parts. He had just read the memorandum of negotiation with Foxconn. After signing the contract, Guan Ming had to sign in person. Not so big.

The car is driving very stable, and at the same time, the speed is not fast. Zhou Wu driver, Ma Qingyun is in the co-pilot position.

Because Guan Ming rarely leaves the company, the work of these two people is also monotonous. Fortunately, the company provides better logistics. The second floor has a gym and some entertainment facilities. The first floor also has a simple security lounge. When you get up, everyone can only do it.

The car stopped at the side of the road, but Guan Ming slowed down after more than ten minutes, mainly because he was a little attentive to reading the documents before.

I didn't say hello, Guan Ming walked straight out of the car and walked to the bus stop two or three hundred meters away. I didn't realize the eye contact between Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun ...

Since I learned that Guan Ming will teach Mu Xiaoxiao in the next year, and he is not planning to find another tutor, the Mu family has a much better attitude towards Guan Ming. The most intuitive manifestation is that he has more smiles and more chats. .

I talked with Guan Ming about the customs and customs of Shanghai, asked about Guan Ming's university life, asked Guan Ming to communicate with others, and so on.

Regarding Mu's enthusiasm, Guan Ming said that Fudge is an important strategic skill.

PS: Thank you Han Zhongxue for catching bugs and thank you for your support.

There are a lot of loopholes in this novel, and there are many places where it was spit. I learned yesterday that a book friend helped me to push to Long Kong. Last night I kept going to Long Kong. Thank you very much, thank you for your support, including the various This way spontaneously helps me push books, and helps me expand the reader circle, thank you!

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