Private Technology

: 119 Target with Metal Three-D Printer

Wu Shuangxing is moving to the company, but Guan Ming needs a cover up to want to appear in front of people. Voice assistant is a good choice.

Voice assistant is not a very new thing. For example, siri, from the earliest to the last mobile phone used by Guan Ming, siri's performance can only be used fairly well, or that Guan Ming itself is not very used to using voice assistant.

Voice, intonation, including dialects, and murmurs, etc., will affect Siri's performance, but Double Star does not have high requirements in this regard, because it can automatically distinguish.

It is also due to the intelligence of Double Star. The so-called voice assistant, Guan Ming only needs to update the voice-related modules. For example, because the memory was too small, there was no extra audio, etc. After Double Star officially entered the building, Guan Ming It will cause the binary star to allocate a part of the calculation amount and the memory.

At first Guan Ming wanted to be an independent voice assistant, but considering that time was so tight, Guan Ming was fine.

On the second floor of the building, Guan Ming exercised on the treadmill at a walking speed.

There are a lot of people on the second floor. There are out-of-guard security officers and company employees.

The second floor is more versatile. The largest and most visible area is the central swimming pool. Although the weather is very hot, these female employees have not gone swimming when they first arrived at the new company.

Wu Guanming felt that those security guards had sharper eyes.

管 In Guan Ming's view, these security guards who retired from the army are not as legendary as they are. To be precise, in some aspects, they are too ...

However, it doesn't matter. I also finished my meal today, and suddenly whimped down to exercise. It is said that walking for half an hour after a meal consumes 250 calories and has an effect on bodybuilding. However, it is true that Guan Ming does n’t know. Anyway, he also It is impossible to practice the ass.

For about half an hour, I just chatted with the people around me, and then Guan Ming returned to the upstairs room and continued to look at the documents.

There are a lot of documents submitted by Liu Mengmeng. I only watched a small part at noon. At present, I am looking at the company's market analysis of holographic projection (static). Generally speaking, the expected value is not very high, mainly because of the current holographic projection. The function is monotonous. According to analysis, the current market should be in units and enterprises, but Guan Ming does not think so.

The concept of 3D glasses in the last life was also very hot. Later, the business made some supporting software, videos, etc. in order to promote 3D glasses. However, it was the H industry that ignited the public. Even the videos made by businesses had some H elements.

Guan Guanming did not need to prompt the company or the company in the H industry on the market, because the report in hand showed that a well-known company ordered 20 holographic projections and wanted the first batch of goods.

Don't ask Guan Ming why he knows this company. It's mainly too famous. Thanks to this company, he has unlocked various fighting stances.

Of course, the company that applies for the order is not only that company, including some well-known laboratories and large enterprises. It also orders in batches. Guan Ming thinks that he wants to analyze the holographic projection technology, but it is a question of analysis. .

Just like the previous copy of "Magic World", the map of the upgraded copy is infinite and random, naturally not because it was made in advance, in fact, it is almost the same as "Minecraft" and "Unmanned Deep Space", of course, with the addition of Some other things, ideas and technologies are not something you can crack.

I will report on the coffee table, Guan Ming thinking about the next project.

Everyone must have a dream, otherwise there is no difference from salted fish, but Guan Ming really has no big dreams.

Either change the world or lead the technology. The original purpose of starting the company, or the first purpose of the company when he first arrived in the world, is to make enough money and then do what he likes.

Although he owes a bank loan now, with the listing of holographic projection, he thinks that there is no shortage of money, and then he will happily finish his life.

And what he likes to do, in fact, there is only one thing from his last life to this life, doing some interesting things manually.

最高 The highest achievement of my last life was purely manual small mechanical equipment. There should be many things that can be manually operated in this life. He didn't mind making the world convenient because of him.

思考 I think about my next project from the perspective of company development. This is what Guan Ming thinks about these days.

Dynamic projection takes one and a half years to get out, because the previous market has not been developed, and the company's external business is currently only "Magic World".

不 Under the circumstance of making money, Guan Ming can wait for the dual stars to analyze the photon computer, or launch satellites for satellite network layout. Of course, some homogeneous AR / VR research and development can also be carried out.

But after thinking about it, Guan Ming still thinks that he should work hard in the direction of 3D metal printing.

First of all, the company does not have a special factory to provide various shapes of metal that Guan Ming needs.

Second, this technology is supported in theory, and the research and development speed will be much faster.

Finally, the market prospects for this technology are also very broad.

However, Guan Ming will not be produced and will be launched to the market immediately. It still depends on the timing. If the 3D printer can finally be reduced to the desktop level, the application range may be smaller than that of holographic projection, but it will also be larger than other non-life essential products .

In the future, a lot of technology research and development, not just rely on the network, such as BAT, there are more technology will move towards the real thing, 3D printer is a platform for those who are interested in making progress in this area.

But we need to consider the type of metal, and the temperature control.

Guan Ming remembered that it was probably in the 1980s and 1990s. There was a very interesting report about metal printing ~ ~ But this printing is like stacking blocks, covering the metal powder layer by layer, and finally it becomes my own thought Wanted metal body.

Of course, in that era, this idea was too far-fetched, but Guan Ming thinks that this idea is now achievable.

Will the 3D printer have a dangerous impact on the society? The answer is yes, because users can freely print what they want, such as pistols and so on.

But this does not mean that people should abandon this thing. After all, the development of science and technology has brought more positive aspects to people. Even if the mass equation has caused Japan to suffer, people still look forward to the convenience of nuclear energy. Research.

Inkjet multi-layer printing is a good idea. Whether it is an electrostatic field or a magnetic field, the shape of metal droplets can be effectively controlled. The size of the solution can be controlled through the nozzle to ensure accuracy.

有 But there is one point, no matter how the 3D metal is printed, it is definitely not as stable and durable as the traditional method.

As for whether metal 3D printers will have an impact on traditional manufacturing, Guan Ming said that this is simply impossible, because manufacturing is the foundation of a country.

PS: Thank you for your reward for not having grass and flying waves. Thank you for your support!

From the time the book was published to the present, I unknowingly rewarded it to 80+. I still have support even if this book is not on the shelves, or if I have n’t determined whether this book will be an eunuch.

Of course, even today, to this day, I personally think that there will be eunuchs, although there are too many people.

Continue to work hard, without setting any big goals. I just hope that July 1st will be better than June 1st in terms of writing style and plot, even if only a little bit better.

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