Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-eight is not talking nonsense, really flickering!

Two days later, the day after the APEC summit ended, Guan Ming welcomed a team of leaders from multiple countries at the company's doorstep.

There are many famous places in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Guanming company is one. According to the classification, it can be classified into the human landscape. After all, while security is very strict here, everyone knows that this is Guanming's old nest. May contain too much fresh technology.

"Welcome." After seeing the door open, Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while. Guan Ming could only say that the sun at 8 o'clock was really hot.

"You guy." Hearing Guan Ming's words, the chief giant shook his head with a smile, then began to greet the leaders who got off the bus.

In fact, not only leaders from various countries, but also chief executives of some multinational companies, including the bosses of mobile phone companies such as Apple.

Guan Ming's judgment of foreigners' expressions will always be slightly distorted, so he understood the smiling Cook in front of him as a grin.

I do n’t know if the foreigner ’s impression of the country has been fixed. Many times it ’s clear that everyone wants to sit down and negotiate on an equal footing, and there is consensus on both sides. You do n’t have to talk about it.

Looking at it from another perspective, these mobile phone companies from Apple are also coming from leaders of many countries to take advantage of this opportunity to control Ming wave. I hope he can pull out something good, which belongs to the stick + carrot, but the problem is that Guan Ming is not bad. .

Don't say that just by the so-called 'trends', even the real trends are useless.

At that time, Guan Ming had taken the initiative to withdraw from the international market. He didn't care about some of them.

Standing next to the chief giant, Guan Ming didn't receive Cook's ideas. It was Liu Mengmeng who came out. Anyway, she was clear about Guan Ming's attitude, and at the same time, she was more concise than Guan Ming.

"It looks the same as last time." A glance at Guan Ming, who was behind the chief giant, commented on Okui standing in the lobby on the first floor.

Many technology companies will have pavilions. In addition to some of the company's products, there are also some immature and unlisted products. In the overall evaluation, this should be regarded as a stuff for pretend, but Guanming Company But not.

"I usually spend less time in the company, so I don't pay much attention to these." Guan Ming softly pushed back.

If this is the general giant or even the Shanghai stock market boss, Guan Ming will humbly say that he is not strong enough, but in the case of Austrian Hei, Guan Ming's attitude is still very clear, and at the same time take this opportunity to those who The foreigner stated that he would not give in.

"It's a natural decoration style, and probably only this kind of company can brew more miracles." The polar bear boss nodded, and a series of rolling tongues blurted out.

The decoration of the company was done by Guan Ming. Whether the whole is natural or not, the first floor, in addition to the good light, the big tree in the middle and the large area of ​​lawn are really good.

"Thank you for the praise. An excellent working environment can make employees perform better." Guan Ming is still very useful for this boss's praise.

The rise of the polar bear, in addition to receiving massive heritage, the boss's credit is also indispensable. It may be publicized in the country. Guan Ming's impression of this person is stronger than that of Austrian black.

As for the remaining foreign leaders, Guan Ming is somewhat blind.

I took you around the company's ground floor building and explained the functions of each room. Sometimes I was humble and thankful. It was not enough, but it also killed a lot of time.

"I heard that the underground building is Mr. Guan ’s private laboratory. I do n’t know if we are lucky enough to go down to see it. Although the above-ground building is also very good, it is missing a few technology products that a technology company should have. We would rather like to see Some novelty, at least allows us to predict what kind of technological creations we will have in the future. "The diarrhea boss of the island country said, and looking at other leaders, is probably a manifestation of gang formation.

"Somewhat unfortunately, the laboratory is undergoing refurbishment during this time, and the mess below is messy, so ashamed to see people." Xiao Yan, after the little translator translated it, Guan Ming did not wait for other leaders to talk, so he took one step Refuse.

"Is there a new scientific research direction for the refurbishment? Let's talk about it. In our country, the sales volume of the second-generation holographic projection is very good. At this time, the customs side has a volume of more than 100,000."

It seemed that the boss who was talking about was Jia or Mo. Guan Ming was a little blind and gave Liu Mengmen a look. She decisively arranged for people to start moving chairs for everyone to sit down and talk.

The top floor of the company is where the astronomical telescope is placed. Although the area is the smallest in the entire building, everyone will not feel crowded when they sit down.

"There is no new direction. I am currently designing new driverless cars. After all, it has been a long time since the last launch, and I want to take advantage of driverless cars. At present, there are certain restrictions on mainstream models." After seated, Guan Ming said.

Although the gun car is powerful and wonderfully shaped, it is indeed a further advantage of the driverless car.

Do n’t say abroad. Once there is a holiday or something in the country, no one can stand the traffic jams. Not to mention the long-distance driving for more than ten hours. Just talking about the constant brake pedal and accelerator actions when the highway is intermittent, it ’s the driver ’s The torture of the mind and body.

If there is a driverless car, then all passengers really lie down and go home, there is no need to worry about getting started slowly by the car in the back, or the brake point slows down and kicks people's buttocks.

Moreover, driverless driving is calculated, not the driver's experience. Neither the start nor the stop has a small negative sensory effect on the people in the car, and some friends who are prone to motion sickness will not react too strongly.

The most important thing is that this gun car is ready to be pulled out to the Great Wall for a while, and this car is also the mainstream model that the Great Wall is going to go to the international market. I just do n’t know if the gun will stay on the Great Wall. Tears of thanksgiving.

"I don't know if there is any new application for the anti-gravity equipment before. If this technology is added to the vehicle, it will be very interesting." Austrian Black looked over curiously.

Upon hearing Okui's words, the expressions of other foreign leaders were subtle.

According to the existing imagination, the most beautiful combination of anti-gravity equipment in film and television should be an alien flying saucer, which can break through the sound barrier and produce a visual sense of instantaneous movement, without the kind of smoke and fire. The prospects in the military field are very broad.

"The application of anti-gravity equipment still has certain limitations. At present, there are no mature conditions to apply, and reduction or expansion is not simply a matter of proportional scaling. There is still a long way to go before it is applied. "Guan Ming didn't respond for a while, but he instinctively shrank.

Anti-gravity equipment has broad application prospects, but military use must always be one step ahead of civilian use. It is impossible to control the people first and then the army. Even if the army is first, then the country must be first, then abroad, and he is not confused. Pretend to be stupid enough to be stronger than hard steel.

"Our company financed a company in the middle of last year and is also focused on anti-gravity equipment. If there is always time, we may wish to communicate. We use the magnetic levitation technology to operate. At present, the maximum flight distance has exceeded 1500 meters. , Technology is still there. "Google's glasses CEO chimed in.

"I've seen that news, and it looks good." Guan Ming smiled with a reserved smile. The so-called "good" is just "looking" good.

The company funded by Google is a magnetic levitation skateboard. When Guan Ming watched the video on the tubing, he really did magnetic levitation, but the problem is that the magnetic levitation here requires the venue, that is, it must be on the surface of conductive materials. For example, The ground surface is made of copper and lu, and the suspended height does not exceed 5 cm.

This kind of distance, this kind of request, also exchange a fart, is this ready to exchange the future supercomputer with the current personal notebook?

Although Guan Ming's anti-gravity device is also magnetic levitation, the problem is that this anti-gravity device has a strong ability to capture magnetic fields, so it has lower requirements on the external environment ~ ~ As long as the magnetic field reaches a certain intensity, it can be used, and he cannot afford It doesn't make sense to communicate with Google.

Even poverty alleviation is not so helpful. Besides, charity is only aimed at the country.

"It's better to communicate now. Speaking of us, although we are very amateurs, we still have a longing for some." The island country diarrhea boss suggested with a smile.

"When I was communicating with the technicians, they were also curious how the tube always broke the magnetic levitation of one meter in height. Everyone said it was incredible." Google CEO followed.

After looking around, Guan Ming found curious expressions on the faces of leaders of other countries, knowing that this could not be avoided.

"Because of some trade secrets, I can't say too much, I can only say that it is related to ... superconductor." Guan Ming thought for a while and said.

In Guan Ming's anti-gravity equipment system, superconductors can be used or not, just like dolls, there are silicone and inflatable ones, but the function is ...

The presence or absence does not affect the use of antigravity.

Superconductors are not magnetic, or metals that enter a superconducting state are not magnetic.

But a superconductor is like a mirror. When it encounters a magnetic field, it generates an inverse magnetic field.

Therefore, such a plausible answer, all of them suddenly flickered, even the chief giant cast a puzzled look: man, did you say something that should not be said.

Guan Ming blinked and passed on one: Boss, I didn't say it blindly, I was flickering about them.

Not sure if the giants get the correct feedback, Guan Ming feels that from the performance of his daily counseling, the giants will not deviate too much, even if they understand it wrong.

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