Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-nine

Technical communication is always aggressive, but aggressiveness is only for the technology itself. Everyone understands that a technology brings many changes, such as money.

"The total holographic projection of Guan Guan is very good, and the second-generation products are much smaller than the first-generation products. It happens that we mobile phone companies are all here. It is better that we cooperate to add a holographic projection module to the mobile phone so that more people can enjoy it. To the convenience of carrying a holographic projection with you, "Cook said, seizing the opportunity.

"This proposal is very good. I can watch the holographic projection at the same time as taking a call. I don't think people around the world will reject this high technology." Okuai gave the platform to Cook.

"It's true that even if it will increase costs, we are still willing to pay this money to add new features to the mobile phone." Several mobile phone vendors around also said in a variety of ways, saying that this technology is great and so on.

Normally, the general giant should come forward to help Guan Ming at this time, lest he can't help but be forced to agree, but before today, Guan Ming has said that he will not cooperate with foreigners, even the general giant also knows that Guan Ming is about Huawei CEO.

"The idea is very good, but it is very difficult to achieve, unless the mobile phone returns to the era of Big Brother, and I have a lot of work at hand, and I don't have time to do research in this area for the time being." Guan Ming did not hesitate because of Okui's words. , Decisively rejected their invitation.

Even if it is cooperation, Guan Ming cannot find cooperation with foreign manufacturers.

Money, Guan Ming doesn't care about making more money, but the partners are still very worthy of choice. Instead of fattening foreign manufacturers, it is better to try to make domestic manufacturers nourish, and it is not that there are no mobile phone manufacturers in China.

"It's better to provide some technical support to President Guan. Let's study together. Of course, the price is easy to say. Even if we go to bank loans, the problem is not big."

Okui nodded with a smile.

The reason why high-tech has to be named a 'high' is because it is a kind of talent-intensive, knowledge-intensive, technology-intensive, capital-intensive, risk-intensive, information-intensive, industry-intensive, competitive and penetrating. The development and advancement of society have significant impact on cutting-edge technology.

The holographic projection has been around for several years. Guan Ming used holographic projection technology to cut the leek all over the world, or the one that has been cut for several years, let alone the influence of the military field, just the wealth gained by this technology. It is enough to make many countries and enterprises jealous.

In recent years, countless people around the world have decoded Guan Ming's technology, but they have not been successful. The opportunity to acquire this technology, even if it is only Guan Ming's technical support, is a lot of money for many companies.

Of course, as far as Guan Ming is concerned, this technology is equally invaluable.

"I'm sorry, trade secrets." Spreading his hands, Guan Ming didn't make nonsense, and said it directly, after all, this is a technology that gets 100 billion yuan every year.

"Mr. Guan shouldn't be too narrow. After all, this is a technology that benefits all mankind. Even if the module for mobile phones is not developed in the end, everyone in the world will thank Mr. Guan." The diarrhea boss shook his head with a regretful expression, as if Guan Ming is anti-human.

Guan Ming always thought that such remarks would only appear to some immoral journalists or low-level horse pawns, but he never thought that this person would have the face to say this.

However, it is not too much to think about it carefully. After all, the foreign policy of turning the tide is not something that ordinary people can do. There is no reason why this person has been around for so many years.

"Knowledge must be respected, otherwise no one will continue to make efforts to change the world." The general giant said directly, blocking Guan Ming for a wave.

After all, there are some things that the total giant can say, but Guan Ming is hard to say.

To put it bluntly, Guan Ming faces the market and consumers. Once he angers the market and once the market is dominated by the media, he will be severely hit, especially if Guan Ming ’s artificial island project is still a swallow of gold. Big households.

"Benefiting all mankind is a wonderful vision, and I hope so too, but the problem is that I can have such a vision, but it does not mean that other people have the same idea. Some time ago, our company tendered for the artificial island project. Mitsubishi in your country. Wires also participated in the tender, but at the time of the review, I had channels to prove that there were fraud and tampering data on the O-ring rubber seals of Mitsubishi Electric. It should be known that this seals will be applied to automobiles, ships, aircrafts, etc. in addition to artificial island projects The realm of life and death is a matter of concern. "Guan Ming, with a poor expression, deduced with deep affection what is called" Compassion for Heaven ".

Seeing what the boss wanted to say, Guan Ming quickly said, "I'm not in a position to tell the reporter, but if necessary, I can provide relevant data to prove it."

When the little translators finished interpreting Guan Ming's words, everyone's face changed. Compared with the general giant, who obviously wanted to laugh and only laughed into a smile, those Japanese companies that wanted to cry but could only smile. Much more uncomfortable, especially in the face of gloomy auto companies.

In fact, Guan Ming has a lot of data at hand. It is not Guan Ming who deliberately pitted the other party, but Mitsubishi Electric had really passed the review and participated in the bidding. Shuangxing went to hack a wave of servers, and then it was found that many data showed signs of tampering.

As for saying that Guan Ming raised it on the spot in such a shameless manner, the boss was so confident that he was so confident that he ended up in person.

Guan Ming is not a soft persimmon, not everyone can come up and pinch it twice.

"There should be a misunderstanding in the middle, and I will look it up when I go back. Our artisans are strong, and the probability of this happening is not high." The black face, the diarrhea boss explained unswervingly.

The main reason was that he didn't dare to act too strongly. Otherwise, what would happen if Guan Ming showed the data on the spot? No one knew if the data in Guan Ming's hand was real, but he understood that once Guan Ming showed the data, it would not be good data.

And regarding the Mitsubishi Group's manufacturing scandal, the boss also heard something.

"Since it is a society of people, there may always be various possible problems in the middle. This is unavoidable, but at this time today, Guan Ming, if you have any difficulties, you can actively raise them. After all, this is also a rare communication channel. "The general giant simply did not give the boss an opportunity to explain, and looked at Guan Ming with a smile.

Guan Ming has some mistakes in his performance today, but there are also praises. What makes the chief giant happy most is that Guan Ming counseled thoroughly before him, but he was bold in front of others.

Very good, very good. In the eyes of the general giants, this performance is very positive and very consistent with the core values ​​of socialism!

This involves not only the simple things of face, but also attitude.

How do you say, there is a kind of domestic Teddy who can sell cute in front of himself, and can be fierce outsiders, without worrying that others will throw a mother Wang to cheat.

"Speaking really, you probably all heard about my artificial island project. In the future, I will invite external tenders every year. It will last for a few years. I ca n’t say well, but I hope that powerful manufacturers from all countries will stay there. Come, as long as the strength and quality pass, I am welcome here, of course, the content of the tender may change every year, but before the tender, I will open the tender content. "Guan Ming knows that the interest is to win everyone The best weapon.

It's hard to say shame to all foreign leaders today, but there is absolutely no possibility to please everyone. Only interests will let them abandon their former suspicions.

"The artificial island project is full of excitement. Of course, we have heard of it, but how does the judgment of strength and quality operate? The third party? Or you?" The polar bear boss asked, and the leaders of other countries also came to see it. The billion-dollar project deserves everyone's attention.

"It's my judgment. The specific process is like this. According to the bidding documents submitted by the applicant companies, the competition is qualified. We will investigate the company, including its qualifications, scale, credibility, etc." said this Guan Ming did not forget to give a glance at the diarrhea boss.

"Based on these materials, determine whether the company is able to execute the bidding documents ~ ~ If it is capable, we will put in the remaining things, but most of the latter things are about capacity, transportation and payment. In theory, at this step, there is already a high probability of signing a contract, unless there are major commercial differences. "

This is more modest. In fact, according to this year's three tenders (domestic, military, and foreign), as long as it has passed the trial, the signing rate is 100%.

After all, Guan Ming paid unambiguously, and all companies would not reject the opportunity to start construction this year.

"It seems that the preliminary review is the key." The polar bear nodded and said, and the diarrhea boss there was dark again.

The territorial dispute between the four northern islands has always been an unavoidable matter for the two countries. Even if there is Wang diplomacy, things that still cannot be ignored.

"Yes, I personally believe that the first element of a company's survival is integrity, and the size of the business is small. I can give small orders, and I can give an order that allows the business to work at full capacity for one year, so that the business can grow rapidly. An enterprise does not even have the most basic integrity, so I can't give orders at all. Compared with money, I care more about whether the whole industry will have a tendency to drive bad coins to drive good coins. "Guan Ming couldn't help but feel sorry.

In the past life, Guan Ming also experienced bad currency driving good currency. Although the boss of the unit is usually very good, he always signs the papers of everyone. Although it is a convention, the problem is that for many ambitious people, One uncomfortable thing.

After all, not everyone is as salty as Guan Ming.

Probably, in addition to Guan Mingxian, it is also related to the inverse of his annual output.

Speaking of which, Guan Ming's life is also considered a bad currency.

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