This time when the Shanghai big brother came over, Guan Ming thought he would talk about the drug experiment, at least he would ask if there was any difficulty, whether he needed help, etc., but it was beyond Guan Ming ’s surprise that Bye bye, I didn't say a word about the medicine.

Going home and pondering for a while, Guan Ming thinks that it should be the Shanghai market leader who knows about drugs, and higher level people have long been paying attention.

Just like admonishing Guan Ming not to send small animals, there are some things that probably need attention from the big names in Shanghai, or they should be avoided.

However, with the IQ of Guan Ming, you can understand this level. If you go down, you can't really guess, after all, he is not a criminal detective.

The apec summit had a lot of results, but for Guan Ming, the biggest achievement was just a wave of positive steel. As for possible problems in the follow-up, Guan Ming said that he could not go abroad, and the problems were not big at all.

"Dad, dad, brother pulled the pants again ~" Guan Meng Xi Bidan ran downstairs from the upstairs, plopped on the sofa, tilted his head, and played Guan Ming's belly.

"Huh? Was she kicked out by her mother?" Guan Ming couldn't help laughing as she listened to her cheerful voice with a small depressing voice.

I do n’t know who inherited it. My brother pulled his pants. This sister wants to help change the diaper and wipe the buttocks.

I want to come here because of your mother, your father and I did n’t even play with urine when I was a kid, let alone shit! !!

"Huh! Mom hates it!" Flat mouth, Guan Mengxi lying on the sofa in a huff, probably boring.

Although the twins have high IQs and the courses are all in high school, for physical reasons, they will not study all day or night, and the duration of each lesson will not exceed 30 minutes.

It's not just about Meng Xi, but also about Meng Yu, and today is one of the weekly holidays.

According to the double star report, today, during the day, while Miss Xiaoxiao was squatting, Miss Sister took her sister to change to a younger sister's outfit, which was a skirt. Even the sister secretly got her old lady's lipstick. I have to paint my brother. My brother has a good grandma ...

"Mom is a nasty ghost, play with mom later, play with dad ~" Guan Ming laughed, holding Guan Mengxi on his leg by the way.

"No, my mother doesn't hate ghosts, my dad is just a little bit ~" Climbing down, Guan Mengxi grimaced at Guan Ming, and then ran upstairs, most likely to see his brother washing his buttocks.

After a few minutes, the tube mother came down and shook the water drops on her hand while walking, and it seemed that she had just finished processing the tube Mengyou.

"As soon as I got home, I knew that I had to sit there with a grandfather, and my son didn't take care of him. You are really patient." It was probably disgusted by the shit, and the mum muttered uneasily.

"Where's my dad? Go out?" She couldn't hear her, and Guan Ming quickly switched off the subject.

"No, play games upstairs, say wasteland or something, I don't understand, and also said that he would invite his teammates to come over and go out to play together." Speaking of pipe father, the old lady's attention The power was indeed transferred, and his tone was equally upset.

"Play and play, the yacht is at home." Guan Ming didn't care about it. After all, the real identity of the old man's teammates was very clear. Even if there was a Wang among them, he didn't know when the old man would see it. How wonderful the expression after the rhubarb will be.

"By the way, I heard Xiaoxiao say that you two are going to take Xiaoxi out for a while?" Guan Ma may have just heard Mu Xiaoxiao talking about this, so she asked.

The cause and effect Mu Xiaoxiao said very clearly, the old lady also understood very clearly, the only concern is the security issue, after all, there is also a previous record.

"Yes, be famous early, why do you want to go?" Guan Ming actually rarely hang out with his family, mainly because of lack of patience.

I obviously want to be with my family, but many things are not enough participation. Last time I saw lavender, my family had a good time, but Guan Ming didn't call.

The family didn't say anything at that time, and even Mu Xiaoxiao offered to come back early. To be honest, Guan Ming was still a bit guilty.

"Where we go, mainly Xiao Xi, remember to take a few more photos and post them online." Shaking his head, the old lady didn't want to be exposed.

Besides, there are two young people in the family who want to take care of her. The old man can't count on her, so she can look at her as a grandma.

"Okay, I can't forget." Nodded, Guan Ming should go down.

During the talk, Mu Xiaoxiao came down with a large band of small dogs. Xiao Xiaodian was holding Mu Xiaoxiao's neck and looking back, and he showed Guan Ming a back of his head for a while.

Probably the principle of same-sex exclusion. Guan Ming actually likes this son in his heart, but he doesn't know how to express it. Maybe there are 'poor children, rich women', and 'day to fall ...' Think of it.

Extreme care and love are also mixed with a touch of isolation. It may be that this little point is also a cross-passer, and then the infinite love in the early stage will be wasted.

"Washing Xiangxiang, look, what about Dad?" With a long voice, he didn't know whether he was a cute child or a cute Guan Ming. When he got to Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao put his son on his lap.

Quickly forked his son's armpit, and stepped back and forth on Guan Ming's thigh.

He leaned up a little, lest this little ancestor step on his uncle.

"Xiaoyou, don't you want dad?" Guan Ming grinned as he looked at the fat little point.

Probably Mu Xiaoxiao has been very nutritious lately, which caused Guan Mengyou to have ample food. His face is not fat and he looks very happy. His lips are squeezed out by the meat on his face, a bit like a goldfish.

"Ah, ah ~" stepping on Guan Ming's thigh, shaking his little hand, saying something unknown.

Looking around with small eyes, it can be seen that the attention is not on Guan Ming, but this is also normal, infants and young children have poor visual development. It is said that children can only see large color blocks at this time, which is why Many infants and young children's cartoons have different colors and shapes from adult cartoons.

Well, the adult animation here is not Mu Xiaoxiao's adult animation, but "Pirates" and "Naruto".

"Bye Dad, have we forgotten to make a fist." Piling Guan Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded a little with his fingers.

"... What fist?" My mother was here, Guan Ming was a little embarrassed.

What's more, it's called my dad, even if you add the word 'children'.

"That's it." Raised his little left hand, Mu Xiaoxiao punched him with his right hand.

Guan Ming knew it at a glance, that is to say that after Guan Mengyou was born, Guan Ming did not send information to the outside world, and did not send it online to everyone as the twins did.

"Since you forget it, after all, except for Xiao Xi, exposing the relationship with us is not good for him." After thinking about it, Guan Ming shook his head and refused.

Those who have the ability, Guan Ming does not say, they can also know that Guan Ming has children.

The incompetent person, Guan Ming did not say, is a disguised protection for Guan Mengyou.

"Hey ~ I'm so disappointed. I'm obviously a dad's child. Xiaoyou really doesn't want to be seen ~" With a grudge in his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao crossed the armpit of Guan Mengyou and hugged Xiaobudian in his arms.

Probably I feel tired, stand for a moment, Xiao Budian kneel on Mu Xiaoxiao's leg, planted his head into the big chest.

Hee hee, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed heartlessly.

The next day, the CEO of Huawei came to visit as scheduled. In addition to talking with Guan Ming about the possibility of modular holographic projection, he also talked about the possibility of future human communications.

This little old man thinks that the future communication equipment of human beings is likely to be determined in the mobile phone and electronic glasses. If Guan Ming thinks, the probability of the mobile phone winning is very high, because electronic glasses are more jealous.

"Dad, dad, hurry up, Xiao Xi will come soon, and then she will see that her favorite dad actually sleeps on the buttocks ~" At more than six o'clock in the morning, Mu Xiaoxiao started to growl.

"You call my dad somehow, I believe you! Believe it or not!" Guan Ming's eyelids jumped. He always felt that if he was going to die soon, Mu Xiaoxiao would carry 80% of the pot.

I do n’t know what this product has been eating recently, and it ’s born again. It hurts a lot, although there is a hint of enjoyment in my heart.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you can't beat me, there is no way I'm so powerful ~" Wearing a pair of pure white underpants, Mu Xiaoxiao provoked Guan Ming sloppily by the bed.

Looking at his son's granary hopping, Guan Ming couldn't help pulling his eyes.

Your uncle, believe it or not, I took out the itch of the ancestral family for more than 30 years, and it will definitely beat your crying father and mother!

I had a discussion with Mu Xiaoxiao before and finally decided to go to the amusement park.

First of all, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the child had never been to a child, so it was worth visiting.

Secondly, there are enough people in the amusement park to know Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao.

Finally, Mu Xiaoxiao herself was very much looking forward to playing Ferris wheel with Guan Ming again.

"Impossible, non-existent, and non-negotiable, the Ferris wheel is impossible, and I will never sit there again in my life." When Mu Xiaoxiao stated that he wanted to relive the original scenery with Guan Ming, Guan Ming was decisive for three consecutive times Rejected, even if Mu Xiaoxiao said that he felt his legs casually this time.

"Which night I haven't touched it? It's worse this time? Let me tell you, Xiaoxiao Mu, I used to ride the Ferris wheel to soak you. Now that you're married, don't expect me to accompany you. , You still expect your daughter and son to grow up with you when they grow up ~ "Guan Ming's expression was firm and decisive.

This idiot, accompany her to play the Ferris wheel today, dare to invite you to play the pirate ship tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will dare to take you to the roller coaster.

Is n’t it good to be alive, will it be fun to play such an exciting game? Have you considered the heart tolerance of a normal 30s?

My friend, I have more exciting games. I do n’t have to spend tickets!

"You're a big pig hoof, I hate you the most!" With a roar, Mu Xiaoxiao ran out of the house.

Afterwards, Guan Ming was guilty of looking for Double Star, and wanted to see where the cat was crying. But when he saw it, he found that he was holding his son to watch cartoons. At that time, Guan Ming was almost laughed at.

"Hurry up and eat, let's catch the first wave. After that, people can still be less." Mu Xiaoxiao was feeding her children while eating.

"Don't worry, it's not a holiday now, and there won't be too many people." Watching his own girl's cheeks stretched n circles, Guan Ming couldn't help but persuade.

This is not Eleven or May Day, at most it is just a summer vacation, not to mention the peak period, naturally not so many people, Guan Ming does not want to go so early.

Although many games can be played, the problem is that Guan Ming wants to lie at home more than those games.

"Surely there will be many people. You see, just after Mei Yutian, everyone has been so long, they will definitely come out to play, so let's go early." Looking at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming very seriously and said .

Looking at the serious, bright little eyes, Guan Ming suddenly felt guilty.

Lao Tzu is just lazy, but when he talks in such a serious manner, Lao Tzu will be very embarrassed.

"Mom, do you really take your sister and brother with you for a while?" Gong Mengxi said with a grimace in her hands, afraid that she might spray food out.

I also don't know the habit of small order, and cherish food very well, unlike her sister, who eats half of the bread and throws it away.

"No, today Miss Sister has to go out with her father and mother, and let everyone know that you are our daughter." Talking to the child, Mu Xiaoxiao is more formal and speaks less, but because of the butler's northeast accent More, the children's accent is in Mandarin.

"It's a pity ~ ~ Sister, I will take a lot of photos today, and I will be the same as you!" Trying to swallow the food in his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao put up a fist, and cheered .

"What did I mean when I went, and I'm not interested in these games." Rolling his eyes, Guan Mengyu dug out the jam and spread it on the toast.

"Don't be sad, I'll miss you!" Guan Mengxi patted his sister's shoulder with a big face, as if Guan Mengyu was suspected of integrity, and was doing a fearless struggle.

"... Sister, you have oil on your hands!" Guan Mengyu looked at the younger sister with dead fish eyes and found that she did not notice it at all, and could not help reminding him.

This is my favorite jumper!

"Well, really yeah ~" Gan smiled and wanted to scratch his head, but stopped momentarily before hitting the hair, Guan Mengxi's expression was slightly awkward.

Eyes rolled around, picked up the toast bread made by the younger sister, and stuffed it into the younger sister's mouth, saying, "Sister, eat, be full!"

Suddenly the bread almost didn't suffocate Meng Yu, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and trembled.

"Sister Miss must be intentional, hahaha, Miss Sister is so cute, isn't it!" She slaps Guan Ming's arm with a smile, and Mu Xiaoxiao almost splits.

"... Although I also wanted to laugh, Xiao Yu didn't look in good shape ~" With a rueless laugh, Guan Ming had to remind the idiot that the second child had been with The boss lived on a belly, but also crawled out of Mu Xiaoxiao's belly.

Whether a child's dignity is important or not is uncertain, but in the face of cross-passengers, proper respect is still necessary.

ps: Today's challenge failed, and only one more 4,000 chapters ...

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