Private Technology

: 1,152, Have you ever fought for others in this life? (four thousand…

Because of the geographical environment, the amusement parks in Shanghai are generally the best season to play in April to October. Of course, the rainy days must be eliminated in the middle.

Today's weather is not bad. Considering that today's play is for the purpose of exposure, Guan Ming put on a casual clothes without doing much cover up.

Compared with Guan Ming's simple and casual, Mu Xiaoxiao has a lot of **** here.

Black high-waist straight flared trousers, an orange short shirt with lace edges on the upper body, and a fishbill high heels underneath.

Looking from a distance, it is not only the waist and hips that are raised, but also the legs are very long. There is a feeling that the legs start to grow from the navel.

Today I was going out to play, and I couldn't wear a skirt even when I was young. Mu Xiaoxiao specially matched her with black wide-leg pants and white mid-length gown, which looked quite fashionable.

There is a pair of sunglasses on the forehead of the mother and daughter, which are very child-friendly.

In contrast, Guan Ming felt that he was too passerby.

"You guys have done a great job of it, it doesn't match me at all ~" Looking at the mother and daughter, I am pleased to say something.

It's not that Guan Ming is dressed too rustic, but Guan Ming's figure is difficult to show the handsomeness of the clothes. Once the stomach is confiscated, the small belly will run out, which will affect morale too much.

"There is no way, who makes our mothers born with beauty?" Holding Xiao Mengxi, Mu Xiaoxiao also boasted with a smile.

Holding her mother's neck, Guan Mengxi nodded strongly, saying that she was so beautiful and not really intentional ...

"It's the same for your two virtues." Guan Ming shook his head with a smile.

No matter how good-looking it is, it is one who sleeps all day long, and one who hides under his eyelids all day long. Outsiders are so dazzled that they are out of reach.

"Qingyun, I have to rely on you today, we must take a good shot of our mother ~" Before entering the car, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded at Ma Qingyun.

Can be regarded as a girlfriend, so Mu Xiaoxiao's nature is more exposed.

"Rest assured, I will take good pictures of your family." Ma Qingyun is not offensive to anyone, so he said vaguely.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at Guan Ming with a provocative look, and then pulled the girl into the car.

Not to lose face, but more sad and funny to the wife's IQ, probably, at this time Mu Xiaoxiao can hit Guan Ming and show her strengths.

The car slowly drove away from the villa. There were a total of three cars in the front, middle, and back. The Guanming family was in the middle.

Disney landed in the Shanghai stock market a few years ago, but hasn't finished it this year, so the amusement parks that can be selected are all made in China.

Probably it's the same place to visit again. Mu Xiaoxiao decided to go to Jinjiang Paradise today, which is the amusement park that Guan Ming went to when she was soaking up.

In this regard, Guan Ming has no objection.

"Wow, a lot of people ~" Lie on the window, Guan Mengxi sighed while watching the crowd outside the window.

Little point from birth to the present, not many people go to places, probably the place where the most people have seen, should be the crew.

This Sunday, a lot of people came to Jinjiang Paradise. Speaking of the last time I came here, it was also Mu Xiaoxiao's idea. Today, Guan Ming once suspected that she chose this amusement park because of her name and 'Jinjiang' It is the same sound. This article recently likes to read some BL articles and women's frequency articles of strong female lead and weak male. It is probably to make up for stories that are impossible in reality. Just like in her last life, she liked to watch ancient sayings and domineering presidents fell in love me too.

"Yes, so Miss Sister should be obedient today, Sister Sister is not a child anymore, so she must show the appearance of Miss Sister ~" teasing Xiao Xiao, although Mu Xiaoxiao dresses lightly, but her tone Harmony is very immature, and it's probably an alternative contrast.

"Uh-huh, I will be obedient!" With a little excitement on his face, Meng Xi nodded.

He drove in without using privileges, and chose to park his car in a nearby parking lot, and Guan Ming took a ticket to get off.

The bodyguards are half-faced by men and women. Everyone wears casual clothes. If the suit is really leather, fools know that there is a problem.

Guan Ming's most hopeful scene is being inadvertently recognized, and then everyone comes to the pilgrimage enthusiastically. It is best to have a few young, lively and beautiful female fans crying and giving birth to Guan Ming.

Of course, Guan Ming, who persuaded himself, would definitely refuse to righteously, and strongly condemned this immoral behavior. In front of his wife and children, Guan Ming must be decisive and unrequited, even if it is a child-like baby. So good! !!

"I haven't been here for a long time, and the feeling and impression haven't changed." Standing at the gate of the playground, Mu Xiaoxiao booed, and then bowed down and pulled Guan Mengxi's sunglasses off.

The so-called good weather is only the official language. In fact, today is cloudless, and the sun is big and hot, which is really fatal.

This weather is the most unfriendly for fat people.

"I'm sure it hasn't changed much. I'm still counting on the tickets to live here." Guan Ming wears sunglasses and puts his hands behind his back. It looks like the review of the leader, especially the general's belly. momentum.

"Cut ~ Dad isn't romantic at all, it's really a big pig's hoof!" Holding up Meng Xi, Mu Xiaoxiao said in a very disgusting tone.

"Pig's trotters, pig's trotters, father is pig's trotters ~" Repeating Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Guan Mengxi clapped her hands and shouted, probably thought it was very interesting.

"Leave, the ticket is over there." Seeing Zhou Wu walking back quickly, Guan Ming greeted and walked forward.

Sunglasses cover his eyes, Guan Ming is nostalgic for those little MMs who wear short dresses with suspenders, just don't know how many of them dare to play a roller coaster.

Unaware of Guan Ming's stuffy eyes and thoughts, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly took two steps to get on Guan Ming, and then slowed her pace to follow her.

Although the bodyguards are plain clothes, in addition to four in the distance, Guan Ming is also surrounded by four bodyguards. In addition to the Zhou Wu couple, there are a young man and a young woman, and a large group of people are also more eye-catching.

Especially Mu Xiaoxiao, the perfect curve of clothes and pants always makes people have good ideas. By the way, those who peeped at Mu Xiaoxiao would despise Guan Ming. A woman with a height of seven is going to hug a child who is over one meter high. The most important thing is that even if the family of three all has sunglasses, the woman's body and exposed lips and nose are very good, and the man is actually a fat man!

Are fat people the winners of life these days?

Ouch, the fat PDD who just retired last month actually has a girlfriend. Have the fat people saved the world in their last lives! !!

The Chinese are relatively implicit, at least when Guan Ming's eyes swept away, many guilty people subconsciously avoided their sight. For a time, Guan Ming was not sure whether these people were aware of who they were.

"Is it that Lao Tzu's handsomeness is too restrained?" Guan Yanzu began to wonder if the mainstream aesthetics of the society had gone astray. No one coveted such a handsome guy, it was incredible!

"Mom, mom, I want to play with that!" Obviously in the car, she wants to be a quiet little princess, but at this moment, she is in various disturbances in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, just like a ghost who just entered the village Well, I want to see everything.

The thought was interrupted by Xiaodian's voice, Guan Ming looked along Xiaodian's fingers and saw that it was a waterfall-like rafting game.

MMP, it's so scary. That's a waterfall, that's a waterfall!

Will it drown in the water? In theory, Lao Tzu ’s body shudder, in theory, it should sink to the bottom. After all, the density of fresh water and salt water is different. This is very scientific!

"It looks pretty good, Dad, would you like to play together?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a smirk.

"I'm not going, it's boring, it's not fun! I will be soaked when I get wet all over the body. I'm dressed so thin, but you lose if you go all out." Guan Ming didn't have time to care about 'Daddy 'The title was quickly rejected.

As a stable and solid fat man, Guan Ming prefers to play games with high safety factor and keeping his feet on the ground, or not more than one meter away from the ground.

This drifting thing is totally unsuitable for Guan Ming.

"Cut ~ Dad is a coward ~" Mu Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, but said with a disdain and long voice.

Beside, a couple just passed by, could not help but look back at Guan Mingren, and then look at each other.

Although it was only for a moment, Guan Mingnao supplemented the content of the other person's eyes.

M: I went. It was really different when we were married.

Woman: Huh? You mean you want me to call your dad too?

Man: Haha, how come? how come! This thing ... right, look at your mood.

Woman: Then I told your son to do it.


"Well, Dad can't help it." Pouting, Guan Mengxi looked unhappy.

"Did you forget the house motto of our old housekeeper,‘ Going out, safety first 'is not a joke! ”With a face on his face, Guan Ming imparted the mystery of his girlfriend.

"But it is very safe. There are life jackets, and there seems to be seat belts. Even if it's out of the water, Uncle Zhou can take us out." Guan Mengxi muttered unwillingly.

After hearing this, Zhou Wu immediately looked away, and his footsteps were slightly deflected, pulling away from Guan Ming.

As the bodyguard who has been with Guan Ming for the longest time, Zhou Wu knows Guan Ming's uncertainty, just like his uncle every month. If he's not sure, he will bother him with the brain, but he won't stop him from coming to the stage or Insulting personality, but definitely makes him crying.

"Okay Xiao Xi, in my father's face, I won't play water today. If you want to play, we can swim when we get home, and we can take our sister together." Mu Xiaoxiao turned upside down Nod in his arms, said.

Opening her mouth, Guan Ming was embarrassed to talk about Mu Xiaoxiao's title problem, after all, she was helping herself now.

"Well then, in the face of my mother, I won't embarrass my dad." Little Buddy kisses his mother, although he is very reluctant, but he really does not have the bad spirit of ordinary children who do not swear.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao looking up at the surrounding entertainment facilities, Guan Ming quickly pulled them to help the car find the car.

If such a big amusement park really walks with its feet, Guan Ming can stop for less than half.

"Dad, dad, let's go for a roller coaster ~" Holding the child, Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at the crowd next to him and said in a sweet voice.

"I'm not your father, so this can't be played." Controlling the steering wheel, Guan said intently.

"Husband, husband, let's play Peak One ~" Looking at the roller coaster that was whistling, Mu Xiaoxiao let out his eyes and shook Guan Ming's arm.

"... I heard that there is an euthanasia roller coaster abroad, which is about the same size."

At least for me, this is the euthanasia roller coaster!

Guan Ming listened to the sorrowful wailing sound from the sky, as if he saw the expression of his ghost and beast and the miserable condition of vomiting all the way.

"My dear ~ let's go play around." Seeing the large tea cup turned into a spinning top, Mu Xiaoxiao begged Guanming with his hands folded.

Special, don't be coquettish, don't ask me, you can't change it after so many years of marriage? ?

From the time of the eight gods to 2000, they have evolved the Liqian 277 style · cutting wind, you can not evolve and evolve?

Silence, Guan Ming said in a low voice: "You know I am afraid of heights, but you may not know that I am still motion sick. When I was a kid, I would be motion sick when I was on the bus, and I would vomit when I was on a green leather train ..."

"Husband ~ Well together, it will be very slow, very slow ~" It feels like a drama, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice immediately adjusts five stars!

"... It's really going to faint ~" Guan Ming's arm shook a bit, not knowing whether he had been sickened or lost his teeth.

"Don't be afraid. You can control the steering wheel." Mu Xiaoxiao came over and clung to Guan Ming's arm, using a "super fierce attitude".

"But ..." Guan Ming was a little hesitant. In his mind, the villain and the villain were playing with joy, crackling, uh, ah, various special effects took turns.

"Daddy don't be afraid, I will protect you!" Guan Mengxi in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms was squeezed a bit uncomfortable, but she knew very well that it was Guan Ming who really could dominate the family. At this time, one must be encouraged Wave, otherwise you can only play goldfish fishing, provided that there is such a game here.

"Okay, but first say, I'll control the steering wheel for a while." The speed slowed down, Guan Ming warned them in advance, so as not to grab the steering wheel and throw out their brains.

"Okay, okay, my sister and I will surely be obedient!" While holding the child out of the car, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly promised.

Vaguely, Guan Ming felt the eyes of people around him.

That look should look at Mu Xiaoxiao, look at her with a look of retardation ...

Guan Ming thought so in his heart ~ ~ to disperse the fear that he was about to face.

The line is fast, after all, it's only a few minutes of games.

A family of three occupies a cup. Guan Ming's palms are sweaty and he can't help but slacken his trousers. As the preparation bell rings, Guan Ming nervously holds the middle steering wheel / control wheel.

When the cup started to rotate around the large circle, Guan Ming exerted a little pressure to make the cup rotate at a slow speed.

"Hurry up, hurry up, dad hurry up ~" Guan Mengxi played this for the first time, and looked very excited. He couldn't help but patted his seat, he was about to jump up in excitement, but fortunately Mu Xiaoxiao was on the sidelines. It didn't make her jump out.

"Can you hold on?" After a while, Guan Ming felt that he was in a good state, so he asked.

"It's okay, we are not bad." Without the stimulus imagined, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't look too excited.

On a rare occasion, Guan Ming bit his teeth and turned the steering wheel sharply. The rotation speed was significantly higher.

"Haha, hurry up, Dad, look at the older sister over there, her hair is floating ~" Guan Mengxi Meng Meng's voice rushed into Guan Ming's ear like a lifeline.

"Wow, you see, that speed is so fast ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was agitated and excited.

Already a bit disgusted, Guan Ming didn't dare to look up at the scenery next to him, and looked at the steering wheel with his eyes straight, but he could also hear the sound that the two women are very happy now. If they have good feelings, maybe they will be on their heads. Tips for + 1 + 1 jumping all the way out.

Listening to the happy laughter in his ear, Guan Ming suddenly remembered a sentence he had seen in the vibrato in his life.

Have you ever fought for others in this life?

Guan Ming couldn't control his hand and turned the steering wheel vigorously ...

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