"So, what are you going to do?" Guan Ming asked Guan Ming, who was sitting on the child's car and constantly pouring equipment.

For a moment, Guan Ming remembered those villains in the game.

Similar to BOSS, a scientist in Dinosaur Kombat, who is thin / thin but trying to use technology to change the status quo.

The rich rely on technology to refer to Marvel in most cases, while other works also exist as the main equipment library.

"Of course, it's checking the performance of DNA and genes." Guan Mengyu said without raising his head.

"People over there can do it, so why bother?" Guan Ming said indifferently.

The laboratory next door, not to mention the cost of the previous renovation, now, the average daily cost is hundreds of thousands, which is still the case when the state pays them.

Not to mention blood, it is estimated that the hairs of rabbits and mice can be researched in all directions.

"The methods are different and the emphasis is different. There are some things you don't understand." Looking up at Guan Ming, his eyes are perfunctory and disgusting.

Shrugging, Guan Ming walked back to his piece and began to work.

Guan Ming would bring her girlfriend to the laboratory every day. Of course, it is not a waste of time. If you are next door, you will go around in the morning and evening every day, and then return to your own site for scientific research. Even if the double star is supervising, there is nothing dangerous to play.

The assembly plant is currently underway in an orderly manner. Guan Ming only needs to look at the report once a week.

Due to animal experiments, the delivery time of driverless cars must be delayed so as not to scare the people above.

Taking the year as the unit, there is still a shortage of funds. Guan Ming feels that he still needs to work on AR / VR. In time, the second-generation products can be listed around New Year's Day.

In this way, it can leave a period of attention for the second-generation holographic projection, which is enough to consume a period of user demand.

As for the second-generation products, the ideal is to have a new breakthrough in function, the worst is to replace the hardware to optimize performance.

Although there are no second-generation AR / VR products on the market, when many related hardware companies launch new hardware, they will inevitably bring AR / VR and holographic projection to promote it. What ’s new GPU is more powerful than AR / VR is much more powerful, and then users are recommended to go home and replace the hardware, just as if they were assembling a desktop.

On the surface, this looks okay, but this replacement will definitely not be able to fully utilize the performance of the hardware itself, so Guanming's official update is the most cost-effective.

After thinking about it for a while, Guan Ming put his eyes on VR. If the second-generation products are functional, VR will definitely make new breakthroughs easier.

Guan Ming thought for a moment: "Double Star, do you have a hardware solution for human health monitoring in your database?"

"Is it a full body surveillance or a partial surveillance?"

"The kind of whole body monitoring, it's better to detect ... forget it." Guan Ming paused for a moment, shaking his head with regret.

A VR headset is a technology product that completely simulates vision (image) and hearing (sound). In theory, this is an immersive virtual reality, but for Guan Ming, this virtual reality is too reluctant.

Because in the whole process of interaction, people cannot completely abandon reality.

Let's put it this way, if you use VR headsets to play role-playing online games, then in the process of copying monsters, you only have visual and auditory immersion, but other body senses do not.

People are conditioned. When someone picks up a kitchen knife and chops you in the game, in reality, you physically unavoidably avoid or even resist. Maybe this action will not deform your action in the game. , But in reality if you are lying in bed or sitting in a narrow space, then you can easily play.

Guan Ming originally wanted to create a game warehouse, a completely immersive experience, but how to 'immerse' consciousness is a problem. Here is not only the relatively external and relatively simple technology of physical health monitoring, but also a deep level. Impact on the brain.

"Firstly, it interferes with vision and hearing, and then expands to the whole body with the original metal projection of holographic projection. The proper body provides a certain amount of pressure, which can cause a relative simulation of tactile sensations, but the words of action ..." Guan Ming said to himself.

"Under consideration of the size of the space, use anti-gravity equipment to complete actions such as rolling?" Following Guan Ming's meaning, Shuangxing deduced.

"It is not impossible, but the problems are the charging of anti-gravity equipment, location distribution and ... if it is anti-gravity, a set of military equipment can be produced in the early stage." Guan Ming originally wanted to directly reject it, but think about it, it looks like The army and the people can really have it.

Many of his products are used by the military and civilians, but Guan Ming is under the supervision of the government.

The second-generation VR products, among other things, have at least a great role in military exercises and shooting exercises. Even the military is still using the first-generation VR to perform shooting exercises. The fingers of the metal gloves can provide enough pressure to simulate the trigger. , But the recoil is too bad.

"It is true that if it is a military product, there is no need to worry about the use of space. If it is anti-gravity, it can also reduce the wear of some clothes on metal clothes." Shuangxing did not say that the result it just deduced was superior to the military.

"The main direction of the second-generation products is still on metal clothes. It is very difficult to reduce the anti-gravity equipment to be added to metal clothes. The important thing is the magnetic field capture and power. Well ... the suspension skateboard is not good either. ... It's really troublesome. "To himself, Guan Ming had numerous modules spliced ​​in his mind, and none of the finished products showed up was approved by Guan Ming.

It is either a huge mechanical bone of two or three meters, or a suspension that can only be attached to the ground. This suspension height is not enough for an adult to jump and fall.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, Shuangxing also started various deductions, including the floating skateboard that Guan Ming had just mentioned.

The Google-funded company had its data stolen unknowingly.

"... Boss, first make a half-body move? Similar to the belt fixing disks currently on the market?" Double Star deduced for a long time, but finally did not think of a good way, only recommended peripherals already on the market.

This peripheral was not designed by Guan Ming, but appeared spontaneously in the market. A considerable part of it is VR enthusiasts, but more of them still see business opportunities.

"This is definitely not possible. If military use is the research and development direction, this kind of thing that can only be run on the waist is obviously not applicable." Guan Ming shook his head and denied.

For military use, naturally it will not be considered if VR displacement is effortless, and even the one that is fully in line with reality is even more desirable. Based on this, the disc belt site and fixed waist-centered peripherals meet the requirements.

But this is not a treadmill, nor is it possible for the military to just practice running.

Guan Ming needs a more complete second-generation product, but it seems that it may be difficult for Guan Ming to get it in one step.

"The whole body is wrapped in metal. If it is the outer layer, pave a layer of anti-collision soft material." Guan Ming thought for a long time and could only helplessly compromise.

Since there is no way to float completely to avoid external damage to the equipment, Guan Ming had to strengthen the protection of the equipment.

If it is not necessary for the device to have the functions of pressure increase, decrease, and temperature change, Guan Ming can design a device with the thickness of a normal shirt to capture body data, but it needs a certain strength material, which is very painful. Now, it is absolutely necessary to bump in the application.

As for the size of the venue, there is really no need to consider it. After all, the application of military supplies is probably the most important thing.

"In this case, the products targeted at the army, boss, what are the requirements for the body metal?" Shuangxing asked.

"The basic cross-section unit of 0.5 * 0.5, the upper limit of the pressure of each unit is ..." Guan Ming said, while Shuangxing recorded.

At the same time as the double star recording, Guan Ming's mind also continuously integrated a rough outline through the data.

The human form like the jade-like jade clothes kept leaping and rolling in Guan Ming's mind, sometimes his body was jerky, his head was sometimes crooked, and the colors of the small metal pieces were different, changing from light blue to orange yellow at any time.

In the huge laboratory, the father and the daughter are each equal, and they are doing their own research.

At home, in order to show that her teaching level is better than that of her own mother, Mu Xiaoxiao, a mother, decided to accompany Guan Mengxi to study together. In addition to supervision, she also had to cheer up Xiao Budian.

Hey, duh, for my dear you, I have to re-experience what **** is called mathematical hell. If it is mother, then steel, and mother is strong!

"Well, let's take a break first and get up for fifteen minutes." Teacher Oda's voice was very kind and patient.

I do n’t know if I have n’t been a teacher. I ’m really furious if I ’m impatient. I ’ve talked about it several times, and I have n’t talked about it for a few years.

I'm so angry! The teacher's last life must have been an angel with wings, and he must have been the one who offended the King of God in his last life!

When Mr. Oda complained of anger, Guan Mengxi tried to slacken her waist, then lay on the table and poked her mother-in-law's face with her hand.

On the desk, Mu Xiaoxiao's saliva soaked the test paper, not sprayed, but a little, long stream of water, the type that can dimly analyze the handwriting on the back of the test paper after soaking.

"Mom, after class ~" I got to Mu Xiaoxiao's ear, and Meng Xi's voice was small, as if she was afraid to scare her mother.

"Ah? Ah ... after class, Xiao Xi, do you drink water?" Woke up, Mu Xiaoxiao wiped his saliva, his expression was a little sloppy, and his eyes were a little stunned.

Seeing her own mother's first reaction was to take care of herself, Guan Mengxi decided not to be angry with her.

Huh, I was with me in class, but you actually sleep when I'm in class, and it's right to beat you!

Guan Mengxi is full of inner drama.

"Don't drink, I'm going to do activities, mom and you?" Guan Mengxi feels a pity. If it was her younger sister, she would have taken part in the activities long ago, but if she was a mother ...

Looking at the pair of headlights, Guan Mengxi felt that she didn't need to exercise. She could not ask too much, and she felt that life was boring.

"Activity, of course, you need to move your body." Mu Xiaoxiao is still confused, let alone move her body, even if Meng Xi asks her whether to go to the toilet, she can say it, and then hold her girlfriend to the toilet, and then watch The girl was dazed while going to the toilet.

As for whether this behavior is abnormal, for an aggressive person, you can't ask too much.

"Hee hee, come on, honestly, you have to look into the distance when you rest, or you will be short-sighted." After receiving a satisfactory answer, Guan Mengxi pulled Mu Xiaoxiao to the mirror wall and clicked. It was a split, then the buttocks were tight and the back of the whole person leaned against the mirror wall, ensuring that the spine was upright.

For Mu Xiaoxiao, who is proficient in yoga, the difficulty of splitting is not very difficult. Like Guan Mengxi, there is no warm-up exercise to split smoothly.

I am wearing skinny jeans today, and I feel that the overall pants are moving upwards, which is not very comfortable.

"Sister Miss, have you learned everything the teacher just handed over?" The bullying went on a bit, Mu Xiaoxiao remembered today's task, and although she was a little guilty, she couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, I will finish the lecture, but I don't know if I will do it next time." Guan Mengxi said with some depression ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Many wrong questions, even when the teacher talked, even Mentioning a point, Guan Mengxi was able to smooth it down immediately, but when it was time to take the exam, I couldn't remember the point that the teacher told me, and it felt really scratching my head.

"It's okay. I watched the show. The score wasn't too high. The younger sister's efforts could be passed!" Looking at Guan Mengxi, Mu Xiaoxiao made a fist and cheer.

Mu Xiaoxiao deliberately checked this year. The admissions line for the liberal arts majors in drama, film and television performances is 404, and the science is 497.

Although the admissions figures for the liberal arts are very touching, the younger sister is mainly academic, and the reason is to accommodate the future scientist Guan Mengyu.

As for professional points, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't think that younger sisters' clubs are lower.

The daughter of Guan Ming, think about the previous two trillion lady Mu Xiaoxiao, maybe there will be a two trillion girl Guan Mengxi in the future.

"No, my sister is so powerful, I have to be great too! Even if I'm not as powerful as my sister ..." Finally, Guan Mengxi was guilty.

In the college entrance examination this year, the twins did not release water. The score of the younger sister was 503 and the score of the younger sister was 723. The two are 210 points away!

At that time, Guan Mengxi looked at her younger sister's eyes, and almost did not show her younger sister!

Therefore, in addition to sighing in his heart, Guan Mengxi now tries hard to get good grades, but also basically has no idea of ​​comparing his grades with his sister.

I just hope that after the results come out, no one will say that they picked it up from the garbage dump.

Does my sister inherit my father's IQ, but I only inherit my mother's beauty and strength?

But my sister looks super nice too!

Guan Mengxi was sorrowful in her heart.

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