Private Technology

: 1,156 live exams (2 in 1 4000 words)

To a certain extent, showing talent is the necessary process from now until next year's college entrance examination. However, compared to the younger sister, the younger sister is the main object of display.

Because Guan Mengyu will take scientific research in the future, it means that she only needs to show high IQ and interest and talent in life science.

The younger sister wants to be a star. Although the public opinion is not useful to the housekeeper, it is not bad to put in some information to adapt the public to adapt, lest someone will say after the college entrance examination next year: Even the country ’s last fair college entrance examination will start It's not fair.

After all, the daughter of Guan Ming is still a few-year-old child. If there are suddenly too many people crushed in the college entrance examination, people's first reaction will not be the idea of ​​how good the housekeeper is and how good the genetic inheritance is. It is more likely He would guess how many people Guan Ming had contacted for this achievement, how much money he spent, how many relationships he spent, and how many people he evened out.

Mu Xiaoxiao updated another video on the video, which attracted countless fans to comment and even made a headline on entertainment headlines.

In the video, Guan Mengxi is sitting on a small bench. In front of it is a small desk and a math paper. The red pair is better than the red fork, and the score is relatively touching, which is higher than Mu Xiaoxiao. It's just a little stronger, and the top right corner is stably written with one: 73.

15o full score, this score, two heads away from passing.

"Woohoo ~ I can't do it either. I can do it when the teacher talks, but I forgot when I was taking the exam, hoohoo ..." In the camera, Guan Mengxi wiped tears with his fleshy little hand, His nose was red and his eyes were red, and he was choking with a puff.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on a large chair, looked down at Mu Xiaoxiao, shook his hands, scratched the tickling, and made a daunting wind, "How simple a question, this kind of question will not be? Just ask for one How much eb wouldn't be? This kind of question I could do at a glance! "

Mu Xiaoxiao's tone is somewhat hateful, but the lens is closer to the question Mu Xiaoxiao said. The question is a multiple choice question. The outline is △ abc, ad is the midline of bc, and e is the midpoint of ad. Find eb.

Of course, the result is that Miss Sister did something wrong. The most fateful thing is that she doesn't seem to know what went wrong.

"But ... but I heard that when Dad didn't make up for her mother, her mother was worse in math than me ..." The voice was weak, and Guan Mengxi couldn't help but refute that there was a 'learning bully here, learning scum roll' Coarse 'feeling.

"What? Still talking back?" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice turned up.

The camera rises and looks down at the mother and daughter, only to see Mu Xiaoxiao pointing at Guan Mengxi with an tickle, it looks like she will flatten her next second.

"Woohoo ~ I want dad, I want to call dad, his wife is going to hit me, I will let him come back to hit you!" With a cry, Guan Meng Xi tears ran out of the camera, and after three seconds, the video ended .

Thanks to the advanced and powerful positive image of Guanming Technology, Mu Xiaoxiao's fans have exceeded tens of millions, and hundreds of messages are answered every second.

"Thinking of Guan Ming's glorious history, I thought about the photography major I studied. I think I can also go to make up lessons for students. Junior high school and high school don't matter, as long as they are beautiful female students."

"Such a cute little point, Mu Xiaoxiao actually wants to fight? It's too hard!"

"Fake, this is too much!"

"Everyone in the comment area is a big guy. What is the answer to that question? After drawing for a long time, how do I feel a regular triangle or a right triangle? The results seem to be different."

"I only noticed that this kind of test paper could pass 73 points! I seemed to learn addition and subtraction when she was as big as her !!"

"Mourn for Mu Xiaoxiao, wait for Guan Ming to go home and hammer the daughter-in-law: Can you touch my little lover!"

"Look at the headers above. What are the questions for the senior high school mock exam? When I was in the college entrance examination, the math was only 59 points and 15o ...."

"The answer is 3 / 4ab-1 / 4ac. You should choose a. It should be sloppy at the end. After all, the plus and minus signs may look bad. Visually, the child should not know what the correct answer is, so it ’s a little embarrassing. If the child ’s mother ... maybe Also regressed, because this is just sloppy / laughing and crying "

There are a lot of remarks on the Internet, but generally speaking, everyone thinks that it is Mu Xiaoxiao who is spoofing. After all, from the previous video, most of them are paragraphs. In this video, everyone thinks that the laugh is at the end, and it reflects on the side. The family ethos of loving-kind fathers and strict mothers and the family status of "strong fathers and weak mothers".

Because this understanding is in line with everyone's speculation about Guan's giants, but in fact ...

The moon rose, and in the bedroom, the couple leaned on the bedside, and Mu Xiaoxiao showed his results.

"Well ~ I think the handsome and handsome Guan Xiaoming's most unsuccessful point is to help you out with such a stupid person. I think your mother is on the way to hit you!" Pointing at the comment commenting on the answer to this question, Guan Ming was full of words. Sad, but the expression is gloating.

Stupid, have you forgotten to feed your son with complementary foods in the middle of last month? During this time, your aging mother was afraid of interrupting the flow of you. From the pregnancy to the present, your fingers will almost work out. It's time.

In my opinion, your aging mother should be in the state of full body + beans, and you should kneel down with a set of combos!

"... how the focus of everyone's attention is the question, shouldn't you care about the IQ of the younger sister !! Also, I just talk about it. If I seriously calculate this kind of question, I can definitely calculate the result!" Mu Xiaoxiao is really sad.

Guan Mengyou is the only eldest son and grandson of the housekeeper. Since she was pregnant, Mu Xiaoxiao has had a very peaceful time. Based on the degree of her skin and the frequency of her skin, it is estimated that Mu Mu left after the fire broke out. It is also very peaceful.

Before decent life, I pay attention to makeup myself, and after I leave, others help me pay attention to makeup.

"These words are useless to me, and the effect of this video is not good enough. I might as well choose a time to do the live broadcast. Does" Five Years and Three Years "still exist? Yes, I remember you When I was in my third year of high school, I seemed to give you a set of "Five Years and Three Years", but didn't keep it as a memorial? "At the end, Guan Ming couldn't help grinning.

At that meeting, Mu Xiaoxiao was very simple, so simple that she thought the teachers were all genderless. What was said, what a thief was obedient, did not even know that Guan Ming had a special idea!

As a result, Guan Ming sent six copies of the foreign affairs calendar on her birthday. At that time, Mu Xiaoxiao's small expression was obviously reluctant and he wanted to refuse, but he accepted it with a grievance and a crying expression. I said thank you against my will, and then I ate a small cake with a slap and went to light the oil.

In fact, Guan Ming can't blame this matter. At that time, Guan Ming's mind was quite simple, and he didn't think about anything else. He was thinking about how to go to Mu Xiaoxiao.

How many points in the college entrance examination Mu Xiaoxiao's performance depended on the six promoted Guan Ming is uncertain, but Guan Ming still remembers how bright the smiles on Mu ’s father and Guan Ma ’s faces were when Mu Xiaoxiao ’s birthday was that year. .

"Sold out of scraps early, jerk! I still remember that week my mother wrote the six broken books with me every night, and I always praised your goodness, and even paid me for the teaching assistant. If my mother knew that you were It's to soak me, you can knock your legs off! "Thinking of the past, Mu Xiaoxiao looked much softer.

Many of the previous memories may have been hot at first, but standing back and looking back now is also an interesting and memorable picture. After all, these pictures not only make up the most difficult life of Mu Xiaoxiao's high school, but also Guan Ming walks in The beginning of his world.

"Haha, that's how stupid you were, but I also supplemented novels like" Tutor ", but it turned out that you looked like a wood, it's a pity ~" She rubbed her with a smile Head.

Guan Ming still remembers the simple girl sitting at the desk, writing her homework seriously, the sound of the electric fan turning around her ears, the skirt of the solid color skirt swinging, and the fragrance coming.

Hmm ... she kept armpit hair back then.

As the years have changed, Guan Ming can't remember whether the light in the picture is a warm yellow sunset or bright white noon, anyway, it is a beautiful picture.

"Well? Was there a novel of this kind at that time?" Looking at Guan Ming with a tilted head, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly deviated.

Things look too much and are too complicated, and for such things, Mu Xiaoxiao rarely pays attention to the posting time, and even can't find the website.

Guan Ming: "..."

Sedimentation is a very interesting word, and the environment in which it is used is mostly positive.

When he patted his belly, Guan Ming felt that he was the product of his destiny, which was still the best.

Although life has recently been scheduled to go to the company, the work intensity is not much worse than before.

In the case of animal experiments, Guan Ming was not interested in life sciences, so he didn't even bother to think about things like phd. It was just after the director Wei finished talking, and then he reorganized Guan Mengyu's words according to the general situation and communicated. I will not think deeply about the reasons for the change in the intermediate data.

In terms of experiments, at present, the fastest overall evolution is subjective consciousness of group C. Compared to group A, which is internally random and group B is externally oppressed, group c is considered to be a more detailed group a + subtle group b experiment.

This change is good or bad. The advantage is that if humans use medicine, it can affect the changes to themselves. The disadvantage is that in case there is a person who likes the tail or a person with a strong hair, this one is likely to be realized.

As for the side effects, I have n’t seen it yet. I have to wait for this. After all, if the group c experiment is really successful, the infinite life mouse should be able to accumulate a lot of data, including whether it will produce reproductive isolation and low fertility. Reproductive and genetic problems.

"Dad, just let my sister accompany me. My sister hasn't been with me for a long time!" For breakfast, Guan Mengxi looked hopeful.

Sister Miss wants strength pit sister?

It doesn't exist, it must be a sister's affection!

After all, the twins have slept together in their old mother's belly until now, and recently, Guan Mengyu seems to have been out of sight of the younger sister for a long time.

Speaking of this, it seems that many experimental tubes Meng Yu can be at home and use the double star remote control to conduct experiments.

Every day I'm in the lab. You've gotten away from your younger sister, but the problem is that I still want to watch the new July with my wife!

Thinking of this, Guan Ming looked to Guan Mengyu.

Guan Mengyu's expression was unrelenting, and she was drinking Xiaomi porridge seriously. Recently, the younger sister stuck to herself every night, as if she had to stick back the time wasted during the day. As a result, she could not sleep well.

More with millet porridge, you must sleep peacefully at night!

"But if you broadcast live, Xiao Yu must not show up." Guan Ming clearly knows Mu Xiaoxiao's arrangement. Under normal circumstances, Guan Ming will not refute Mu Xiaoxiao's decision in front of the child.

Who is not good enough?

Guan Ming gave her face during the day, and Mu Xiaoxiao gave him a lining at night.

"It's okay, it's okay, then my sister will be out of the camera, there will be a double star, and you will not be able to take a picture of my sister!"

My sister or something, it's the best at night, and during the day, it's good to see!

"Xiao Yu, what do you mean?" Guan Ming decided to respect the crossing passenger, but just asked respectfully. No matter what she answered, it was useless.

"Well, okay, then tomorrow, and I'm going to the laboratory today." Looking at the pitiful expression on the younger sister, Guan Mengyu sighed.

There is a young lady who is so sticky to herself, she obviously wants to sigh, but she has a little ecstasy in her heart.

"Okay, then tomorrow. I'll talk to Director Wei today." Nodded, Guan Ming decided that was the case.

"Then I will post a live broadcast test on Weibo for a while, your Weibo ... well, I know the password!" Hippie smiley Mu Xiaoxiao.jpg.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming continued to lower his head to eat.

It is not difficult for Director He Wei to take a leave. In essence, Director Wei cannot control Guan Ming, and Guan Ming's role in the experiment belongs to the partner, providing venues, equipment and drugs, so ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ more informed.

And as far as progress is concerned, it is not a big problem whether the father and daughter are controlled, and the inspections every morning and evening are just a reflection of the importance.

Soon, the time came to the next day.

"Hello, although it's summer vacation, the balance of vacation of high school students is obviously insufficient, so as Guan Ming and my daughter, Xiao Xi must also study hard. Today, I will take a set of college entrance examination science simulation tests, which will take a long time. Because the test requires a quiet environment, I will not look at the barrage today and chat with everyone. "Mu Xiaoxiao was waving at the camera, dressed in a home, mainly in solid colors.

"It sounds like you looked at the barrage before."

"Will there be an answer in the distance, and then write a little."

"Are you really going to take the exam? I'm a good guy, no matter how old I am, even if all the grades are 73 / 15o, it's amazing!"

"I don't see any meaning at all, and it stands to reason that Guanming doesn't need to use his children to speculate."

Through electronic glasses, Guan Ming looked at the barrage, while Mu Xiaoxiao ordered the start of the exam.

Mr. Oda had nothing to hide from, went straight to the camera and gave Guan Mengxi paper, and then ran outside the camera and gave Guan Mengyu paper.

Fix the camera and illuminate the contents of Guan Mengxi and the paper at an angle of 45 °. If you watch the live broadcast with Guan Ming's products, you can easily read the content on the test paper.

The room fell silent because of the answer sheet.

ps: Ding, the more your National Day holiday is o, the recharge channel has been closed, please take a smile to face the upcoming working day, even if you go to work with the mood of grave ...

Today only 4ooo words, some regrets, 7 days only 5 days 8ooo words, work tomorrow ... work, sleep!

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