Private Technology

: 1,157, Seeing the essence through the phenomenon

No one supervised the exam, Guan Ming would not do it. Under the leadership of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao would not do it, and even Mr. Oda stayed at the scene for the purpose of looking after him.

There are many types of talents, and Guan Ming's most important thing is subjective initiative.

Perhaps the vast majority of people can't do Jackma or even company executives because of their talent limitations, but as long as they are willing to work hard and work hard, ordinary people can still show an unusual side.

Another reason is that Guan Ming is missing, so he hopes his children can have it.

In fact, Guan Ming is very lazy. As long as no one is supervising, he will be dragged to the end to do a lot of work, and when he can cheat, he will choose to cheat.

"Daughter examination, you don't really care about it, it's really an **** ~" Wearing a bikini, Mu Xiaoxiaoping smashed into the water next to Guan Ming like a falling goose, the effect is like a live pig diving, which is definitely a big scene.

"It's useless to care, today is a rare day of rest." After touching the water splash on his face, Guan Ming was not angry, he made a gesture at the double star, and brought up the good wine.

Guan Ming doesn't like to drink red wine. The ageing and new brewing ingredients of this thing are different. For Guan Ming, the difference between them can only be distinguished by ‘astringency’.

Probably the old man and the old lady knew that Guan Ming had a rare break, so he went back to the house after breakfast.

A rare romance, Guan Ming didn't know if he was a wave or a man.

"Cut ~ drink red wine after breakfast, and you're not a serious dad at the first sight ~" Although saying so, Mu Xiaoxiao swims over to take a goblet and shakes it pretentiously. .

Guan Ming did not accompany the old husband drink in his life. I have heard of white wine hanging glasses. Whether red wine is long or short is not good or bad Guan Ming is uncertain, but in terms of age, the longer the red bar, the more it looks like vinegar.

What a peculiar thing, don't understand the science of it ...

"No matter how serious I am, it's not your father." The temperature of the room temperature pool is lower than the question. Guan Ming is now calm, so he relentlessly replied.

The housekeeper's pool is half-open. Floor-to-ceiling windows separate the pool from the water, half outside and half inside. The glass windows are single-through. Guan Ming is not afraid of other people stealing sight, but the sun is a little bit sunburned.

"Da ~ Da Da Da ~ Da Da Da Da Da Da Da ~" The daily routine is a normal operation, because she is a daily hide, and she is accompanied by Guan Ming. Even if she is captured, Mu Xiaoxiao will hum the song in a good mood. .

With her elbows on the shore, and the part above her chest hanging on the shore, Mu Xiaoxiao was like a fat duck playing water. The fat here mainly describes her ass.

The bathing suit was just covered, and it seemed to challenge the heart of Guan Ming's middle-aged and elderly.

"Xiao Xiao, it is estimated that there may be a TV station inviting Xiao Xi to do a show these days, what do you think?" Although there are dual-star monitoring, at the same time the two elderly people cannot easily go downstairs, and the two children + one teacher cannot come out But Guan Ming still didn't want to be too exciting.

People reach a certain age, and the irritation is easy to pass.

Guan Ma worked hard to raise Guan Ming so big, but it didn't make him smoke twice.

"Please, let Qingyun contest be selected at that time. Anyway, Miss Sister's performance is pretty good. There must be a problem in the college entrance examination next year." Looking at Guan Ming with a tilted head, Mu Xiaoxiao raised a thumbs up, indicating that he was small. Sister must go to college with a nail in her head, more stable than Liu Mengmeng's airport.

"I mean, there is a high probability that we will be invited. What do you mean, let's go together?" Guan Ming asked.

Regardless of whether it is the above or the company, Guan Ming belongs to the kind of stubborn person, but in fact, he has no idea and often is willing to discuss it.

When it comes to Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming is willing to listen to his daughter-in-law. After all, the daughter-in-law and the child have been with each other for a long time, and they must think more thoughtfully.

Mu Xiaoxiao is stupid in front of Guan Ming, but does not mean that Mu Xiaoxiao is also a stupid in front of Guan Ming.

After so many years, the evaluation of Mu Xiaoxiao by the outside world turns 18o. The elderly, relatives, cousins, and others in the family all have very good senses of Mu Xiaoxiao.

It would be too whimsical to really understand Mu Xiaoxiao as a fool.

"Huh? Do you want to participate?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming in surprise, then climbed ashore, ran behind Guan Ming, and sat on the shore with his legs on Guan Ming's shoulders, and Guan Ming as a A fat man, who strictly adheres to the basic principles of resistance to cold and heat, sinks into the water below his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter if I go or not, you, if you want me to go, I'll go, if you don't want me to go, I won't go." Guan Ming's body sank, and the heels of the goods kicked his own belly. Fortunately, she didn't make any effort to turn back and forth, otherwise the pool must be splashing.

"Well ... do you want to go?" Mu Xiaoxiao sat on Guan Ming's shoulder and leaned forward, his head looked down at Guan Ming's face.

Feeling the sudden pressure on the brain, Guan Ming felt the huge temperature difference between the water and the body at this moment, especially the neck and head of half a pack, and felt deeply.

"It's okay." Guan Ming couldn't help but sit up straight.

Although he wanted to get up and throw his daughter-in-law into the water, then he shouted: The orcs will never be slaves.

But considering Mu Xiaoxiao's unique coquettish skills in the management of father and mother, let alone dinner, lunch may be a seafood banquet full of oysters.

"I'll talk about that then ~" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say a word, she needed to refer to Guan Ming's work status.

Guan Ming takes her as a treasure, but this is not her willful capital. Anyone can play freely in his free time, but if Guan Ming is pulled out when he is busy, he will be too blind to see.

"Stand up, stand up, I'm going to the middle of the water!" Standing up, Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at the middle of the pool and shouted whistlingly.

With a smile, Guan Ming stood up and walked towards the center of the water.

Just like riding a horse, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled very happily, even if he only listened to the sound, Guan Ming smiled.

In the home classroom occupying the gym, Guan Mengxi scratched his head and looked at the English words in a clue.

It ’s hard. English is too difficult. English cartoons are not good. Ca n’t you test Japanese in a foreign language?

"... Teacher, teacher ~" Although the voice was small, it was still received by the radio equipment. Guan Mengxi curled her hands next to her face and waved at Tian Qiantong.

The camera rose, and Tian Qiantong, who was sitting beside him, quickly got up and came over, "What's wrong, Xiao Xi."

The child is still small, even though IQ is high, but Tian Qiantong still thinks she is uncomfortable, such as being thirsty, hungry, or wanting to go to the bathroom.

"How many points did my mother take in English during the college entrance exam?" Guan Meng Xi asked, lying on the table, looking up.

"Uh ... I don't know this too well." After a moment's choking, Tian Qiantong squatted on the ground, keeping her sight parallel to Guan Mengxi.

In fact, Tian Qiantong really knew, and even she knew how many points Guan Ming had taken in the college entrance examination. After all, some news was not extinct online, and collecting all the online information of the steward family had become the tacit understanding of all brain chip users.

"I feel like I'm going to fail my English test. I can't compare it to my sister, but I can't lose face if I can't compare to my mother." Another voice was lowered by one decibel, Guan Mengxi said secretly.

When she heard her say, Tian Qiantong smiled, stunned her head and said nothing, then got up and returned to her position to do well.

Did not get the answer he wanted, Guan Mengxi looked a little discouraged.

"Hmm ~ I can't help but laugh out my voice. Is the family member of the housekeeper Mu Xiaoxiao with the lowest IQ?"

"My sister is already like this. My sister is even more powerful. Guan Ming is the winner of life."

"The third one who filled in the wrong place, baby, according to the context, it should be the polite question of the other party."

"You are bored or bored. There are hundreds of thousands of people watching a child's college entrance examination. How busy are you? Do you not work on weekdays? Are you worthy of your company's corporate culture!"

"I'm curious, Guan Ming's translation software can be used in electronic glasses, and I also need to learn English for Mao."

"According to my English 8 level perspective, the accuracy rate of the child is about 75%. If she is like this in all subjects except for math accidents, Tsinghua University is a bit difficult, but there should be nothing wrong with the youth class. After all, Guan Ming is rich and rich . "

"My dad is rich and my mother is good-looking and rich, so Meng Xi is born with talent, good-looking and rich!"



A live test attracted the attention of more than 100,000 people without water ~ ~ In addition to Guan Ming's natural fame, more people are paying attention to 'genius'.

Few people will think about the increase in IQ of the genetic gene, but many people have not seen such a genius, and even such a genius is not as good as her 'sister' in her own mouth, and she was still before Acted, this is too much.

The domestic male to female ratio is close to 1: 1, but the number of men who are jealous of Guan Ming is far more than the number of women who are jealous of Mu Xiaoxiao.

The daughter-in-law is beautiful, Mengwa is smart, she is talented and rich, and she has a lot of free time. If you divide it according to the degree of difficulty, it may be the last one.

At the same time, the White House was already in the dark.

"It was incredible to be born 8 years old and only 6 years old this year ~" A black employee leaned on a chair, his voice lazy and tired.

"Success is an inevitable. Maybe people have worked hard when we didn't see it, but it is terrible at 6 years old. What if she also becomes the same as Guan Ming." Sigh, the white man beside The staff took a sip of coffee.

Mu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room was on the screen of the two, while Guan Mengxi's test live broadcast was inside.

The night is too late and the time is long. This kind of thing cannot be seen by high-level bosses in person, but this does not mean that the matter is not important. After reading this pair of white and black, you must write a report, including the correctness of all the topics. Answers and non-trivial grades, analysis of personality and thinking methods for some subjective questions.

Bai Jiahei didn't blame the trivial problem, because they also knew what this genius performance meant, especially the younger sister who had not come forward but was said to be more powerful by the younger sister.

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