Private Technology

: 1,158 Shows of the next generation

Many geniuses have symptoms since childhood, such as Tao Zexuan, a Chinese mathematician.

7-year-old self-taught calculus, 8-year-old went to middle school, 14-year-old went to college audition, 16-year-old received an honorary immediate degree, 17-year-old received a master's degree, 21-year-old received a doctorate, 24-year-old became a professor in Los Angeles, California, and so on.

Showing the early wisdom of Guan Mengxi is not in the academic world, and many people who know Guan Mengxi also understand Guan Ming's intentions, so the live broadcast on this day looks good, no matter the curve of online numbers or The increase in topical and enthusiastic levels is in line with Guan Ming's expectations.

It's just that the news from the White House came to Guan Ming in deep thought.

"Well, netizens really recognize the performance of the younger sister, especially the Chinese language, which is just a copy of me, 137 points!" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his chest, proud of Mu Xiaoxiao.

"However, netizens are discussing whether you were so good at Xiaoxi when you were in the senior year of high school. This kind of topic can be caused. I don't know if Xiaoxi is too powerful or you are too stupid." Going back, Guan Ming saw the stupid A flat horse sits on the ground, with her little hand pulling back and forth, and the holographic projection in front of her keeps changing pages.

The emergence of one thing can lead to many topics.

Guan Mengxi ’s live broadcast seemed to Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao only to convey the situation of early wisdom to the outside world, in order to eliminate the public opinion storm that would occur in one year, in order to reduce the probability of pretending to be a face attack, At the same time, he also gave Xiaobudian a good reputation in advance, and that's all, but the topics that have appeared since then have become diverse.

The most normal topics are words such as Guan Mengxi's early wisdom, and good sayings about the steward's early education.

The second is how high Meng Xi's sister's IQ will be, and how will it behave.

The last is to sort the housekeeper's IQ, the highest must be Guan Ming, and then according to the words of the younger sister, the second should be the younger sister, and the third and fourth are Mu Xiaoxiao's mother and daughter, but the gap between the two should be small.

Netizens flipped through the early Weibos of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao. Naturally, Guan Mengxi had a younger sister and sister, but during the live broadcast, Guan Mengxi said the word "sister", so everyone knows that the younger sister is Boss, but netizens don't know what this sister's name is.

"Of course, Xiao Xi is too powerful. Also, I was very strong at the beginning, otherwise how could I be admitted!" Mu Xiaoxiao retorted thoughtlessly.

Guan Ming thinks about it carefully. It seems that his question is also questionable. "You're happy."

Shrugging, Guan Ming continued to watch the news from Double Star, but Mu Xiaoxiao was not angry at this place, and she looked at the online comments with great interest.

The White House showed great importance to the appearance of Guan Mengxi. According to the news from Shuangxing, the first thing that Okui did was to listen to the examination of Xiaoxi during the day, and summoned his think tanks to study how to deal with it. .

The meeting lasted 45 minutes. The result of the meeting was to prepare to go in three steps. The first step was to use various methods to spread cheating in Guan Mengxi's exam online in China. Furthermore, it was analyzed that Guan Ming was deliberately creating a topic and letting Sales of second-generation holographic projections have soared to promote the artificial island project in order to combat Guan Ming commercially and try to delay or even abort the artificial island plan.

The second step is to prepare to increase the Sino-US exchange student program in September this year, focusing on well-known domestic universities, especially local universities in Shanghai, to try their luck and see if they can contact Guan Mengxi.

The third step is a little wider, mainly the grandchildren of the big capitalists, to see if they have the means to soak up Meng Xi.

Not to mention, these three steps Guan Ming is really a little scratching his head. In the first step, Guan Ming can not care, after all, no matter what the Internet says, he should make a lot of money, even this obvious negative comment may stimulate domestic Market rebound.

The second step is to test the security of the two children, especially Guan Mengyu. At least the current White House doesn't know that Guan Mengxi is going to go art, but Guan Mengyu has already set it.

In the third step, it hurts a lot.

In fact, Guan Ming also understands that even if foreign capitalists don't know about the genetic inheritance of Guan Ming, but considering Guan Ming's family wealth, this bubble girl's plan must also be realized, especially under the premise of being clever.

But for Guan Xiaoming, who is a flower grower, these guys are too stupid. Specially, they are not even flowers and bones now, and these unsuspecting play should start staring at flower pots. Is there any king? Law, there is no law!

After pondering for a while, Guan Ming took off his electronic glasses and said to the daughter-in-law on the ground, "Well, let's continue broadcasting to Xiao Xi."

"But there will be no exam tomorrow. Besides, I read online that there seems to be restrictions on children's live broadcast." Hesitant, Mu Xiaoxiao blinked at Guan Ming, hoping that he would pay attention.

"Using your number, restricting farts, I want to see which platform dares to restrict us." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming said angrily.

Regardless of the fact that live-streaming dolls can obviously be 404, just looking at Guan Ming's status in the country, it is estimated that as long as there is no platform on the head, the Guan Ming family will be asked to go live.

"Also, you can broadcast live without exams. In the morning, it is a cultural class, and in the afternoon, it is an art class. It is not delayed."

Guan Ming doesn't care if the live content is boring, he cares more about what he wants to show, including the future art mouth and so on.

There are a lot of things to consider. From Guan Ming's current perspective, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

"Oh, then I'll send a Weibo to tell everyone." Not sure what Guan Ming was thinking, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, and then tweeted tweeted.

Then what happened to me, Mu Xiaoxiao got up and went to Guan Ming, and said happily, "Yes, Dad, Miss's TV show is about to start, and, just now, Qingyun said that" Quick Book "invited Xiaoxi to do it. Program ~ ~ If you go, it will be a family of three. If you do n’t go to me, it will be the mother and daughter. If I do n’t go, I will take the crew to promote the TV series. If Xiao Xi does n’t If you go, then only the crew will go. "

"Give you a chance to reorganize your language." Holding her cheek back and forth, she felt itching.

"Husband, husband, isn't it OK for my husband !!!" Mu Xiaoxiao's face moved with Guan Ming's hand back and forth, but she never gave up her nickname.

"You've decided, let the show team make the content of the show, and in accordance with the previous habits, first give the script, cut us to play it again." Seeing her so familiar, Guan Ming also let go.

Guan Ming said it was not good for the impact of this appellation on his mentality, but intellectually he still refused.

"Unfortunately, I thought I could go with you." Thinking of Guan Ming going to work in the company recently, Mu Xiaoxiao subconsciously thought that Guan Ming would be busy with work, so he directly ruled out his option.

"It's a pity that when Xiaoxi becomes the protagonist later, we will make a movie together with the family of three. Let's go to the family to promote it together. Only then will we be able to reflect my value to the maximum." Rubbing her head, comforting her.

Guan Ming didn't think too much. If he knew that Mu Xiaoxiao was because of his work, maybe he would actually go to record the program, so to speak, it was just to help Mu Xiaoxiao find a decent excuse, maybe in his mind, For families, work cannot be an excuse at all.

"Bite you, am I so cheap?" He shook Guan Ming's hand firmly, his cheeks swollen, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked unhappy.

"How is it possible?"

Without waiting for the smile on Mu Xiaoxiao's face to bloom, Guan Ming said honestly, "But I'm no doubt more expensive than you."

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