Private Technology

: 1,159 virtual universal body

The steward does not have strict internal and external distinctions. Generally speaking, it is what Guan Ming handles. Mu Xiaoxiao will not intervene, and what Guan Xiaoxiao does, Guan Ming is too lazy to say.

This mode of behavior is not good or bad. I really want to ask Guan Ming whether itchy for seven years, and Guan Ming can only scratch the idiot with a tickle to extinguish the fire.

The next day, on the third floor of the company, Director Wei and Guan Ming's father and daughter toured around, and then sat down and chatted in his office.

Don't look at Director Wei and Guan Dian's seniority, but this old man is also more cháo stream, can't catch up with Guan Daddy to pull a team to make a copy, but he can look at the live broadcast when he is free.

No, after seeing Guan Mengxi's live broadcast yesterday, the old man couldn't wait for it today.

"Mr. Guan, I saw Meng Xi's live broadcast yesterday. She plans to go in the physical direction in the future?" Director Wei asked.

In fact, as Guan Ming's first child going in the direction of scientific research, Guan Mengyu chose biochemistry, which really surprised many people.

In the eyes of many people, modern science has been very carefully divided. If it is across majors, even Guan Ming, who is a physics student, will not be able to make Guan Mengyu achieve higher achievements in biochemistry.

Therefore, even if there is news that Guan Mengxi is going to develop in the entertainment industry, the director of Wei as a scientist cannot help but ask, if possible, he still hopes that Guan Mengxi will take the scientific research, even if it is in the theoretical direction. Research is OK.

"No, Xiao Xi, then I am going to go in the art direction." Guan Ming smiled and shook his head.

"It's a bit wasteful, Xiao Xi's performance is very good." Immediately changed, Director Wei joked with a smile.

"Xiao Xi and Xiao Xiao both mean in this respect, and the words of my family are not too bad for Xiao Xi to stand alone."

I heard that Guan Ming took his own mother and sister as shields, and Guan Mengyu couldn't help rolling his eyes. This is probably a habit.

"But in this case, Mr. Guan's talent is a bit wasteful." Director Wei said impassively, at least when he asked someone to understand the situation yesterday, there was no objection to him to persuade Guan Ming.

If Guan Ming is a serious professor and scientist and has his own scientific research team, it is easy to say that how can he get one or two people who can inherit the mantle.

But the problem is that Guan Ming's scientific research is all on his own, and he is only an honorary professor of several domestic universities. The most important thing is that the performance of this product in scientific research is not very positive.

Bring students?

Dream it!

He was too lazy to even leave the company to a professional manager for a long time, and he was too lazy to have the two giants pull him in person.

"Xiao Xi's words are still forgotten, anyway, I still have a son." Guan Ming smiled arrogantly. Although the words expressed his expectations for his son's future, the reason was still unwilling to reluctantly manage Meng Xi.

I have exhausted my feelings for so many years, even though Guan Ming's bones have a taste of patriarchy, but the degree of spoiling Guan Mengxi is no less than Guan Mengyou.

Open your mouth, Director Wei does n’t know what to say, at least in terms of the current conditions of Guan Ming, maybe the scientific research in physics, and the pc text watermark 1 can really be passed on to his son as a heir, so this statement is also No problem.

Farewell to Director Wei, Guan Ming took the little girl back to his laboratory.

"Dad, do you really think Xiaoyou will perform better than her sister? I mean IQ." Looking at his father's back, Guan Mengyu couldn't help asking.

"Even if you don't have confidence in Xiaoyou, you have to have confidence in my genes ~" The new house turned back at 45 °, Guan Ming stopped with his hands in his pockets.

Guan Ming once talked with Guan Mengyu about her genes, but at that time because the other party was young, and xìng was not his daughter, Guan Ming was embarrassed to let her study her genes, but she also knew about it .

"But ..." He froze, Guan Mengyu frowned.

Without saying everything, likewise, there is no meaning such as contempt or disdain.

"It's nothing, but something, let's ... look forward." Guan Ming waved his hand and said something intriguing.

Pouting the corner of his mouth, Guan Mengyu scratched his head a little irritably.

My younger sister, you really can give people problems!

Coating + silicone + metal plate + elastic material, this is Guan Ming's first definition of the body.

The so-called body, the full name should be a virtual universal body, an important accessory for universal xìng second-generation products suitable for AR / VR, electronic glasses and holographic projection.

For military use, it can be used for training, exercises, and even combat.

For civilian use, this thing is currently estimated to be used for games, remote control, etc.

If you use H ...

However, increasing and decreasing pressure, high and low temperature must strictly meet the requirements of the human body's age, height, weight, and even physical fitness. In addition, it must respond quickly. In this case, the requirements for the thickness and material of the inner shell are a little high.

Similarly, the metal plate needs to embed the circuits, wires, etc. into the metal plate, and it must also ensure that the thickness of the metal plate is maintained to a certain degree ~ ~ At least it will not be too distorted, and the charging, The installation of the wireless connection and the adjustment of the center of gravity, whether in whole or in part, have a high degree of difficulty.

The silicone layer can be replaced. As long as the rebound speed is fast and the impact resistance is strong, the outermost coating is mainly for anti-wear.

At present, Guan Ming is not ready to study this thing to the point of waterproofing and compression.

After all, the research and development purpose of this thing is to simulate the external environment to stimulate the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the requirements for the training environment.

"It's a little irritable. According to this volume, it lasts only 24 hours." Looking at the first draft of the design, Guan Ming scratched his head.

Graphene batteries are used. In order to ensure that the figure is ‘sophisticated’ and the center of gravity is moderate, Guan Ming chose to distribute the batteries into pieces.

There are four battery locations in the entire body, under the left and right armpits and inside the left and right thighs.

For military use, there will be a lot of complex movements and unarmed combat, but under the simulation of the body, the virtual battle will be performed, and the collision points will be simulated with pressure to further reduce the direct impact. These four points are controlled by Ming The fewest points of collision found by integrating past data.

There are a dozen kings of soldiers every year, but there are really few soldiers who can split or kiss me. Selecting this point can minimize the hesitation and worry of the soldiers and minimize the probability of collision. Avoid damage probability.

Industrialized production is currently unavailable. From the perspective of laboratory cost, the unit price of such a body is more than 700,000, which is not yet considered as the second-generation VR.

There are too many things to do in the manufacturing factory of Double Star, including the core components of the network satellite that Zhong Qiming is shinging into the sky. It has delayed a lot of work to make such a thing. low.

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