Private Technology

: One hundred and thirty-two

Guan Ming didn't care about Mu Xiaoxiao being reprimanded by Mu's mom. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care. After all, being scolded for five days a week is the normal rhythm of life.

Then Mu's mother settled Guan Ming's account, and even last month, how much money Guan Ming did not pay attention to, and put them in his pocket.

I chatted for a few words, and Guan Ming only stated his main purpose today.

"I was thinking about Xiaoxiao's college entrance examination and taking her to play, but after a while I will go to Emperor Capital, there are some things to deal with in the company."

I chose to come today, mainly because the management mother was at home. He was looking forward to Mu Xiaoxiao's proposal to visit the Imperial City today. There would be an excuse to go to the Imperial City together.

But obviously not today, but it does not matter, Guan Ming can first say that he went to the imperial capital, after all, if you really meet in the imperial capital, it is a coincidence.

"The results of the college entrance examination haven't come down yet. She is not happy to play, but you're good. You should be able to stay in the current company after graduation." Mu's mother is a bit envious, because now there is no package distribution, during college Being able to go to the company to work part-time and mixed so well (a box of mosquito repellent bracelets) shows that he is very capable, and that he has been a part-time job as a sophomore and persisted till now, and his home should also have a little way.

"Should be able to stay, but there should be no problem with Xiaoxiao's grades. The university still has to take classes. It is estimated that this should be the most unburdened vacation." Guan Ming politely persuaded that although Mu Xiaoxiao had no house all day Going out, but she can't do it if she wants to go outside for a day.

Upon hearing this, Mu Mu's mother felt a little hesitant, after all, Guan Ming was justified.

"That is, classmates can go out to play, but I can't go out, so shameful." Mu Xiaoxiao listened, and quickly came over to fight for leniency.

"Shame and shame, you know shame all day long. Why don't you want to think that if you fail the test, then you are even more shameful, and you might as well stay at home now." The pouting was killed.

Looking at the captive Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming said that this wave of cooperation is no one.

Uh ...

There is no online ticket sales, but it does not mean that it is impossible to monitor Mu Xiaoxiao's movement information. For the current calculation of Double Star, the city's intersection monitoring equipment is a good entry point.

However, Guan Ming ignored some of his words at Mu's house. After one week, Guan Ming received a call from Mu's father.

"Well, uncle."

哦 "Oh, not yet, we'll be there in two days."

嗨 "Hi ~ it's all trivial, nothing is bothersome."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

"Well, but then, let's discuss it with the company and ask them to help buy Xiaoxiao's ticket together and leave together at that time. It's more convenient."

"欸 ~ no need."

"Uh ... okay."

"Well, okay, let's do this first. I'll call you later."

Hanging up the phone, Guan Ming smiled silently. I did not expect that it was actually Mu's father who called and asked if Guan Ming had left. If possible, could you take care of Mu Xiaoxiao, she has been at home recently. Living is persuaded, but it ’s like going to Didu to make a living.

But Mu's family had no acquaintances in the emperor. In the end, he did not recruit. He could only find Guan Ming. I only hoped that Guan Ming hadn't left or hadn't returned in the emperor.

Guan Guanming said that he hadn't left yet. At the same time, he could help buy a ticket and leave together at that time.

As for the money, Mu Da said that he would pay this part of the money, as long as he took care of Mu Xiaoxiao.

没有 There is no so-called real-name system these years, and you can go to buy tickets. The cattle are also quite embarrassing, but this is not a problem. Determine the time and ask Liu Mengmeng to get everything done.

As for what Liu Mengmeng has to do to get the train tickets, that's her business, but she has always done things properly, the problem is not big, and no extra attention is needed.

A total of four sleeper tickets counted in addition to Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, as well as two bodyguards, Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun.

"Boss, take me to 一, one glance, one glance." Looking at a small packet of Guan Ming in his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao felt itchy.

蒙 Liu Mengmeng guessed a lot about Guan Ming ’s behavior that was unswerving every Saturday afternoon this year. Although Guan Ming did n’t say, he still assumed some guesses, such as picking up girls.

Originally, Liu Mengmeng didn't think much about it this time. After all, it ’s okay to go to the emperor to play, business, or three people to buy four soft bedrooms, and the box is quiet.

Of course, Guan Ming is mainly stink.

After all, Shuangxing once reported some developments of Liu Mengmeng. For example, she found another girlfriend. She has lived outside since April this year and hasn't broken up yet ...

"Go work, go work." Like a chicken, Guan Ming blasted Liu Mengmeng away.

At the same time, the Mu family, Mu Xiaoxiao, carrying a small bag excitedly, opened the small bag from time to time to see if anything had fallen.

Uh ...

不太 Not coincident today, Mu's mom and mom all went to work, but after Guan Ming bought the ticket, he also passed through the old couple, so he left Mu Xiaoxiao alone to wait at home.

"Brother, you finally came, walk around."

When I saw Mu Xiaoxiao opening the door, the youthful face was full of youthfulness ~ ~ want to enter the house and sit down, but it was pushed out by Mu Xiaoxiao.

I saw her looking down and wearing shoes, and she was about to leave.

"You can't wait." Guan Ming did not stop, joking casually.

"Hey hey, yes, give you money." Unlock the door, and then put the key back in the chest, Mu Xiaoxiao took it out, ready to pay the official and civilian ticket money.

Mu Xiaoxiao is a round neck T-shirt and jacket. I can only see a little collarbone and a white rope with a key around her neck. Although Guan Ming is like buying a chicken heart collar for her, but considering the key around her neck In the elementary school experience, Guan Ming was not prepared to say anything.

呐 "Now, my dad asked me to say thank you." Mu Xiaoxiao recounted in ‘the original words’.

"Uh ... well, I have received the thank you." Guan Ming didn't know how to answer, looking at a dozen silver coins in his hand, Guan Ming had to fold in his pocket.

On weekdays, there were not many people in the residential buildings, but just when the car was driving into the community just a few people were looking around.

At this point in time, private cars in the Shanghai market are not uncommon, but there is no parking space in this old-fashioned neighborhood.

"This is Zhou Wu, just call your brother Zhou, this is Ma Qingyun, just call your sister Ma." On the car, Guan Ming introduced the two in the front row.

Guan Ming had a reminder to let Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun pay more attention and disguised as company logistics staff, while Guan Ming disguised as an intern.

The ignorant Mu Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat of the car and said rudely, unaware of why Guan Ming and her could be the back seat.

PS: Thank you Captain Mo for your reward and thank you for your support!

The college entrance examination is coming soon. I hope that the partners who have college entrance examinations will work harder to get into an ideal university ~

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