Private Technology

: One hundred and thirty-three plans

The departure time of the train is at dinner time, and naturally the four of them eat meals near the train station.

"Zhou brother and sister Ma are very nice, but neither of them speaks a word." Sitting on the seat, watching the back to order, Mu Xiaoxiao sat beside Guan Ming and whispered.

Hehe, of course their attitude is better ...

"Personality issues, but they are really good. I heard that they were originally soldiers, and later they were retired and arranged by the state. I will give you their phone numbers when you look back. People are very nice and enthusiastic. I can call them for help if there is something. "Regarding Mu Xiaoxiao's existence, Guan Ming was too lazy to think about whether she would suspect anything, because these considerations belonged to more thoughts.

Dinner is beef noodles, Guan Ming didn't pay attention to the price, Mu Xiaoxiao also simmered, didn't think too much, and started eating sloppy. It didn't seem to give me food until I got on the train.

"Sister Ma, this is the money for the meal, I just remembered it." Passing the money in both hands, Mu Xiaoxiao face shy.

"Forget it, all call my sister, just a meal." Ma Qingyun refused with a smile.

He is not familiar with Ma Qingyun, Mu Xiaoxiao keeps his hands in the previous position, looks at Guan Ming for help, hoping he can help.

"Come on, sister Ma is not stingy." Guan Ming naturally stood beside Mu Xiaoxiao.

The biggest difference between a soft sleeper and a hard sleeper is four and six. At the same time, the car has a door. Zhou Wu went to the outside of the box and sat to read the newspaper. One was to leave enough space for Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, but to prevent Mu Xiaoxiao went out to the toilet, out of sight.

哦 "Oh, thank you Sister Ma." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao shrank his head, and put the money in his pocket.

Ma Qingyun didn't say anything, after smiling, he climbed up to the shop.

Although Mu Da called before to ask Guan Ming to help take care of him, later Guan Ming also said that this trip had female colleagues and the like. The main reason was that he did not want Mu Xiaoxiao to be indoctrinated by Mu's mother. idea.

The train started slowly and was about to start a journey of more than ten hours.

"Is there any plans to go to the Imperial Capital this time, where do you want to go?" He took out a few oranges from the bag and placed them on the table, Guan Ming asked.

恩 "Eun Eun, think about it, you wait." Peeled the orange in half, Mu Xiaoxiao turned over his small bag, and took out a notebook from it.

"I'm going to the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and Water Cube, I'm going to the Lama Temple to find amulets for my parents, and I'll go to Tsinghua University, and ..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the notebook and then muttered.

Ignoring Guan Ming's head for a while, a 32-size notebook has a full page, because Mu Xiaoxiao's writing is a bit heavy, and the notebook's page is a bit off.

"Uh ... I do n’t know if Tsinghua Beijing University will let you in, but the Water Cube doesn't seem to have been built yet. You can only walk outside at the most. The most important thing is, how much did you bring?" Guan Ming has gone all over, it is estimated that it will take half a month, but this time Mu Xiaoxiao only has three days.

I had called with Mu Damu Mu Ma before, saying that three days would be enough. Why do you stay so long, the first thing to do is to buy a train ticket.

"Oh, I brought 1,000 yuan this time, what happened?" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a look of confusion, totally unaware of why he asked this question.

Sighing, Guan Ming finally knew why she had used ‘bitterness’ to describe the three-day tour of the imperial capital in her last life.

The round-trip train ticket is an extra expense, not in the range of 1,000 yuan. However, tickets to the Forbidden City and the Great Wall also require tickets. The Summer Palace and tickets are still required. It is estimated that the amulet is more expensive than the ticket. To buy a joss stick, plus the money to eat and sleep, this is just for fun. Without reporting to the group, hey ...

"Well, Xiaoxiao, how about you? Give me 500 yuan. I will take you to play the imperial capital for three days. How about eating and drinking?" Guan Mingshi didn't want to see Mu Xiaoxiao, who was tangled up for the last time, for tight clothes. Shrinking food, it is estimated that she does not yet have the concept of tickets.

"Ah? Oh, well ..."

Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao reluctantly to pay the 500 ocean protection fee, Guan Ming drew his lips, do not know what to say, Guan Ming felt that in Mu Xiaoxiao's heart thought that there should be a lot of money left after this play ...

In order to make Mu Xiaoxiao unhappy because of paying protection fees, Guan Ming decided to change the subject.

"What do you want to do if you don't want to go to college?" Guan Ming asked the protection fee in his pocket.

Regarding whether or not he can be admitted to the university, it is completely out of Guan Ming's considerations, let alone Mu Xiaoxiao's grades. Qian Junhao's side is underpinned. As long as it is not worse than a certain level, he will definitely not. problem appear.

"Not yet, the results have not come down, I don't know if I can pass the test." Mu Xiaoxiao said with his hands on his cheeks, weakly.

"Then you come out and play? The last carnival?" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks, with some angry expression, Guan Ming shrugged with a smile, and continued: "But you must be able to pass the test, think about it The time schedule after college, I can help you with staff in this regard. "

"Oh, then I work, and then make money to repair my teeth." After that, Mu Xiaoxiao pinched his teeth, and then pointed at one of his teeth.

Although Guan Ming hasn't gotten to know each of Mu Xiaoxiao's teeth, she still notices that the tooth next to her incisor is slightly inward, but this is too detailed, and he can't determine Mu Xiao's previous life. Do you know if your teeth are full?

"Yes, but braces are expected to wear for a long time." Guan Ming gave support. After all, it's not bad to be ugly, at least there is less competition ~ ~ Then, I want to skip class, from class to class Did not escape, too failed! "Pouting, Mu Xiaoxiao incarnates Mu Jianqiang, with a solemn look.

"Come on, if your mother knew you were skipping class, your little arm would break for you." Guan Ming sneered at it, relying on her courage to lie when she lied and escaped.

I didn't give her a chance to speak, Guan Ming continued, "But in college, I personally feel that I have to go to the school library at least once. I can't graduate in four years. I don't know the library of my school."

"Yes." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, then nodded suddenly.

Ma Qingyun, who was lying on the bunk and reading a magazine, looked at how Mu Xiaoxiao was flickered. Although it is 2007, the stalk of 01 is still a relatively popular stage.

Uh ...

"Is he here with the emperor?"

"Here, the train tonight, tomorrow."

"Oh, do you know what arrangements he has?"

"This is not clear, but I heard it was to accompany his students to travel."

"Well, what student, little girlfriend is pretty much the same as the people below, please pay more attention."


"Well ... tell his company again and let him come to me in five ... seven days, remember to help me arrange time."


PS: Thank you for your rewards, thank you for your support!

The window was not closed the day before yesterday, and I got a cold and got sick. Yesterday, I took a sick leave to see a doctor. The whole person was confused, and the comment area was not concerned, but fortunately, there is a draft and it is released regularly.

Sick leave for one day today, but most of the time is still in the hospital, the chapter at 6 pm should be back in the afternoon, probably should catch up ......

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