Private Technology

: 134 I'm afraid you didn't wake up

Every time Qian Junhao will not report any good news, this time is no exception. The satellites of private and private companies, can you go to heaven if you want to go to heaven?

But people who have found related fields have found out. Although artificial satellites in their own names have not been recorded in the sky, in the West, there are not no companies that send satellites to the sky. Of course, it costs a lot.

And I learned from the experts that it is not just satellites that have fallen to the altar, but even rocket launches have begun commercialization.

Last year, SpaceX announced a contract with NASA for a commercial rail transport service. Not to mention whether SpaceX has the ability to successfully launch a rocket now, but at least it has prospects in this regard.

In other words, if Guan Ming's request is denied this time, Guan Ming only needs to wait a moment, or immediately go to the West and waving his money, he can launch his own artificial satellite.

"In a few days, I'll talk to Guan Ming and see what he thinks." Watching the people noisy, even he in the high position felt a headache.

Normally, this kind of thing does not rise to the level of the meeting at all, but because Guan Ming is special, at the end of the meeting, I took out discussions and discussions, but I did not expect that those who supported and opposed had a clear attitude.

This can't help reminding him of something. In his opinion, some people should be anxious, and even some people should ignore them and try to eliminate all potential forces.

Uh ...

"It's so hot ~" Mu Xiaoxiao took a fan fan, even if wearing a T-shirt, the emperor in June was still hot.

I did n’t bring anything with me, and I threw it into the hotel. Guan Ming bought a camera in advance, and Sony also took a lot of photos.

However, they all entered the Forbidden City, and Mu Xiaoxiao was still surprised to receive tickets ...

"The ancient emperor was definitely not afraid of heat. Don't wear hot robes every day. Don't heat up the mule." Standing at the gate of Taihe Hall, Mu Xiaoxiao started to speak.

"The ancient Jieshu was not so bad. As an emperor, it is easy to get ice cubes stored in an ice cellar. Saltpeter is also a method of freezing." Guan Ming is not an ancient man, nor has he studied it in particular, but I do n’t know Will the city in the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties be hotter than here?

"欸 ~ I really hate you, at this time I shouldn't follow my words, right? No wonder there is no girlfriend, science students really hate it." Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at Guan Ming with a group fan, disdainful.

"What does this have to do with science students?" Guan Ming rolled his eyes, okay, he admits that he just said without turning his head, but the problem is ... your sister, you haven't married me in my last life Ah!

晴 Ma Qingyun snickered beside him, and after Guan Ming gave a glance, she looked casually at other places, but the smile at the corner of her mouth was a little ridiculous.

"Hey, Guan brother, talk about 呗, why do not have a girlfriend until now." Mu Xiaoxiao seems to find the new continent, and began to run out of Guan Ming.

I do n’t have a girlfriend. In fact, it can be reflected to some extent during normal communication, and Guan Ming has not shied away from this aspect. After all, he is ready to pick up a girl. It is not a good thing to have a love history.

But when run by Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming thinks his egg is about to be squeezed ...

"You have a birthday, what do you know?" Guan Ming's qi, the dialects of qi are all coming out, Shou Tau means idiot.

In Shanghai, there are not many dialect exchange occasions, mainly depending on age and occasions, while Shanghai itself is an international metropolis, and the popularity of Mandarin is pretty good.

"Cut, if you don't say it, don't say anything, I'm going to find a boyfriend at the university." Mu Xiaoxiao was not angry when she was scolded, and she was very resistant to stress.

When Guan Ming heard these words, he almost got angry. Although the words were fine, Guan Ming's hard work was not raising his sister.

小心 "Be careful your mother knows to kill you." Guan Ming threatened.

"Hum ~" Mu Xiaoxiao don't fall down. Although she counsels her mother very much, she will not seduce to the end if she is not properly faced.

Looking at the interested guy next to him, Guan Ming decided that certain plans should be advanced. As for the difficulty, there are still some, but time is not waiting.

Sum up the experience of seniors, that is, Guan Ming did not meet Mu Xiaoxiao in his most beautiful years, in the most practical words, that is, Mu Xiaoxiao has not seen Guan Ming's peak combat power!

Zhou Wu didn't know where to hide. Only Ma Qingyun was with her. Listening to Mu Xiaoxiao's words, she had to be emotional about her life. She could put down everything to accompany a person. It was easy to say, but difficult to do. The body is even more difficult.

Before visiting the Forbidden City, Mu Xiaoxiao was hungry and wanted to eat, but the Forbidden City was a scenic spot, not a scenic spot. Where did the restaurant come from? As a result, only the first half of the Forbidden City was visited, and the second half was completely missed. Back door, looking for a place to eat.

"Well, you still have to travel for this combat power, after three days of shopping? I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet." Thinking of Mu Xiaoxiao's previous plan, Guan Ming criticized physical mercilessly.

"If there is no dream, what is the difference between man and salted fish? Yeah, Ma Ma." Mu Xiaoxiao started to rebound the aura, and by the way prepared to pull allies, no, it should be looking for thighs, in her eyes, Guan Ming is scum, Ma Qingyun is true love, after all, the same gender speaks well.

"Of course ~ ~ Dream, everyone must have it, but you still need to strengthen your physical fitness, it is still too weak." Ma Qingyun must not refute Guan Ming, but it is impossible to force Mu Xiaoxiao , So you can only give professional answers from a professional perspective.

"Forget it, physical, I'm too reluctant, and there are so many courses in the university, I have to study, and learning makes me happy! I have to study hard!" Mu Xiaoxiao rejected Ma Qingyun in a way she thought was euphemistic, A person who has been sitting in the classroom for more than ten years really let her go running and jumping outdoors. It doesn't matter once or twice, but if you want to form a habit, it is more painful than thinking.

As for whether learning will make her happy, it will only be determined by the final grade.

"Where do you want to go this afternoon?" Guan Ming asked with a sip of cold drink.

"Go to the Great Wall in the afternoon, I'll go and see the Great Wall." Mu Xiaoxiao immediately gave the answer. In her mind, the place where the emperor must go is the Great Wall except the Forbidden City.

"Hey ~ Great Wall, then go to the Great Wall." Sighing, what can Guan Ming do? He is desperate. His physical strength is only a little stronger than Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, the Great Wall is far away from this ... ...

"I don't need you to accompany me, just go by myself. Why don't you come to work with Sister Ma and Brother Zhou, I can do it myself." Mu Xiaoxiao mistakenly thought that there was a conflict and quickly waved her hand to signal that she had reached an independent age. .

"Don't worry about the company. In addition to business trips, this time we came to the emperor as welfare, mainly for tourism. You can get it in your business in one week. You can get it in one afternoon." Ma Qingyun took a picture of Mu Xiaoxiao Shoulder, said.

"Oh, sister Ma is so good ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were almost laughing, and she couldn't praise.

I looked at Zhou Wu next to me, Guan Ming said that Mu Xiaoxiao's mutiny was faster than he thought ...

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