Private Technology

: 135 If you are well, it will be sunny

In the subway in the afternoon, Guan Ming received a call from Liu Mengmeng and Qian Junhao. The content was to go to a place next week. Someone wanted to talk to him, mainly for artificial satellites.

Qian Junhao didn't have any special ideas here, but Liu Mengmeng was shocked. She never expected Guan Ming to inform her in advance, but when it came to an end, she still had a way to go to the toilet and found no paper. It hurts too much ...

Liu Mengmeng talks about how difficult it is, how difficult life is, etc. How can you tell such a big event without telling it in advance? Although you do n’t need to discuss it, even if it ’s just an announcement, you have to let her know and many more.

However, Liu Mengmeng was not Mu Xiaoxiao. Guan Ming didn't need to consider the day when the other aunt came to be unhappy, so he hung up the phone directly.

The subway is nothing new to Mu Xiaoxiao. If you have to say something new, it is probably the scenery outside the subway.

"Someone is looking for the company?" Mu Xiaoxiao, who had just moved away when he saw Guan Ming hang up, stunned again.

There are a lot of people today, there are no seats on the subway, and the big guy can only stand.

"Well, an aunt in the company is super capable." Guan Minghei and Liu Mengmeng's words are all set. Although Guan Ming can guarantee that Mu Xiaoxiao can't hear the contents of the phone, he can hear something or something. come out.

"How can you say that, Brother Zhou and Sister Ma are here." Mu Xiaoxiao took her little fist and poked Guan Ming's rib.

"That's the way it is, don't believe you ask Brother Zhou and Sister Ma." It's rare to care about yourself and IQ goes online. Guan Ming cheerfully finds witnesses.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's real face that day, Ma Qingyun nodded and said, "There is indeed such a person, but he usually has a lot of words."

Ma Qingyun didn't know if lying would cause thunder and thunder, after all, if I could think of not offending everyone in a short time, it is estimated that it can only reach this level.

Wu Zhouwu pretended to be all right, and took two steps to the side.

It is a very bad habit and thing to say bad things about people behind the scenes. After all, the exit has never been kept safe in the heart. After so many years in the Public Security Bureau, Zhou Wu was used to the suspect who was voluntarily abandoning his resistance because he was badly spoken. Of course, this is also an interrogation technique.

"Oh, then you have to be careful usually, my mother can be super capable." Mu Xiaoxiao sits in a dumb check. From an age point of view, what is called an aunt must be not too different from her mother many.

"Eh ... rest assured." Hesitating, Guan Ming nodded and said he knew, he was still mad and did not tell her the truth, as to why Liu Mengmeng's age from Bensi to Benwu for no reason, still regarded as not You know, after all, Mu Xiaoxiao is so dumb, and Guan Ming also adjusted the IQ appropriately.

Uh ...

The three-day period was a fulfilling and interesting experience for Mu Xiaoxiao. In her words, it was a journey of baptizing the soul and an indispensable lesson in life!

However, for Guan Ming, this was a journey to hell, and he almost didn't bury Babao Mountain directly. Of course, he is not qualified to bury it now.

周 For Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun, it's okay, and that's what happened 呗, apart from the crowd of attractions, there is nothing to look forward to.

For three days, Guan Ming and his team of four people visited the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace, and the Lama Temple, and also passed the Tsinghua University North Gate. They also visited the Temple of Heaven in the textbook. .

Even so, Mu Xiaoxiao regrets that he did not go to Xiangshan ...

What makes Guan Ming's egg most painful is that when Mu Xiaoxiao bought the amulet, he specifically asked Guan Ming which one looked good. When he went back and bought the one that Guan Ming said was good, he bought it for Mu Da, and Mu's mother had already selected it. It is particularly worth mentioning that she only bought two amulets.

The ghost knows why the amulet should look good? The most important thing is that he didn't buy Guan Ming. Since he can't buy it, then he should ask him which one is better!

Uh ...

"Actually, I don't have to send it to me, I'll go back by myself." Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her head and looked at everyone embarrassed, but her main focus was still on Ma Qingyun.

I mainly had problems with Guan Ming and couldn't go back immediately, but Ma Qingyun said that it would be boring to stay here. By the way, I left the company's affairs to the two men.

"The emperor has nothing to play, just go back together, there is a care." Ma Qingyun said without pressure, after all, this is Guan Ming's arrangement.

When I went back, I accompanied Mu Xiaoxiao, but I still needed to come back, but I was back by plane.

"Come and have a meal after returning home, thanks to the care of Sister Ma these days." Mu Xiaoxiao's sudden invitation scared Guan Ming, but for nothing else, just for the sudden IQ EQ.

He just wanted to show that the inviter had invited the wrong one. Obviously he took care of it more.

"Never mind, wait for a chance in the future, just go back to rest for two days and rest at home." Without clear instructions, Ma Qingyun must not go to Mu Xiaoxiao's home.

"Oh, okay." Morale is a bit low. After all, it was hard to summon the courage to invite someone, but it was rejected.

I chatted for a while, Ma Qingyun and Mu Xiaoxiao entered the train station.

Uh ...

Walking on the road of the imperial capital, Guan Ming does not want to return to the hotel for the time being ~ ~ As for the sights, there is even less interest.

"Zhou Wu, do you have any regrets?" Guan Ming suddenly asked as he walked.

"Sorry? Maybe it was retired. Only after you quit, do you miss your life back then." Zhou Wu thought for a moment and said.

Wu Guanming has never been a soldier. I don't know what kind of feeling it is, but I also miss the loss. Perhaps as an ordinary person, this is a common mentality.

Twenty-three days ago, Guan Ming was a little bit guilty, and his heart was a little skeptical.

He did not doubt whether to pursue Mu Xiaoxiao, but doubted that he was doing these things. After all, he was rich, and he could do many things unscrupulously. He also firmly believed that Mu Xiaoxiao could not run in the end.

只是 He just wondered if he was traveling with him and making up lessons.

I heard Zhou Wu's words, Guan Ming found that he seemed to find a reason for him to do so, no, it should be an increase in the weight he did.

Although Guan Ming had too many regrets about his last life and this life, he didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to look back at him at the intersection of years like him, and saw the regrets and helplessness left on the ground.

"If you are well, it's sunny ..." Guan Ming said with a light smile, Jin Chancan's dazzling sunlight, sprinkled on his face, closed his eyes slightly, and enjoyed the afterglow of the sun.

"It's an interesting sentence." Zhou Wu commented that "Lin Huiyin Biography" has not yet come out. This is not a widely circulated paragraph, and he can only understand it literally.

"The next sentence is, if you are not good, I will kill you, ha ha ha." Guan Ming laughed imperiously.

Wu Zhouwu was blinded.

PS: Thank you Dan Hdan, Lanyue Tianlan, one is not two, and thank you for your support ~!

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