Private Technology

: 136 The most perfect plan

When Guan Ming heard this place for the first time, he didn't have much feeling. After all, when the address was detailed to XX Tea House, XX Road, XX, he just felt that this should be a more ordinary conversation, but seeing the departure When a building was not far away, Guan Ming realized what the place was, and he was somewhat hesitant about the conversation.

"You can wait for a while now." After walking to the second floor and finding that someone stopped Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun, Guan Ming didn't carry the words "I'm Guan Ming". After all, someone stopped, indicating that the level should not be low. usually.

There were security checks, scanning the metal items on his body, Guan Ming's two mobile phones were taken away, although Guan Ming wanted to say that he could give things to Zhou Wu, but looking at the expressionless face, Guan Ming felt this request A little high.

I knocked on the door to enter. There was only one person in the room. He was not an old man. He had dark hair and looked younger. It was about the same as Guan Daddy, but Guan Daddy already had white hair.

"Hello, hello, I didn't expect it to be you this time." Seeing that face, Guan Ming's first reaction was who I am, where I am, why I haven't woke up, but then I started to remember this Part of the resume, mainly in my previous life did not check this.

Compared with the mayor of the island, Guan Ming feels that he is more familiar with the current one. After all, the mayor's probability of appearing in the "News Network" is definitely not as high as the current one, and there is also an order of magnitude suppression.

"Oh, we should meet for the first time, and sit down." Reaching out to the opposite side, Guan Ming bowed in amazement to make him to the opposite side.

The room is not large, with antique, crimson tables and chairs, and ink paintings hanging on the walls.

I didn't sit close to the window. The table was placed in the middle of the room and the window was closed.

"Afraid of me?" The old man raised a glass with a smile and took a sip of tea, or it would be more appropriate to describe it in middle-aged / aged people.

"The main thing scared me. I didn't expect to startle you." Guan Ming took a sip of tea, slowly, at least to ensure that he wouldn't be sloppy. In this life, the biggest official he has ever seen is that, and Still dodging, I did not expect that my treatment was actually upgraded by another grade.

"Mainly because your application for launching an artificial satellite is so rare, plus your previous achievements, so I want to meet you. Can you talk about why you want to launch an artificial satellite? If it is just a hobby, it is likely not Passed. "Put down the tea cup, lean back, lean your elbows on the armrest, hold your chin at the same time, look at Guan Ming.

Tell me about Double Star? Just kidding, it's impossible.

告诉 Tell each other about the satellite network? Although it may be permitted to launch artificial satellites, a greater probability is not permitted, and domestic oil and other resources are not equally owned by state-owned enterprises.

Wu Guanming only had the last reason to be a reason, but how to say it still has to be considered.

Looking at the thoughtful Guan Ming, he did not urge, because he obviously felt the tension and discomfort of the other party, and he was more curious as to why Guan Ming knew him, in fact he is not very dazzling, if not If you pay special attention, you don't notice that people in the system should be unfamiliar with him. Is that the person who gave Guan Ming a breath? But think about it, it's not like it.

After thinking about it for two or three minutes, Guan Ming said slowly, "The hobby part does exist, but in the future, there will be many new materials that need to be manufactured using the space environment, and some experiments will also need to be performed in space. So try Let's try the state's supervision on this aspect. If possible, I can count it as early-stage data. "

"If you are making new materials, doing experiments, or something, have you ever thought about how to continuously transport material resources into space? You can't always launch a new set of equipment and resources." Before coming, He has asked some experts, and he is not too unfamiliar with this aspect, at least he knows an approximate process.

"What do you mean?" The other party could ask back, indicating that people had long been prepared, Guan Ming didn't think it was really asking him.

"Did you know that the country is now being restrained in space exploration?"

"I know a little about this part, the International Space Station does not allow China to enter, even polar bears can enter." This part is not a secret for Guan Ming, even Guan Ming knows more, but just can't tell.

"It ’s better to know, to strive for peace in the struggle, to develop in the struggle, and I am very pleased to know you and your company. I am also very glad to have you in the country, but I hope that you can make a difference You should have the standard, not just limited to one company, because this is not only a loss to you, even to the country. "The speed of speech is not fast, and the words are clear.

"Uh ... if the dynamic holographic projection is done, I promise it will be done as soon as possible." Guan Ming scratched his head, a little embarrassed, because he was too dragged, especially with a mosquito repellent bracelet in the middle. But it is impossible to ignore the person in front of you.

"Your boy still knows dynamic holographic projection?" Guan Ming smiled angrily, nodded his finger and did not wait for him to explain, his expression was a little more serious, and he continued, "I said on National Aerospace. Can you contribute your strength. "

Speaking of saying this, Guan Ming can't refuse, but can't help but say bitterly, saying, "The aerospace area is too large, and I can't leave Shanghai because of some things ..."

保密 In the field of scientific research, confidentiality is no less important than research. Ordinary secrets may be transformed into a steady stream of money, and important secrets may even be transformed into a country's impetus for take-off.

Guan Ming now thinks that in the future, he may be in a certain research institute and follow a group of people in white coats to start arguing about some messy data, and then return home a long time, two or three times. Mu Xiaoxiao was born, and then Two or three times back, the fat boy will be called, but he can't call the word "daddy".

"I heard Qian Junhao said, your little girlfriend?" I took a sip of tea and laughed at it.

I saw that the other party had run out of tea, and Guan Ming quickly poured another cup. Without Kung Fu tea, he said, it was just a teapot.

"Yeah, so this isn't I working hard all the time." Guan Ming doesn't have any embarrassment ~ ~ admitted it directly, anyway, this is not a secret anymore, although he expressed sadness about it.

"But I just graduated from the college entrance examination, but I heard that the exam is not bad." I realized that Guan Ming was somewhat resisted, and he was not chasing after him, but today he must have an answer, otherwise his face will be too shameless. Worth it.

"Isn't there any regulation in this country? Last year's regulations." Guan Ming said with a grimace. It is estimated that besides Guan Ming, he is the first person to know Guan Ming's thoughts in this regard.

"Well, you stupid boy, you actually have this intention!" After a short sting, Guan Ming's words made him laugh. The last year's regulations were obviously just a legal supplement or a trial bill.

"You see, this is okay. I have some ideas in aerospace. At the same time, I don't plan to run this part of the company. If I can, I can provide ideas for this part." Just give yourself a short time to analyze and weigh.

Don't think about it, this solution is the best.

Unlike China and the United States, Guan Ming is not Elon Musk. Under the circumstances, Guan Ming does not mind providing technical support to the country.

"The idea is the idea, and it is best to have a solution. If it is too low-level, be careful, I will recommend that the trial bill be removed. It will take more than a year to reach the 17th National Congress ..."

I don't know what to do.

This can be the perfect plan he has thought about for several years ...

PS: 6.7, today's college entrance examination, I hope that in the college entrance examination this year, everyone can get the results they want! Live up to the people who have supported you for years, live up to your persistence for years!

Thank you for your dazzling kisses, Xingxiang Abao, Xiao Xiong for rewarding, thank you for your support ~!

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