Private Technology

: 137 Metal Gloves Operation

Kuan Guanming returned to the Shanghai Stock Exchange soon. Originally, he could still waste his time unscrupulously, but now he is locked in a yoke.

Although I do n’t know if the other party was a joke or a threat, Guan Ming did n’t dare to gamble, otherwise it would be a waste of good years.

In the photo of the three-day tour of the Imperial Capital, Guan Ming once said to Mu Xiaoxiao not to worry, he will take it when he has washed the photo, but when he thinks that Guan Ming's life is not hidden in the eyes of a certain height, he thinks Let's talk honestly for a few days, or make a contribution first, so that people don't look at him unhappy.

民 Dynamic projection civil direction is actually settled, but currently it is not up to standard in the military field. This down standard is multiple, with issues such as clarity, operation and synchronization.

Clarity is mainly hardware, and the preset action is mainly software.

Hardware management has no solution, but software can handle it. After all, under the banner of cultivating talents, Guan Ming is not very concerned about this aspect, but only occasionally puts forward some ideas.

The synchronization problem is mainly based on the dynamic synchronization of the plane monitoring to 3D projection monitoring. A limited number of surveillance equipment or cameras on the battlefield can be used to reflect the true length, width, height of the battlefield, and the people inside to achieve precise strikes. There are also many things involved. , But this aspect does not apply to civilian aircraft.

The biggest difference between civilian and military is castration in function.

"You are finally back. I thought your emperor had gone. Hurry up and see how this should be handled. Any good ideas?"

Guan Guanming rested for a day at home, and went to the scientific research place provided by the school the next day, but when he entered the door, he encountered the side wearing a white coat and pressed him in front of a computer screen without saying a word.

"I can't handle the hardware part. This is one third of the software part. I'll give it to you in the next few days. I also have some ideas about the choice of hardware, but only ideas." Guan Ming looked up and took it out of his pocket. A U disk was passed and passed, and at the same time, the person also turned to the side, mainly because the old face of Bian Chengwen was too close to him.

"嚯 ~ turned around." Bian Chengwen flashed in front of his eyes, grabbed the USB flash drive with a thunderbolt, and sat on the chair beside him with a buttock, and started using the USB drive X computer.

"No way, I was criticized by name." Sighing, what can Guan Ming do? Just one third of this was still done yesterday. The main reason is that there are a lot of points to be overcome. Ming also thinks about it occasionally in his spare time, and did not study it too deeply.

"Deserve it, who made you have procrastination." Bian Chengwen said cheerfully, as for who criticized him, it is not his question, after all, the word "criticism" can be used on Guan Ming First of all, the status is extraordinary.

"Cut ~" Guan Ming didn't mention the issue of 'cultivating talents' before. It was boring to mention that. Guan Ming continued: "Professor Bian, are you going to return to the capital after finishing this time?"

No wonder Guan Ming asked, Bian Chengwen first had a public office. This time he was resident in Shanghai. He was mainly stranded as the leader of the "Dynamic Projection Research Team." Director's position.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Bian Chengwen looked at the files in the USB flash drive and said absently.

"So, can you give a report to the above, and say that I hope you can continue to summarize and transmit some of the information I provided in the Shanghai Stock Market." Although Bian Chengwen is a layman in the aerospace field, Guan Ming I feel that the relationship between him and Bian Chengwen is still very good. Although the work is not about interpersonal relationships, if I work with a person who works well with myself, my mood will probably be much better.

"Huh? What's up?" Bian Chengwen turned his head and asked, frowning.

I spent nearly a year together, and Bian Chengwen was very good at Guan Ming's senses. At least, he didn't have everything because of good technology, and people were easy-going. Lazyness made him uncomfortable, but it was also a small problem.

He never doubted Guan Ming's level, but he was not sure why Guan Ming said so.

"Let's report it first, I don't understand some messy things, so I can't say anything here." Guan Ming is not sure about the level of confidentiality of the aerospace issue. It is better to wait for the authorization of the superior to write the details later. Say it.

"It's okay, I'll make a report back, but you come over and see if this part would be too troublesome?" Perfunctoryly, Bian Chengwen called Guan Ming to explain the program part.

I ate lunch at school, and didn't leave school in the afternoon, mainly because there were a lot of problems here, led by Bian Chengwen. This group of researchers wanted to chop up what Guan Ming had taken.

Before the earliest, they had doubted the level of Guan Ming, but one year was enough for them to correct their mentality and posture.

"Yes, Professor Bian, it is estimated that the dynamic projection will take a while to complete. You and I want to apply for some civil projection materials. I am going to get some samples and then prepare to develop a conference. The dynamic projection market is almost ready for dinner." Guan Ming ate with people like Bian Chengwen, but after eating, Guan Ming went home, and Bian Chengwen still had to pick a lantern and fight at night.

"There are some materials. Now in the warehouse, how many sets do you need?" The materials for civil aircraft need to be applied are mainly some metal shells. Although metal 3D printers can build these shells, the problem is structural strength or something, which is definitely not as good as normal forging Metal.

Civil aircraft materials do not need special materials, but if you go outside to do it, you must first make a model or something ~ ~ trouble.

Guan Ming did not send the holographic projection to the reporters at the last press conference. This time, Guan Ming still has to send it. After all, it has only been used, and it can show the charm of dynamic projection.

"... 1000 sets." Guan Ming calculated for a moment and said.

"So much? Can you finish it yourself? You need my help?" Bian Chengwen quickly swallowed the soup in his mouth. He almost didn't spray it.

The biggest difference between dynamic holographic projection and static holographic projection is the operation part. The static operation part is only leather gloves, which are mainly controlled by three points.

The dynamic projection is a thin metal glove. Even for the function of a civilian machine, it is not just a simple operation of the projection. At the same time, the projection also provides temperature and strength feedback on the metal gloves.

The strength of metal is definitely not comparable to that of flesh. If you want to put metal gloves on your hands and do various actions flexibly, first of all, metal gloves must consist of multiple thin and small metal pieces.

"That's not necessary, I have a way." Guan Ming does not need the help of the other party. After all, 1000 sets are also a lot of work for the group of Bian Chengwen. Guan Ming cannot afford to let them do this kind of work. .

"That line, Xiao Zhao, go to the warehouse to pick up 1000 ... 1050 sets, and the civilian equipment will be delivered to Guan Ming." Bian Chengwen glanced up and shouted in one direction.

In fact, the distance is not far, at most a distance of one or two meters.

"Oh, I see, Professor Bian." The man named Xiao Zhao was wearing glasses, his mouth was full of food, and his speech was a bit vague.

I ca n’t make people feel okay, but Guan Ming feels a bit dumb, and I like to think about everything by myself ...

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