Private Technology

: 138 Double Star Mini Factory!

The materials were finally delivered to the company. After all, most of the trucks will be full when the villa is dropped.

公司 With the help of company security, a truck loads everything into a huge elevator. From the perspective of volume, it is more than enough to install a truck.

Although it is an elevator, Guan Ming calls it ‘feeding port’.

At the beginning of the design of the building, Guan Ming also pondered that after the company invented the actual product, it was produced in the company. However, it was later found that this was not realistic. Therefore, the conditions were reduced and only customized products were produced. He found that the company's so-called 'manufacturing' has actually become his own toy factory ...

Guan Guanming went to another elevator and went straight down to the second basement level, waiting for these materials.

These materials will go to the first floor for finishing, mainly to remove some possible 'impurities', such as miniature cameras. Of course, this batch of materials is not included. Afterwards, they will be dust-removed, then arranged and transported to second lower floor.

二 The second basement is a fully mechanized micro factory, a factory completely controlled by Double Star, one multi-functional robotic arm, one transport belt, and one miracle composed of cold metal!

Metal 3D printers cannot reach Guan Ming's level of utilization on everyone!

If the code part of the double star is the soul, and the photon computer is the body torso and brain, then the metal 3D printer can be said to give the double stars flexible limbs!

Wu Guanming didn't need to do much. He only needed to manually make the most basic and simple robotic arm. Double Star could use this robotic arm to make more things.

Perhaps, using a mechanical arm to describe it is too high-end, Guan Ming can't look directly at the thing he made by hand now, with two palm-shaped metal plates, some common rotary screwdrivers, and nothing more.

Although the metal strength is limited, the double star can be replaced within the life of the metal. If it is not because of the need for too many metal shapes, too special shapes, and accuracy issues, he can even go to some manufacturers and even find written applications.

"Double Star, let's start assembling." Behind a huge glass wall, Guan Ming ordered.

"Okay, boss." With the sound of Double Star, the original delicate machinery suddenly moved, and the conveyor belt transported various parts. With the deployment of Double Star, there was no clutter. Even the custom-made glass wall, the sound was still vague. Pass it over.

二 The area of ​​the second basement is not small, and the square with a side length of 200+ is divided into two large, one small and three spaces.

Although Guan Ming didn't know much about biology and didn't particularly want to study, but there should be some, and the smallest space was just as an observation room, allowing Guan Ming to see the factory through the glass wall Everything inside.

Uh ...

He came to Mu's house again, Guan Ming was carrying a small backpack full of photos, and the photos all had Mu Xiaoxiao's figure.

There is no photo album, because there are more than a hundred photos. If you bring the photo album, the volume is not small.

Wu Guanming was not worried that Mu Xiaoxiao would be lost. Anyway, he washed two sets. He also had a set of photos of Mu Xiaoxiao. He could guarantee that his set was simply reserved and there was no idea of ​​`` stand up ''.

"Oh ~ Thank you, thank you, you are finally here!" Bounced over to open the door and saw Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao cheering excitedly. Before Guan Ming entered the door, his eyes stared at him. backpack.

"Take it, your picture is inside." Guan Ming didn't bother about it either, and handed the backpack over.

"Hey." After receiving the backpack, Mu Xiaoxiao really let go of the position, ready to rush back to the sofa and appreciate each other.

她 Since she got home, she has been wondering when Guan Ming will come, and then come with a photo. After all, this is also an important breakthrough in her life. Without photos as evidence, she always feels worse.

If it wasn't for Mu's violent crackdown, Mu Xiaoxiao would like to call Guan Ming, but fortunately Guan Ming had called yesterday and said he would send photos today.

Today is a rest day. The Mu family and three are all there. When Mu's mom Mu got up from the sofa, she saw Mu Xiaoxiao sitting in the middle of the sofa with her buttocks, ready to fiddle with her picture.

"Sit on the bench by yourself." Mu sofa can sit at most people, Mu Xiaoxiao must not be qualified to sit on the sofa.

Mu Mu kicked Mu Xiaoxiao's buttocks, but Mu Mu did not work hard, and Mu Xiaoxiao was not light.

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao got up dimly and went to the house to find a small bench.

"Small tube, I really trouble you this time." Although Mu Da's words are not much, he is still very clear about Guan Ming's actions.

Mu Mu's father is not Mu Xiaoxiao. He has been making money for so many years. I do n’t know where the cost is. When my girlfriend came back and asked, Mu ’s father did n’t think Guan Ming was making money.

Especially asked again and again. After each inquiry, Mu Damu Mu was a little bit sore, and then some doubts in her heart.

This girl is too kind to Mu Xiaoxiao ...

"Whereever I say it, by the way, this time I went to Emperor Capital, which is also a welfare of the company itself." Guan Ming did not read the mind, so he came at his own pace.

"Small tube, spend a lot this time, you say the number, I'll make it up for you, I can't let you spend money." Mu mom pulled Guan Ming on the sofa, patted his shoulder kindly, and said.

Mu Mu is a man with a sense of family. To put it bluntly, the card is stricter in terms of money. Although the family is not rich and noble, it does not matter who owes money.

"Hey, it did n’t cost much. The company has reimbursed, mainly because Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun are veterans. They have special treatment. Do I even take it with me?" Guan Ming knew what was going on. It must be stupid that Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak a lot, but I don't know if the money left from her return this time has been confiscated.

"By the way, because the company was busy, I forgot to ask Xiaoxiao's results." Of course, Guan Ming already knows how many points Mu Xiaoxiao has taken. When the results of the college entrance examination just came down, Double Star told him Guan Ming's score is more than 600. Judging from the score line of previous years, this score is stable, because the admission score line is different in different regions.

And Qian Junhao made a special phone call later to express congratulations, saying that there must be no problem in admission.

"More than 600! Thank you so much. Otherwise, Xiaoxiao doesn't know what kind of test she will be. She will be your sister in the future, and she will be more troublesome at school." Mu Mu scored With a smile on his face, flowers bloomed.

For the 2006 college entrance examination, the Shanghai Stock Exchange was registered before the examination. Mu Xiaoxiao chose Guan Ming's 'academic institution' to incubate eggs. His major was history.

First of all, Mu Xiaoxiao's performance at the beginning can already look forward to such a 211 brand-name department. At the same time, Mu Xiaoxiao did not want to be too far away from home, but only in professional choices, there were some differences at first, mainly because of employment problems after graduation.

However, Mu Mu was finally persuaded, otherwise according to her initial thoughts, it must be the result of a major in a national normal college. Doctors and teachers are relatively popular in this era. The former has little news about medical trouble. Later, The benefits are good.

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