Private Technology

: 147 graphene

It ’s the name of the saints.

From a scientific point of view, it also makes sense, and eating apple peel is not bad.

There are now five people in the family. Except for Guan Ming, the remaining four are little old men and little old women. The amount of food must not be too large, at least Bian Chengwen and Zhou Wanli are thin.

There are five dishes at noon, three soups, one vegetarian and one soup.

Steamed Oolong, spicy fried clams, conch oil in oil, fried meat with celery and tomato soup with salmon head are also the most popular dishes of the housekeeper.

These are the dishes that Guan Ma can take the most. The ingredients are also fresh. At least Oolong, clams and conch are alive before they are on the chopping board.

The amount of amaranth is not much, even if it is not finished, but at least the meaning is in place.

"It tastes really good, and the old sister-in-law's technique is so good." Bian Chengwen swallowed the soup and raised a thumb.

These are half true and half false, some people have a certain age, and some functions of the body are degraded, including taste, etc. Seafood and seafood have their own flavor, especially Guanma is good at it.

Of course, it also contains some false ingredients. It ’s not good to hear. Bian Chengwen has n’t eaten. I ’ve been to the national banquet once or twice. Do n’t talk about the national banquet in the skill of the mother. If you really want to work hard, it is probably better than the House of Flies, and this goodness mainly reflects the selection of ingredients and hygiene.

"Professor Bian is polite. It ’s a bit nervous to meet for the first time today. After all, you are also a university professor and a senior intellectual. When it comes to age, my mother and I have to call you an older brother." Older brother and older sister-in-law '.

Guan Dao Guan Ma only knew that there was such a person as Bian Chengwen. After meeting today, he deliberately used Du Niang to check the information of Zhan Bianwen. As a result, good guy, doctoral supervisor, deputy director, and a working group Wait a second, look at the age again, people and the country are one year old, how can this be compared? Now I understand that people are polite, and I ca n’t just shout a little brother immediately.

Qian Qianhao knows that the technical talents are not only Bian Chengwen, but he has the best relationship with Bian Chengwen, because Bian Chengwen not only has a set of technology, but also a set of interpersonal communication.

"Then I will raise it up, call my brother, younger sister." Bian Chengwen is also welcome. After all, he knows the basic information of the father and mother. After he is young, he will be ten years old. If it is a real brother or old sister, He felt awkward himself.

Uh ...

The two did not stay in Guan Ming's house for a long time in the afternoon. After dinner, they talked with the tube father and mother to talk about the family and left. Of course, he also took away the U disk prepared by Guan Ming. It is part of the technology related to rocket hovering, because there are still many issues that Guan Ming has not dealt with.

I greeted Guan Dao and Guan Ma, Guan Ming went to the company, not to handle any official business, but to prepare for his personal interest in scientific research, but also something that he always wanted to do without time.

Tritium batteries, specifically, graphene batteries.

Energy has always been a topic that plagues the world today, and it is also one of the country's important strategic resources.

From the perspective of the national system, the most perfect energy source today is nuclear energy, followed by natural gas, etc., of course, including combustible ice, but now combustible ice is not easy to mine. Even if there is such a thing, it cannot be used.

From a personal point of view, the so-called energy generally refers to the battery.

As small as five or seven batteries, as large as mobile phone batteries, laptop batteries, and even batteries and so on.

Graphene is a new type of material that appeared in 2004 and has attracted much attention since its appearance. The reason is simple, because graphene has many physical properties.

For example, graphene is currently the thinnest and hardest nano-scale material known in the world. It can be called the “king of materials”. It has physical properties such as high flexibility, high light transmission, fast electrical and thermal conductivity, and fine deformation.

Graphene is not only applied to batteries. With known characteristics, people can make graphene photosensitive elements and improve the imaging quality of current cameras by 10,000 times.

Graphene transistors can speed up computer operations by a factor of ten thousand.

Graphene sensors can be used to detect structural defects in aerospace equipment and so on.

在 In terms of batteries, graphene batteries have large capacity and fast charging.

If you let Guan Ming comment, graphene can become a label of an era, such as the 'graphene era'.

However, like holographic projection, graphene cannot be completely named on Guan Mingtou, because graphene itself is a hot spot in the world at present, countless people are studying it, and it will definitely be researched in the end.

Although holographic projections have also been studied by countless people, Guan Ming can guarantee that holographic projections cannot be cracked, but graphene is different.

I have previously instructed Shuangxing to let it produce a batch of graphene for experiments. Because of the information available on the Internet, Shuangxing chose the mechanical stripping method independently.

Because there is no Guan Ming's approval, Double Star did not allocate resources to analyze and improve the mechanical stripping method ~ ~ but also accumulated some usage in a short period of time, at least it can support Guan Ming's experimental cost, but want to really There is still a long way to go for commercial production.

What Guan Ming wants to do is a battery. During this time, he also collected some information about the battery. From the current perspective, the most researchable battery, in addition to graphene batteries, is a lithium-air battery, and the anode is lithium. A battery that reflects the oxygen in the air as a cathode.

But there are many difficulties. Even Guan Ming needs an unpredictable period of time for research. However, Guan Ming is not a lithium-air battery. He needs to learn some ideas.

If the anode of a lithium-air battery is replaced with graphene, or the cathode of a lithium-air battery is replaced with graphene, will the effect be better?

Wu Guanming has no more theoretical support, but he can prove some theories and conjectures through experiments, and then deduct and judge based on these theories.

Shuangxing has three floors underground, Guan Ming ’s exclusive laboratory, and most of the experimental equipment is built by using a metal 3D printer. Unlike the two-story miniature factory, at least three floors have toilets.

Double Star silently looked at everything it could see. It knew what Guan Ming thought and thought. Similarly, it also had its own demands. Although it wanted to switch the deduction project, it did not have any resistance under the order of Guan Ming. room.

It could not understand the concept of years before, but now it also knows that it will have infinite life, and this life, with the development of today's technology, will become more and more secure.

Similarly, it also looks forward to the deduction result, because it wants to know what is warm, what is touch, not the concept reflected by the electrical signal ...

PS: Thank you for refining the reward again, thank you for your support ~~

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