Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-eight must be something

I have a research direction, but there is not enough theoretical foundation. For Guan Ming, this is definitely a painful thing. He can only use the bypass of physical and chemical characteristics to make guesses and then verify.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the speed of scientific research is slow, and most of the time is wasted on experimental verification. This makes Guan Ming very uncomfortable, and these days he needs to design his own experiments, which is a degree of brainwashing, even these few Dreaming every night will dream of related things.

"Professor Bian, you are ..." Watching Bian Chengwen come over carrying a schoolbag, Guan Ming came up from the basement in a white coat with a confused look.

At least Guan Ming knows that the other party's coming to his company is definitely not a spring tour or autumn tour, and the contents of the backpack must not be snacks, but what the specifics are, Guan Ming is not sure.

"I said, you are too involved in your work. Last time you asked me to help with the textbooks, I sent them as soon as I got here. I forgot to co-author you." Bian Chengwen took the bag down. On the sofa, jokingly said.

"Hey ~ don't you say I really forgot. I'm sorry to have some small experiments recently." Bian Chengwen said this, Guan Ming remembered that there was such a thing, these days I've been busy doing experiments, too Yes, if it wasn't for Bian Chengwen's coming today, it is estimated that Guan Ming would have to wait a few more days to remember such a thing.

"Experiment? What experiment? Is it convenient for me to see it?" When Guan Ming said that he was experimenting, Bian Chengwen was also curious.

Although he is computer oriented, experimentally named things are usually more interesting, at least from the perspective of Bian Chengwen.

"A bit of physical chemistry experiments, just recently figured out something, do some verification experiments, there is no specific idea." Guan Ming's underground laboratories are mostly made of metal 3D printers, because of security issues, Guan Ming did not use metal 3D printers. For commercialization, submitting to the country or something, there are not so many ideas for the time being, the main reason is that the situation is unstable, and most importantly, it is not a good time.

"Then I can only expect you to deal with it quickly. I was looking forward to it at the time." Bian Chengwen was not unhappy about being rejected. Anyway, he was not professional, and he was old. His curiosity was also limited. Great energy to figure out the mess.

After talking about some household things, Bian Chengwen said he was ready to go back.

When the time was near noon, Guan Ming naturally invited the other party to have lunch, but Bian Chengwen did not agree, but he did not give face or something, mainly because Guan Ming ate all three meals a day at home, and there were two old couples at home.

I am not saying that the level of knowledge is not a matter of no talk at one level, but that the father and mother are too enthusiastic, and there is still some pressure on the side of writing.

I personally sent Bian Chengwen downstairs, Guan Ming incidentally returned home carrying a schoolbag.

Today on Saturday, Guan Ming really wanted to go to Mu Xiaoxiao's house on a working day, but after thinking about it, he decided to go in the afternoon. Anyway, it is not a shame, the most important thing is Mu Xiaoxiao's last time. The change has left Guan Ming unconscious, and it can be said that after seeing Mu Xiaoxiao for the first time in this life, this is the first time that she has no way to know what she thinks.

Of course, Guan Ming needs to make a call in advance.

"Why are you going here?" After lunch, Guan Ming sorted out the books in his schoolbag and prepared to leave, but Guan Ma drifted behind Guan Ming like a ghost.

"... There is something going out." A chill, Guan Ming turned his head silently, looking down at his high-handed mother, the ghost knew what the happy five-year old lady meant.

"Oh, go on." Holding a fruit plate in one hand, scooping out a cherry in one hand and throwing it in the mouth.

The name cherry is a bit vulgar, but the cherry name is more western. Cherry is a seasonal fruit, but unfortunately this thing is not the only one in our country. It is also grown in other countries. It is domestic in July. Although There are no more cherries on the market, but the problem is that they can be found abroad.

The company's purchasing department has special orders for the fruit part, and the housekeeper side is even more likely to be missing.

I saw Guan Ming going to the door to wear shoes, and Guan Ma was holding a fruit tray and slipped beside Guan Daddy, who was surfing the Internet.

"Ah, don't go online, there is something over the son." Guan Ma whispered in Guan Dian's ear.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Guan Dad lost his head, glanced over the door, just to see Guan Ming closed.

"I just listened to my son calling." Guan Ming went out, and the management mother didn't need to be very careful. She pulled a chair from the side and said proudly.

"How old are you, and you overhear your son's phone call, you are really prosperous." Guan Da heard it, and despised it.

One of the characteristics of the stewardess is that he loves to overhear Guan Ming's phone call. When he was a kid, there were children who called to find Guan Ming to play. As long as the mom was at home, the ears couldn't wait for the phone to listen to what a man or a woman wanted to do. It's the kind of brazen, that is, I used corded telephones for a while, and Guan Ming didn't do it.

"Go, what is eavesdropping, I accidentally heard it when I went to wash the cherry!" Guanma did not admit that she overheard, and then, how can you call eavesdropping on your son's phone call, and has been feeding for more than 20 years, one Can't you answer the phone? No such thing!

"Come here, what's the matter." Guan Daddy said absently, at the same time pondered, and made a Pheasant, Guan Daddy playing Mahjong on the Internet ...

"When my son called just now, his face was very happy." Guan Ma said with affection.


"Also, open your mouth and close your aunt, there must be a problem." Guanma said affirmatively.


"Ah, hey, don't play your mahjong every day, listen to me or not, there must be something in it!" Seeing Guan Dad's negative response, Guan Ma's face is unhappy, this should be a lively gossip. Time ~ ~ Finally you go to play Mahjong!

She just wanted to lift the table, but she couldn't lift it, she just made trouble and pushed two pipe fathers.

"What can happen, do you still expect your son to find a daughter-in-law who is about your age?" Guan Da glanced at Guan Ma, then carefully moved the mouse to the button a little, huh!

Zhuangzhuang, self-touch and pure! Guan Dian smiled proudly, this time doubled a lot!

"Bastard, I mean, will my son look after his daughter, and forget the last time our son said that he likes someone?" Seeing Guan Dad won, Guan Ma did not mess up, after all, it is over.

"Don't worry about your son's affairs. When you go to school, keep your throat out every day, even if you are a senior, you are nervous now? You are concerned about this? Pull you down." Guan Dad was not worried at all. My son's marriage problem, and he is not worried about the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Anyway, they have discussed it. After marriage, they will come to serve during pregnancy and confinement. The rest of the couple will move out to the young and live there. Your own living space.

"You said, let Xiaosun follow them a few times to see which girl is it?" Guan Ma didn't care about Dad's words, and she continued.

Xiao Sun is the bodyguard that Guan Ming invited to protect the father and mother.

"You're stupid, Xiaosun was invited by our son. Could they follow me, don't forget that our son also has bodyguards around him." Guan Dad looked at Guan Ma very concerned, his eyes seemed to care for the mentally handicapped.

PS: Thank you so much for being happier than me, jkl4321, book lover 150228163208422, thank you for your support!

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Recently, I have been thinking about adding more things, so let's add a single reward and add 10,000, more.

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