Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-nine

Aunt Mu's sense of Guan Ming is very good, very good, mainly because Guan Ming is enthusiastic.

Mu Mu is a junior high school teacher. She is a due diligence teacher. Although there is no possibility of a junior high school teacher rising, but after so many years, her professional habits are here. I don't think there is anything wrong with Guan Ming's enthusiasm. Is there a saying like this, everything is for children!

No, I heard Guan Ming said that he had borrowed a set of required textbooks, thanked him quickly, and said that he was free this afternoon and one afternoon, so he could come at any time.

Of course, Mu's mother still doesn't know the purpose of Guan Ming, otherwise there must be the thought of ‘I treat you as a teacher, but you want to be my girl”.

Recently, Mu ’s factory ’s performance was not very good. Many orders were cancelled and he did n’t need to work overtime on weekends. Although he was a little depressed because of work, his girlfriend was so supportive this time. He was also happy. very.

"The small tube is here, come in and sit down." Opened the door and saw Mu Da and Mu Xiaoxiao sitting on the sofa, while Mu Mom opened the door for Guan Ming, and Pestle was in front of Guan Ming.

"Good aunt, good uncle." Guan Ming greeted with a smile.

"Well, okay." Mu dad also greeted with a smile, and then patted his daughter's shoulder.

"Good brother." Flicked his head slightly, his voice was a bit straight, as if the robot was talking.

But Guan Ming didn't mind, well, even if he minded it was useless.

Mu Xiaoxiao is the only child, but at home, as long as outsiders come, her status is automatically assigned to the end.

"Go to the house and get your little stool." Mu's chin lifted, Mu Xiaoxiao reluctantly pulled the slippers, and she would go to her house and take the small bench.

"The first two days Xiaoxiao said that I wanted to preview university courses. I asked a student to borrow a set of textbooks. It happened that Xiaoxiao was about to start in about a month, so just pass the time and look at nothing." Guan Ming put his schoolbag down, took the book out of the schoolbag and put it on the coffee table. It is now the end of July. For the prospective college students who are about to enter the university, this is the last carnival. the way.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I really don't know where to get the textbooks. Xiaoxiao stays at home every day and stays. Let her read more books ~ ~ Good!"

Ms. Mu Mu ca n’t sum up ‘there is poetry and book qi from China’, but she instinctively feels that there is nothing wrong with reading more books. It ’s better to read more useful books, saving Mu Xiaoxiao nothing to sneak out.

The family members are not at home on weekdays. Mu Xiaoxiao is alone at home. If there is something wrong with Guan Ming, Mu's mother Mu would not know that Mu Xiaoxiao has been secretly going to the library.

Of course, knowing that Guan Ming is with him, Mu's mother is also very relieved, just like the teacher takes students to spring and autumn, parents are usually more at ease.

"It's not always good to read books, and it's good to go out and walk around properly. After all, it's just a preview, and the university is to choose courses. It's not necessary to be as busy as a high school student." Guan Ming doesn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to be a boring family at home. Dead goose, at least go out to play or something, everyone together, want to wave together, waves alone are boring ~

"Choose a course? Can you choose one? No school schedules?" Mu's mother didn't know much about college courses.

Mu Xiaoxiao was holding a small stool and sitting on the sofa, listening curiously, but still a little cautious, always covering up by Mu's body and probing into a small head.

"It's not a big problem to choose a class. Then let Xiaoxiao give me my account number. I can help her get it." Guan Ming didn't worry about the fact that he couldn't be selected. There was a double star, Guan Ming didn't think What ’s wrong, let ’s not say artificial. Double Star is more fierce than plug-ins. It ’s impossible to control. There is also a lack of moral attention, that is, to return a student ’s class directly in the background, and then arrange Mu Xiaoxiao to ...

"Thank you so much, Xiaoxiao, what are you doing here? Go ahead, the tube is not busy to help you, let's not even thank you?" The first sentence was to Guan Ming Later, all told Mu Xiaoxiao.

The main reason is that Mu Xiaoxiao is too 'invisible'. Although there is only a three-month holiday between high school and university, the university itself is called a "small society". It is impossible to study like a high school, interpersonal communication, etc. It was also a very important learning during college. Mu Mu had this mentality, but in Mu Mu's view, Mu Xiaoxiao had not been prepared or even thought about it.

"Oh, thank you Guan brother." When moving the small stool to the coffee table, Mu Xiaoxiao shrank his head and thanked him, then picked up the book on the coffee table, looked at it with two eyes, and listened to Guan Ming by the way .

My heart is a bit complicated, and I ca n’t say the road is clear. It ’s as if the southerner went to the north for the first time and saw the heavy snow and wanted to go out to play, but he was afraid of falling. He looked out through the glass window. The light of a person seems not cold at all, as if made of marshmallow.

The book borrowed by Guan Ming is not new, and even the corners of the book are rounded because of frequent reading. The book has a lot of words written on it ~ ~ The handwriting is somewhat elegant, which can be seen from the name of the title page It's a girl's book.

Hebei wrote things very sharply and carefully, at least Guan Ming thinks so.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guan Ming also told the three members of his family about some of the information he knew, mainly basic information such as class hours per day, as well as campus issues and the credit system.

Colleges usually have large classes, but there are breaks in the middle of the class. For example, the first and second periods are a large class. However, if the time is indicated from the timetable, it is considered two small classes. There are 13 periods a day at the university. Small classes, because of the different campuses, you ca n’t just look at the time and the place when choosing a course. For example, the first and second quarters of Monday are at the Handan campus, and the third and fourth quarters must not choose the Fenglin campus and the Zhangjiang campus, even if It is best not to choose Guanghua Tower in the same district.

Although Guan Ming was n’t from the University of Hatching Eggs, he definitely knew more about the university than the three members of Mu ’s family, even if he was just a fake college student who hatched eggs. As Mu Mu kept asking questions, Guan Ming said a little bit about himself. answer.

Sometimes Mu ’s dad also asks some questions, but the questions asked are more difficult than Mu ’s mom.

Looking at Guan Ming, who is talking and smiling, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes are full of anticipation, looking forward to the arrival of the university, touching the delicate lines of the book in the book subconsciously, if you feel it carefully, you can find a little difference.

Is a trace of years. Years have been trying to smooth the unevenness caused by the tip of the nose, but it has never been truly erased.

The evening sun did not shine directly into the living room, but Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to see layers of soft halo on Guan Ming's body. She blushed somehow and her heartbeat seemed to speed up a bit.

PS: Thanks to book friends 150228163208422, Lu Jiwen for rewarding ~ Thank you for your support ~!

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