Private Technology

: The meaning of time

The graphene battery has not been made, but Guan Ming has made a graphene display screen. To be precise, it should be a soft plastic with some functions of a touch screen.

High light transmittance and high flexibility.

The size of the slap is round, and it can be rolled up like a mobile phone film on the market. However, this is completely unexpected.

To put it simply, Guan Ming first worked out a graphene electrode to prepare for a graphene battery experiment. As a result, when he looked at the graphene electrode with a microscope, he suddenly thought whether he could apply the technology of graphene to the screen. After all, the graphene electrode The current load is a piece of clean glass.

What Guanming Lab has useful and useless is a lot of materials, because the graphene electrode can no longer be described as 'small'. If you want to perform precise manual operation, it obviously exceeds the technical limit of Guanming, so you can only double star Come.

I saw that Guan Ming was very interested in this, and Double Star also allocated some calculations on its own to assist.

In the last five days, Guan Ming's little thing with touch screen effect appeared.

"See if our current product and future planned projects can be applied to this." Shaking the soft plastic, Gaba Gaba made a crisp sound, like an ordinary soft plastic, if not Guan Ming knows what it contains Technology, he would not focus on it at all.

"No, but you can study graphene fiber according to your research ideas." Bin Xing said seriously, but Guan Ming can also hear the hope of Bin Xing.

It is not an overstatement to describe hope, because graphene fiber is a very important thing for binary stars, because graphene fiber can improve the hardware of photonic computers.

The photon computer is composed of optical elements and equipment such as lasers, optical mirrors, lenses, etc., but it does not mean that the photon computer does not need electricity and electronic components. The photon computer where the double star is located, strictly speaking, it should be a photon computer / optical computer. Graphene has special photoelectric effects, which can greatly improve the performance of photonic computers in the graphene light combined with the fiber structure.

"Take your time, don't worry, anyway, you have time, even if my grandson is old, you will still exist, but by then, you will be smarter and stronger." Guan Ming comforted the double star.

He is not a long-lived species, and Guan Ming did not pursue longevity. Although death is not a happy thing, Guan Ming, who was reborn once, does not exclude death, and even has some vague expectations, looking forward to the next life.

Do what you want to do in a limited time. For Guan Ming, this is already a very luxurious thing. He does n’t want to dare to ask too much, because such a thing as rebirth is too unscientific, and even Guan Ming sometimes wonders whether there are aliens or 'gods' to control all of this.

He doesn't want to find this answer, because his instinct feels that this is a way of no return, full of blood and tears and sorrow, even if it is an extremely irresponsible Zhong Er fantasy.

"Okay, you are the boss, you say it's good." Double Star's tone is a little bit low, but it's only a moment of decline. After all, even in global rankings, the computing power of Double Star is the first number, and even if it has a computing power higher than Double stars, in the face of double stars, are also vulnerable. Perhaps the speed of reflection of double stars is not as fast as that of the human brain, but humans are not just a creature with a head ...

Holding the graphene display, Guan Ming wobbled upstairs to pick up the car, and then went home for dinner.

It's late August. It's been more than half a month since I saw Mu Xiaoxiao last time. Although I only saw him once a week on average, but I haven't seen each other for so long. , Low to only work to focus on the situation, will not think about those messy things.

"Son, my dad and I are going to travel in two days." At dinner, Mu Mu clamped a clam for Guan Ming, but just picked out the peppers and peppers and put them in the Guan Ming bowl together.

The hot and spicy fried clams have a process of collecting juice. That little soup tastes great. Guan Ming likes it very much.

"Where are you going to play at this time?" Looking up, Guan Ming was a little confused.

Guan father and mother have lived here for almost two months. Although Guan Ming was bothered by the old couple, this time, but when he heard that the two of them were going out again, Guan Ming was not in the taste. After all, I want to take good care of the old couple, but Guan Ming is the one being taken care of.

"My mother and I are going to visit the Maldives. I heard that the scenery is very good." Guan Daddy squeezed lemon juice into the oysters and ate them directly.

Guan Ming sees no wonder. He also eats oysters like this, but he does n’t eat them often, because the oysters supplement zinc, bullets, and more carefully JY. As for why the father wants to supplement, Guan Ming ca n’t control it. Don't want to care.

"Oh, are everything ready?" Guan Ming has always agreed with things like tourism, but he is more curious as to why they do n’t go to the Maldives first, and then come to him again. It's been almost two months since my mom came here, let alone say that the weather in these two months is very hot ~ ~ It's so hot that the old couple have to go to the pool for a while every day.

"There is nothing to prepare, what you need to buy over there. My father and I are wondering if I will take you with me." The idea that Guan Ma has saved money from the beginning to fear that his son will not be able to eat later has become There is no need to think about so much money.

管 Anyway, if Guan Ming is okay, he will pay the money to the management mother and father. Yes, both sides are playing. Who does n’t have a small vault?

"... now, I can't go now." Guan Ming regrets that, from childhood to old age, from his last life to this life, he has not been abroad once. Although he wants to go, time is not allowed.

It ’s almost September. Guan Ming is going to see Mu Xiaoxiao dead. At the same time, it's best to bribe people in her bedroom. There is an eyeliner or something. As for traveling, Guan Ming has plans in the morning. The old couple and four people went out for a tour together. Whatever the research and development, let's go to the hell.

"What are you afraid of? For such a big company, you are not as good as you. It's easy to go out and hang out together." Guan Dao is not a treat for a while, and sometimes he goes to the company's second floor to play, mainly There are fitness equipment, activities, muscles and muscles. At the same time, I know the role and significance of Guan Ming for the company. The most important thing is that the old couple can see it. Guan Ming has been feeling down recently and wants to take him out to relax.

"I've been a bit busy since the end of August. It would be nice if it was early August. In fact, I really want to go out and walk around." Research is a hobby of Guan Ming, not a responsibility, nor an obligation. He never took himself Draw a circle of activities, and then do not go out for a lifetime or whatever.

"Late August?" The old couple looked at each other, wondering what this time period meant.

PS: Thank you for refining, and thank you for your support!

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