Private Technology

: One hundred and fifty-four on the road

One is called Sadako, because people hiding behind the screen will always use the perspective of "The World of Chumen" to peek at the person they like, and finally they can't help but drill out the screen and come to the person they like before.

When Guan Ming came home, the jacket changed to a T-shirt, and the father-in-law and mother went to the Maldives. The father-in-law and mother were not ready to play there for a long time. Less than 30 days can be saved Signed, very convenient.

"Is there anything wrong with Mu Xiaoxiao?" Guan Ming hurried and finally returned to the Shanghai Stock Exchange at the end of August. The first thing was to ask Mu Xiaoxiao about the subject, which was a double star.

"No, these days, Mu Xiaoxiao was asked by the classmate to go out to the Internet at least three times, and went out to the library once." Although Guan Ming did not make arrangements, Double Star still consciously monitored Mu Xiaoxiao at all times. .

"What to do at an Internet cafe?" Going to an Internet cafe this year is nothing new, but because of the Lanjisu Internet incident in 2002, neither the parents of the students nor the social crowd have a high tolerance for Internet cafes.

Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao went to the Internet cafe, and Mu's mother and mom must know that, after all, there is no so-called smoke-free zone these years, and the Mu family has not smoked.

"Sorry, there is no camera in the Internet cafe, so it is impossible to judge accurately."

I heard the words of Double Star, Guan Ming knew that the Internet cafe Mu Xiaoxiao went to was a black Internet cafe, a small Internet cafe, even without a camera, of course, Guan Ming was also a bit worried about her safety.

So Guan Ming stripped off and went to the bathroom to take a bath first ...

Uh ...

三十 August 30th is a very good day. The wind is sunny and the weather is fine. Guan Ming's priority is that today is the Qixi Festival. Well, it is more idealistic.

When I met you in Qiaoqiao, Guan Ming did not pay attention to it in my last life. Although I paid attention in this life, it is only at this stage. It is said that marriage is the grave of love. That is because it is possible to go to a few noble etiquette. It is easy to get a person into a grave.

"Okay, let's go now, you will be late!" Mu Xiaoxiao pushed Mu's back in disgust.

"What's the matter, I don't know if I tuned the lesson. Every day, so careless, if you forget to bring something, you can't find any place to cry."

Mu's father had already gone to work. Originally, Mu's mother wanted to transfer her class one day to bring Mu Xiaoxiao to school, but Guan Ming said that with his 'old bird', the problem is not big, and the new students have to be busy with school for more than a day. Get it done, there is still a lot to do in the back. Mu Mu decides to believe in Guan Ming after thinking about it. After all, he has n’t had 6 less help this year, and it ’s not bad this time. What ’s the meaning of dinner afterwards? Because, in the future, Mu Xiaoxiao will have to control Ming 'covering' at school.

"Little tube, I'm bothering you today. I can't walk away every day. Being a teacher isn't like doing business or something." Mu's face was a little embarrassed. After all, parents took the children to report such things. Parents It is not very good to say no to show up. After all, in my lifetime, I may have a chance to register for a freshman.

"Whereever, I happen to be going to school, and by the way Xiaoxiao will report." Guan Ming sighed, but his face did not change.

Xi Mu's mother is good. She devoted herself to her students. She was very good to him and Mu Xiaoxiao in her last life, but some thoughts really hurt Guan Mingdan.

In the last life, the relationship between Guan Ma and Mu Mom was not very good. It wasn't because of marrying a daughter or something. Mainly because Mu Mu felt that small businesses could not get on the table. Guan Ming couldn't tell whether this was the characteristics of Shanghai people. Even if Mu Mu earns a lot less than a month, it is the same.

Of course, the two old ladies are engaged in a feud. It's a matter between the old ladies. Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao lived very well. In the past life, the mother often praised Mu Xiaoxiao and said that she was not easy. So understanding in this broad background ...

"Brother, when are we going to school." Mu Xiaoxiao is dressed up in spirit and spirit. The weather has been very good these days. Mu Xiaoxiao changed to a dress to the ankle, the little sandals just brushed out last night, upper body Wearing a small coat, eyes blinked at Guan Ming, full of urgency.

I glanced at the time, more than 8 o'clock in the morning, Guan Ming pondered, this time can almost go.

"Walking." Guan Ming pointed his thumb at the door and issued an instruction. Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were narrowed. The apple machine on his face was fleshy and looked cute.

Guan Ming has a car, but he chooses to take a bus. It is not that he picks the door, but some things are simpler and maybe better.

This period of time is stuck in the peak period of office workers, but Mu's side is a bit biased, and at the same time, it is relatively close to the departure station. Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao go to the departure station by car, at least they can mix their seats.

Double seat, Guan Ming sits outside, Mu Xiaoxiao sits inside, because the university course is definitely not nervous in high school, in addition to harvesting a new mobile phone, Mu Xiaoxiao also harvested the first shoulder bag in life, but temporarily placed inside Admission notice and other things, and Guan Ming helped to get it.

My hair hasn't been cut for three months, and I can already pull it to my shoulders. It's hot on holidays ~ ~ Mu Xiaoxiao is used to piercing a pony tail, but in order to welcome the new school in the perfect state, she I haven't pierced for a few days, so I can't see traces of ponytail when my hair is scattered.

The car moved at high speed, the wind disturbed Mu Xiaoxiao's hair, squinting, the sun sprinkled on her face, and the fluff that had not faded cut the soft light, forming a little halo on her face.

"Brother ..." He bowed his head slightly, his face was a little red, maybe it was tanned, or other, but the sound was a little bit low, and there was a bit of dragging, a little bit indescribable.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Guan Ming, who had just fallen into that halo, was awakened, and Guan Ming still hasn't come to God yet.

When Yu Guang saw Guan Ming's expression a bit dull, Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth slightly tilted, and then he looked up and stabbed his teeth, and said, "Guan brother, I heard that the college dormitory must rank in the age, is it true?" Mu Xiao Xiao has never stayed and is curious about this part.

"There are rows and not rows, look at the dormitory atmosphere." At this time Guan Ming realized that he was a bit too 'color', too late to think about it, and quickly answered Mu Xiaoxiao's question.

"But the university dormitories are not all big sister, second sister, third sister ... uh, how many people are there in a university dormitory?" Mu Xiaoxiao got stuck, and she suddenly found out that she didn't know that she would sleep in the same room with several people in the future.

"There are six and four people hatching eggs. Now you don't think these are useful. You will know by then, and the order of things is actually not universal." Guan Ming wanted to say that the second child was a very special one. The sad reminder, even though it is a freshman year, the idea has not been fully developed, but with the accumulation of various professional knowledge, it is estimated that less than a junior year, this ranking can basically not be maintained.

PS: Please ask for recommendations ~ I haven't been out for a long time, and I'm going out tonight.

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