Private Technology

: One hundred and fifty-five night wind

Freshmen report is very simple and normal, at least for the prepared Guan Ming.

Next to the image of Grandpa Mao is the location of the freshman report. Wan declined a boy's help. Guan Ming took Mu Xiaoxiao to handle a bunch of things and went straight to the dormitory.

"Four dormitories, that's good." Mu Xiaoxiao leaned her head forward, looking curiously.

The dormitory has a toilet and a balcony, and there is a study table under the bed.

I didn't bring anything with me when I came here because the school sells everything, and the bedding size is just right.

Today is the first day of reporting. Mu Xiaoxiao's dormitory is only her. She ate at school at noon. Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming discussed it and decided to go home today and come back tomorrow.

After a long walk around, it was already afternoon when Guan Ming got home.

Uh ...

"Double Star, help me print it out ..." Double Star's database is more comprehensive than all libraries, and Guan Ming no longer needs to go to the library to acquire knowledge, and can read at home.

Computer screen reading is always a little worse than paper. The printer is buzzing, and the pages of double-star data are printed out.

Although Guan Ming admires the old people who insist on loneliness and struggle for a lifetime, Guan Ming is still reluctant to release a metal 3D printer now, but this does not mean that Guan Ming cannot do anything. If he was asked to participate in the aerospace industry before, The ambitious project is a passive task, and now Guan Ming is passive and active, not for others, but only for those who dedicate their lives!

The A4 paper on the hand is hot, and the tube looks at the information on the hand. The wind is raging in the brain, and the thoughts are rolled up. All kinds of whimsical thoughts flicker, all kinds of 'technology' reorganize and dissipate, and then reorganize and dissipate. .

This time Guan Ming returned to the launch base with some data, which belongs to research data and has not been uploaded on the Internet. Guan Ming is not sure whether these materials are of the top level in the country, but the probability is probably not high. Guan Ming never thought that I am the sun and I do n’t think others are idiots.

Did not let the double star assist the deduction together, because the double star has more important things.

From research and development to the present, Double Star has performed three heavyweight missions. The first is to deduct photon computers based on existing theoretical foundations and material data. The second is to collect all the information on the Internet, regardless of domestic and foreign. The third is Based on the collected biochemical data, the biological enzymes that can quickly read the DNA information are deduced, or the biological enzymes that can accelerate the decompression / transformation are searched for the basis of the next biological computer.

As time went by, Guan Ming looked at the data while adjusting the hardware architecture, trying to develop a method with low precision and high efficiency.

"Boss, it's time for dinner." Shuang Xing's voice suddenly remembered, Guan Ming frowned, glanced out the window, and night still fell outside. I wonder when Shuang Xing lit the lights in the room, but Guan Ming didn't notice it. To the passage of time.

"I'm really hungry. What is the supper today?" Guan Ming felt his stomach and felt the howl from his stomach.

At present, wearable hardware has not been developed. Double Star cannot constantly monitor Guan Ming's heartbeat, blood pressure and other information, but Double Star can analyze and compare previous data and calculate the calorie consumption of different actions. Although there are some errors, the error is not large. At least Guan Ming is hungry now.

"I prepared teppanyaki tonight. Do I need a red wine? Maybe I will be in a better mood." Double Star is familiar with Guan Ming. A simple comparison shows that Guan Ming is not in a good mood. Double Star does not know Is it because of something unhappy today when you went out with Mu Xiaoxiao, but it is certain that Guan Ming was in a bad mood after returning from the outside.

"Forget it, come with a bottle of beer, it must be cold." The taste of red wine, Guan Ming has always been unaccustomed to the generalization, is still too soil, not red wine soil, but Guan Mingtu.

"Okay, boss." Shuang Xing replied, and at the same time, the basement wine cellar was opened, and a fat robot with a fat body started to act.

The robot did not choose to use a human as a template, but a Q-looking robot, with a small head and a large body, as if it were a ball-shaped ice cream and a stack of arhats. It replaced the grunt / foot with crawlers. The arms are very long, divided into three sections. One arm can grow about one meter five, and the fingers are three instead of five. When not in use, you can retract your arms into your body.

Double Star can wirelessly control this robot, which is a body of Double Star, which can be understood as a clone, etc., but this robot only knows Guan Ming, even the father and mother, the function is mainly to serve Guan Ming. From washing to cleaning.

Guan Ming's special table and chair, with a grunt under him, stalking behind Guan Ming, which is also controlled by Double Star. It will only run automatically before Guan Ming, and it will be painted on other people. This is just a pushable table. Just a chair.

When I reached the edge of the glass wall, the glass wall rose upward, and the evening wind blew in. It was not big, but it seemed to bring the loneliness of the night. Even the wind in the late summer made Guan Ming cold.

"Double Star, you said, if I hand over the metal 3D printer, will the country be stronger?" Guan Ming asked, looking at the distant water surface.

夜 Yuelang is sparse and cloudless tonight, the sparkling water reflects the glory of Lengyue ~ ~. It is possible to see someone patrolling in the distance, but Guan Ming is not surprised, he has long been used to it.

"Conservatively estimates that there will be a month of development time. It is expected to be discovered by Western countries in 5 to 15 months. There is a 70% probability that domestic steel imports will be restricted. Brazil is close to the United States, and Australia is on the periphery of the Mishima chain. There is a possibility that negotiations will take place. For the export of metal 3D printer technology and others, in general, it will still be constrained by the West, but it will also promote the development of the country. There is a small probability that war will occur because the United States-based anti-terrorism war has not ended. The probability is not greater than 5%. "The sound of the double star was emitted from the table. When the table was installed, it was a form of the double star itself, as was the chair in which Guan Ming sat.

"What if I hand you over ...?" Guan Ming's voice was faint, trembling, as if he was asking Double Star, as if he was asking himself.

"... It is estimated that the development period will be at least 5 months, and the longest can be extended for 5 years. The country will have substantial development, but the probability of subsequent wars is very high. At the same time, the research direction during this period is uncertain, and it is impossible to predict. The situation. "Double Star silent for two or three seconds, calmly replied.

I put a piece of beef tenderloin in my mouth. The warm beef tenderloin is delicate and the iced island city beer is refreshing, as if it was cold to the heart and warm to the heart.

"Boss, are you really going to turn me in?" Shuangxing's voice was somewhat doubtful, because it knew what it meant for Guan Ming.

"How come, just talk." Guan Ming smiled, waved his hands, and said nothing.

PS: Thank you Hua Yao for not grazing and thank you for your support!

I ca n’t go to other people ’s home casually. Last night, seven mosquito packs were found, and my eyelids were bitten. The eyes are swollen ...

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