Private Technology

: One hundred and sixty

Guan Guanming is a person who thinks a lot, and sometimes what I think is pure imagination, but there are some things that really need attention.

For example, twenty-four hours after the dynamic projection conference, Guan Ming received the news from Qian Junhao, saying that he wanted to "punish" Guan Ming abroad, but some "physical" blows were definitely ineffective, although The Shanghai market is near the sea, but it does not mean that there is no defense mechanism, and the security level here is not low.

China's entry into the WTO will naturally abide by some international laws, but neither monopoly nor anti-dumping can be used on Guan Ming and holographic projections. Guan Ming sometimes wonders whether he will send a foreign girl who looks better than Monroe. Come, unfortunately not.

I heard Liu Mengmeng talk about this today, and Guan Ming felt that there was something wrong.

I won't talk about the invitation system at Apple R & D first, anyway, Guan Ming doesn't like others to visit his laboratory.

Ignorantly spread out and Liu Mengmeng said, lest she not pay attention later, mainly to clarify the degree of interest this cooperation has on herself and the other party.

Guan Ming interpreted the other party ’s behavior very darkly. If he cooperated, he peeped at his own technology. If he did n’t cooperate, if Guan Ming had a smart phone project, the other party might sue Guan Ming to death. But definitely a lot of trouble.

At this moment, Liu Mengmeng said aggressively that his boss must have been pitted when he was a child, and he had pitted himself into the dead.

Uh ...

"What? Refused? Did he do anything, you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry sir, for the time being, according to the investigation, Guan Ming's biggest order is food ingredients and metal powder, etc., not even LED, but it was found that he ordered a batch of graphite last month."

然后 "Then you want to tell me he's researching graphite? Or graphene? Isn't Jobs' cellphone unattractive?"

"Perhaps in his eyes, there is more interesting research than mobile phones."

"Oh ~ Xuete ..."

Uh ...

"I rely on it, why is there a blackout? I can't get through this day!" Blackout is a very painful and unsolvable topic for a company, because in addition to accidental blackouts, there are planned blackouts. The ghost knows why It's the third time today to cut off power.

The first planned power outage was due to nearby circuit reconstruction. The second time was a cable cut at a nearby construction site. The third time, this time, is also a planned power outage, which seems to be a maintenance.

"Okay, we have a relatively small number of power outages." Sitting on a chair, Qian Junhao said slowly.

Guan Ming originally wanted to go to school today and watched Mu Xiaoxiao coming, but the power was cut off three times in September. Guan Ming couldn't help but went directly to the door.

It is not because the game cannot run because of a power outage, but because the power outage will have a certain impact on Double Star.

Guan Ming prepares diesel generators in the company to prevent power outages, but the power outages will cause hardware loss. Even if the backup power is used up, the double star power outage can only be closed. The next time it is opened, but the loss is Time is an irreparable loss for a double star deducing biological enzymes.

"Frequent power outages are really terrible." Guan Ming vowed, while calculating the distance of controllable nuclear energy.

Because of the worsening energy crisis, ITER was established in Cadarassin, France. For a global organization that takes the country as a unit, the breakthrough in nuclear energy is also not significant, because technological breakthroughs in this area represent sharing.

From the perspective of Guan Ming, the first difficulty for nuclear energy lies in the equipment. At least it can not be achieved by metal 3D printers. The main problem is temperature and intensity. The important reflection condition of nuclear fusion is the magnetic field strength, but this does not mean that There is no need to consider the temperature. The high temperature of several thousand degrees, the choice of materials really needs to be considered.

As for low-temperature nuclear fusion or cold-temperature nuclear fusion, Guan Ming has no idea for the time being, because Guan Ming always feels a little water-to-oil. Of course, if under the action of a super strong magnetic field, low-temperature nuclear fusion may be really okay. .

"Stop that, military training is over there recently." Qian Junhao said with a smile, and at the same time, outside the office building, he could see the freshmen kicking.

Unlike ordinary universities, the military training time of public security universities is longer. At the same time, there are more things to learn and test than ordinary universities. At least, Guan Ming knows that there are 5 kilometers of weight running. If it is Mu Xiaoxiao, it is estimated that I was out of breath.

"Yeah, it's over a week before it ends." Guan Ming knew the approximate bottom line of Mu Xiaoxiao's heart, and walked around, trying to walk on the edge of the annoyance. It is also very interesting to come. In the future, probably Will be an interesting thing.

"What you told me last night, I arranged it, but there is no news feedback for the time being, but it is good to be cautious ~ ~ Anyway, you have made a lot of money now, do n’t just look at the money "Said Qian Junhao.

I came to meet Qian Junhao today. The power outage was on the one hand and Liu Mengmeng's incident last night.

Last night, Guan Ming thought about it before going to bed, and decided to tell Qian Junhao whether he is in the cup or not. Although the company's tax is now halved, anyway, it is also a taxpayer. When there is trouble or think there is trouble, the above Someone has to arrange it.

Guan Ming does not want to comment on Qian Junhao's statement. At least Guan Ming seems to have paid little attention to the point of making money.

听说 "I heard that you have been working on a rocket project recently?" Qian Junhao saw Guan Ming ignore himself and asked.

When Guan Ming heard it, it was a little bit painful. He always wanted to make a personal satellite. Although he is now tied to the rocket project, it seems that there is no certainty about the artificial satellite. Guan Ming always thinks there is something wrong.

"I was purely tied to the rocket project, and I still have a lot of things on my own." Guan Ming also took the opportunity to spit out.

"What else can happen, isn't it your girlfriend, are you okay, I heard your parents went on a trip to the Maldives?" Qian Junhao waved his hand, he couldn't understand anything too technical, and he didn't want to listen to technology Things are too much trouble.

"What happened to my parents?" Guan Ming asked with a frown, at least he didn't receive any news.

"Hey, nothing, I mean, you have more time to accompany your parents to travel and travel with filial piety. If you do n’t want to travel, go to the base to do research work. At least you can communicate at any time, both in the 21st century. Now, I still feel tired by writing a letter. Your little girlfriend doesn't need to worry, there are more people watching you. "Qian Junhao said so.

PS: I feel a little Cavern ...

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