Private Technology

: 161 years of age

Qian Qianhao didn't say why, but Guan Ming knew why. It's early September.

I wondered, Guan Ming looked at the time and called Mu Xiaoxiao.

喂 "Hello?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the phone in doubt. Although Leng Buding couldn't see Guan Ming a bit unaccustomed, but to be honest, she was relaxed a lot, at least she was inexplicably nervous at all times.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm going on a business trip these days. If there's anything wrong with the school, you can call me. I can handle it at school."


Single syllable reply, the speech is a bit vague.

"What about lunch?" Guan Ming asked with a smile.

"Um." It may be that the food is almost ingested, but the voice of the reply is much clearer this time.

"What to eat? What to eat with your roommate?" Mu Xiaoxiao has a place that Guan Ming sees as a merit. That is, three meals a day must be eaten.

"Duck leg rice bowl ... haha, don't make trouble, brother, I'm hung up okay." Mu Xiaoxiao laughed suddenly, Guan Ming heard two voices in the microphone, apparently Mu Xiaoxiao was being 'attacked'.

"Well, hang up, eat well, remember to call me if there is something." Guan Ming leaned on the sofa and said.

"Um." Mu Xiaoxiao responded easily and hung up the phone quickly. He hung up without waiting for Guan Ming to say a few more words.

His fingers scratched the leather sofa, and the soft touch made him think for a moment.

"Boss, what do you eat at noon today?" Shuang Xing's voice appeared and asked.

As the company's boss, Guan Ming has the right to have a meal, especially lunch.

"No food at noon today, there is no appetite." From sitting to lying, Guan Ming is a bit lazy, with a few thoughts lingering in his head, the voice of the double star no longer appears.

The midday sun was close to direct sunlight, and there was only a narrow strip of bright spots under the glass wall. Watching that strip gradually became smaller and was swallowed up by the shadow, unknowingly, more than an hour passed.

"Double Star, book me a ticket to the base, text Zhou Wanli and Bian Chengwen, saying that I am free these days, go to the base to see, use my mobile phone number." Said, Guan Ming got up , Ready to go, this time is not like last time, it may take longer.

After all, Qian Junhao is also kind, after all, Guan Ming is not a giant.

Uh ...

"Actually, I can go on a business trip, my brother is really good." Li Chunmei joked around Mu Xiaoxiao.

At noon on the phone, several members of Li Chunmei knew that because they were eating together, not only that, but also to anger Li Feifei, a local, but Guan Ming didn't come every day, but whenever Guan Ming didn't come, Li Feifei Saying something like Guan Ming doesn't work, annoys Li Chunmei, who is also a foreigner.

Other people's love is your business!

Although Guan Ming did not boast about Li Chunmei, Li Chunmei automatically stood by Guan Ming.

"Let's go on a business trip without going to school, let's not talk about the academic aspect, but what about business trips? At most, I'll do copywriting, even tea and water delivery." Li Feifei didn't have a lot of ill feelings about Guan Ming. At first, she was only because of her account. Feeling good, then Li Feifei sneered at many times, she even remembered Guan Guan also hated it.

"Isn't Guan Ge saying that he can stay in the company right away? It should not be worse than that. At least the school side can handle it. Xiao Xiao, don't worry, Fifi is making you play." Li Minghui saw Mu Xiao Xiao's face was anxious, soothing.

"Well, thank you, Minghui." Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head, looked at the delicate face, and said with a smile.

Uh ...

The place is the same as last time, but people have changed. The five old men I saw last time are gone. Only one old lady is left. The old lady is called Zhu Xiaoguang.

I was taken over by Zhou Wanli at the door, and by the way gave him a nameplate, and talked about the retirement of five old men including Zhao Jiefang. At present, the boss of the base is the old lady Zhu Xiaoguang.

"Hello Zhu, come here suddenly, but it bothers me." Sitting on the sofa, Guan Ming Yuguang looked at the office involuntarily.

The facilities are relatively old, but the room is relatively large. The most noticeable thing is the books and materials on the bookshelf.

"Where is it? I'm glad you can come. I believe you've heard it. Those old men have finally retired. I want to leave early. Why don't you leave early? Keep eating?" Some news. Zhou Wanli will not hide Zhu Xiaoguang, or in other words, Zhou Wanli was originally on the line with Zhu Xiaoguang.

"Zhao Lao has made so many contributions to the country and should also go home to support them for years. After all, the country can develop to the present, and there are also credits from Lao Zhao who should enjoy more changes in the country." Guan Ming said sincerely, Although there is a sense of catching people, it is possible that they have no caring attitude.

"Yes, the country is changing with each passing day, we will not go and see again, I am afraid ..." Zhu Xiaoguang also sighed.

There is an interesting average, that is, the average age of gender. Women are usually older than men, and some people average the extra time to the aunt ~ ~ to give a conclusion that makes people feel bad.

Zhu Xiaoguang is several years younger than Zhao Jiefang. Coupled with their gender advantage, Guan Ming feels that this base does not need to change the leader in recent years.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, I was on fire control during this time ..." Chatting a few words, Guan Ming began to shift to the topic.

Although Guan Ming is always very random when he engages in scientific research, it is difficult to focus on a period of time to solve a problem, but this is also a case-by-case. In terms of rockets, Guan Ming also makes great efforts.

The meeting room is the last meeting room, except that Zhu Xiaoguang is sitting on the main seat, and Zhou Wanli is sitting on the left hand first. There are more young men in the room. Guan Ming estimates that he is younger than his grandpa. Guan Ming, still writing and drawing on the whiteboard, was talking about his own ideas.

The wind in the night of Gobi is not small, it is unobstructed, and even small stones can be blown up. Through the glass windows, listening to the hustle and bustle outside the window, the lights in the room illuminate the bright field of vision, but he cannot see the darkness outside the window.

有 There are clouds tonight, covering the moonlight and the starlight.

Guan Ming sometimes thinks that if the rays emitted by a star instantly die, if it penetrates the earth, it will simply destroy the electronic products on the earth, or destroy the surface organisms, or simply cause the earth to explode.

However, Guan Ming instantly remembered the Kuiper Belt, a spherically surrounded area, which might be largely resistant to attacks from space.

As for the crust of the solar system, Guan Ming does not think it is true. The moon cannot see the stars because the air is thin, because the atmosphere can be used as a magnifying glass to let people see the stars in the universe.

Guan Guanming didn't know that it was right for people to leap over the Kuiper Belt, but he hoped that the ‘life’ of the earth could go brighter.

PS: Thanks nopil for rewarding, thank you for your support!

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