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: Testimonials

I am very grateful to everyone for your support, and it will be on the shelves soon. I am a newcomer and the book is a new book. I do n’t understand many places. There are all kinds of previous ones. Thanks and sorry.

In my opinion, for a person who writes novels, there are four most critical points in time. One is to publish a book, which represents determination, the other is to sign a contract, which means that the novel is approved by the website, one is on the shelf, and it is on behalf of the reader. Finally, This is the finished version, representing the author's commitment to readers and the site.

The performance of this novel is not good. Under the continuous recommendation position, the collection was rushed to the shelves before it was over 10,000. It was also an irresponsible performance. I only blame my head yesterday and I told the editor to put it on the shelves. Later I wanted to regret it. It's too late. I can't tell the editor that I'm kidding.

Thank you very much for my editorial expedition. Although he / she / it is very cold, I do n’t talk to me every time and ignore me less, but if there is no recommended place arranged by him / her / it, I think, now this novel It is a blessing to accumulate 3000 receipts.

I am very grateful to everyone, thank you for your support. Although the writing is general and the update amount is not as much as I have to catch up with Xiao Liu Liu, but everyone can still follow the book. Thank you very much.

I don't know what kind of mentality an author should have when facing good or bad grades.

For me, my grades are not good. Even in the same recommendation position, I also rely on the number of recommendations and exposure to get the current level.

It ’s a bit early since today, and I took a special look at the data. Yesterday, I increased 29 collections, which is 1/10 of the day before yesterday. Although the data is cliff-shaped, I feel more relaxed because I also see everyone ’s encouragement. Thanks, thank you for your support.

After thinking about it, I don't know how to thank everyone, I can only update it.

The new book is released (today), and the first chapter V is updated at 10 o'clock (the editor said that the chapter will be published after the V channel is opened), and then every hour an chapter. I originally wanted a chapter for half an hour, but I now There are only 7 chapters, and there are only 3 chapters left, so you need to lengthen the update interval. Perhaps the last three chapters will be slightly delayed, I try my best! During the day, I look for opportunities to code.

Then talk about adding things, I think so, a single reward of more than 10,000 starting coins, 10,000 / chapter, and then accumulate one chapter, 50 monthly tickets / chapter.

I'm not sure if this way of adding more can exhaust the dead or will be a lot of leisure. For the first time, I'm not familiar with it. Looking at it and saying something more realistic, even if you don't give a reward, even if you don't vote monthly, for the novel. How much more should I do? Still not writing well? But rewards and monthly tickets may make me more motivated.

Not counting today, it has been updated for 61 consecutive days. There is no one day break. The total number of words is 370,000 words. On average, it is 6000+ words. Honestly, I do n’t think these words are too many. At least when I was a reader, I thought it was The word count is updated normally, but it really hurts when I write.

In the 61 days, I did not say that there were actually several cases of Cavern. The most serious one could not write 100 words in 3 or 4 days, but fortunately, I was a conservative person. At that time, I have 90 chapters + in my hand ...

I'm so lazy, 233333

However, it is also because of relatively little time. On weekdays, it is rare to be able to code 2 chapters a day, not to mention 3 more. I have to go out at night once in these two months, and the rest are codewords. Third, please see how I am at home in Shuangxue.

Although it is not a full-time codeword, I do n’t think this is the reason for breaking. I am also very fortunate that I have n’t broken and I hope that I wo n’t change. This is my expectation for myself, which cannot be transformed into Request, I hope everyone can understand.

Thank you for your support. I'm sorry I don't know what vocabulary should be used to express gratitude. At this time, I was always poor and blamed that I didn't learn Chinese well ...

About vomiting, I thought a lot before going to bed last night. I am not sure how I think about it. It is very contradictory. I am both grateful for comments and afraid of being voiced.

There are many people to thank ~ ~ For example, the happiest thing about the first reward is that you are fatter than me. I am less than 130 pounds. I do n’t know if you are still happy now, 233333

Also thank you for not knowing what the name is, Holy Charm Xuanling, GOST Xiyan, etc. Okay, I admit that I copied it from the fan list, but I do n’t list them one by one. Thank you very much. ,thank you very much!

Thank you for your support. If you are not sure whether the novel is on the shelf or even if you can finish it, you will still reward and support it.

Of course, I can say with certainty that the novel will be finished, and it will be on the shelves now, because I feel that no matter whether my novel is fluttering or not, it will not be a shame if it starts and ends.

Coming soon, I hope you will have more support.

I am a pessimistic person and a habit of self-denial, but I still hope that the novel scores better.

I'm not the editor. I can't stand on the reader's standpoint to determine the height of my novel. Is it desperate flutter, blood flutter or flutter?

There is a lot of nonsense, and it will be on the shelves soon.

I hope that the qualified partners can subscribe to support as much as possible. Finally, I hope everyone has a happy life and find their own half in their daily lives.

I encourage you with the king.

哪个 Where is my wife-in-law's mother-in-law's house? Borrow me a daughter-in-law, and I will go back to the two in the New Year ~

PS: Although the novel is synchronously read at Genesis / Q, I do n’t have an account here. Although I see comments, I ca n’t reply. I ’m sorry, if you can, I hope everyone will move on to comment.

章节 In chapter V, what I want to say in the future will be in ‘Author ’s Word’, where the word count is not counted.

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