Private Technology

: One hundred and sixty-four One compensation (one tenth)

I did n’t realize the promise, Guan Ming did n’t care, or he did n’t care much, after all, he made enough money, but the so-called “compensation” afterwards made him a little illusory.

Even has a feeling of being drawn, at least after hearing these ‘compensations’, he feels that way, because many things cannot be measured with money.

There are five aspects of compensation, ranging from reputation to specific interests. Guan Ming does not know what kind of mentality he is holding to give such compensation, but Guan Ming is satisfied.

After seeing Guan Ming hang up the phone, Liu Mengmeng took three steps and made two steps. Then he came over and waited for Guan Ming's instructions.

"... In the next two days, a negotiation team will be sent to help with the negotiation. You should do the preliminary work first." Ignoring Liu Mengmeng's curious look, Guan Ming waved his hand to signal that Liu Mengmeng could get away.

Liu Mengmeng poked his lips and said nothing. The superiors arranged whatever they wanted.

The five compensations, in addition to allowing the launch of artificial satellites, are related to the remaining four. Special approval was given to Guan Ming for joining the party. Previously, he was only a party member. Later, the above guarantees that he will become an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. , Officially entered the following year, but in the area where Guan Ming settled, he will enjoy part of the treatment of the deputy ministry. In simple terms, he has the treatment of active military bodyguards, but can not look at the party and government internal materials at the deputy ministry level. Finally, What Guan Ming is most impressed with is that while he enjoys the treatment of the deputy ministry, he will be issued a gun license, but only for self-defense.

No one does not like to shoot guns, but not everyone can shoot guns. Even Guan Ming even thought that he could only play guns in countries like the United States. After all, even domestic sales of toy guns have been sentenced.

And when many police officers are on duty, they will not match guns, for fear of fire or whatever, Guan Ming said that this wave is not bad.

Uh ...

Liu Mengmeng was the host of the negotiation team sent above. Guan Ming is not good at economics. After all, this thing doesn't mean how many books you read. After all, not all ancestors in the world have Librarian status.

Dynamic projection technology is divided into two parts, one is hardware and the other is software. This time only hardware is sold, because hardware is sold for money, and software is free to run, provided that the hardware can be detected.

Regarding the size of the dynamic projection market, Guan Ming is uncertain, but it is certain that Guan Ming does not want to hand over the dynamic projection hardware so easily.

Even Guan Ming can see that the other party is preparing to develop more powerful dynamic projection based on Guan Ming's hardware, and is even expected to enter the military industry, but Guan Ming is not ready to spare the other easily.

In addition to the most basic hardware splicing, the hardware also has embedded software. This part of the software Guanming is confident that no one can break it. Of course, it is also the main body of the transaction, but Guanming can block the software on the PC.

In simple terms, it is a reserved port for authentication hardware, which is only sold to one, and Guan Ming prepares a certificate accordingly, and automatically accepts the application when it is validated, but the format of the certificate is defined by Guan Ming. After all, Guan Ming is the original creator of this technology, and he has a deeper understanding of this technology.

"Shuangxing, help me write a description of the dynamic projection hardware requirements and installation, and re-assemble a new set of embedded software at the same time, the requirements are as follows, first ..." In the office, Guan Ming let Shuangxing distribute according to his own ideas Set aside some calculations to do things that Guan Ming doesn't want to do.

For example, simple text writing, such as the source code of embedded software.

"Okay, boss, the best time is expected to be 48 hours later. If you improve the sequence, it will be completed within 5 minutes at the earliest." Double Star said calmly.

"No, just 2 days." Guan Mingke will not improve the sequence, because this is not an important thing.

The so-called 48 hours is used to deal with the wealth of computing without affecting the operation of the double star. After all, the double star has always had tasks and needs to allocate the calculation amount at all times.

Uh ...

For many people, technology is a very far away, but very close, like an electric light bulb, an indispensable thing in life, but some people do not know that it was invented by Edison, even if it does, it may not be It is possible to match names and photos, but it cannot be denied that technology has changed lives, especially when a certain technology accelerates people's life changes.

呦 "Well, I said, what wind has been blowing these days, why are so many big guys all running to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" At the airport, a reporter Kakaka took pictures with the camera, while taking pictures, feeling.

"You did n’t tell you above? I heard that future technology will sell dynamic projection hardware technology. These are not one by one. They are all in Shanghai. I heard that there are people guarding the railway station. But at present I have n’t heard of any big guy who came out of the train station ~ ~ I heard that the Google guy who came yesterday did n’t come to the Shanghai market, but it ’s a bit late to get the news. ”A reporter next to me As you go, take photos while feeling emotional.

He is usually a character in newspapers and magazines. Now he actually walks one by one in front of his eyes. He is somewhat sorry, and he regrets the dynamic projection.

啥 "What? Want to sell? Why did you suddenly sell?" The young journalist turned his face in disbelief and asked.

When static projection first came out, Western countries clamored for sanctions, and at the same time, they were also cracking the static projection in private. Coming to sue future technology, it is China's entry into the WTO.

However, during that period of time, Microsoft's monopoly case did not split Microsoft. Liu Mengmeng also said at the time that if some countries and regions felt that static projection was suspected of monopoly, the company could completely close orders in the region and maintain local economic stability.

Of course, the consequences are obvious. Although Liu Mengmeng is also a mouth gun and has no theoretical basis, even if it is a mouth gun, few can really carry the static projection. No, it can't be said that there is no, North Korea has never been open. Ever ...

Due to the national background, a lot of bad news was naturally closed down, but I did not expect to sell this part of the technology now.

Sorry, the blind man knows how much dynamic projection can make money, not to mention, but seeing Foxconn, which has been cooperating with future technology, the stock price has risen a lot, compared with last year, it has increased by more than 80%. Foxconn boss specially invited Liu Mengmeng to go round and round several times.

Of course, the main reason is to invite Guan Ming.

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