Private Technology

: One hundred and sixty-six ice cream

"Shit, how do you let those reporters know!"

"Hey, are you going to keep it secret? See who I saw yesterday, Wilson's little secretary, OK, I mean you forgot who gave you the news?"

"Damn, Rio Tinto told me yesterday that Lehman had bought 17.2% of their shares and it was half a month's worth. We got the news late, it's too late!"

"What about the others? BAT's shares, other mining companies' shares and oil, angry can't solve anything."

"I repeat one more time, we got the news late! Late!"


Revolving around dynamic projection, major capitalists are working hard to replace the resources in their hands in order to gain greater priority.

Yes, it is a priority because everyone knows that dynamic projection cannot change so many things, because with the decryption of technology, unless technology can be updated, technology will become cheaper, and resources are still resources, shares Still shares.

BAT and resources are of little significance to Guan Ming. It is nothing more than equity participation in domestic BAT groups. It is nothing more than holding equity in resource companies. To some extent, it can affect the operations of these companies, and nothing more.

But for the country, this was a time for harvesting, because the country found that even though it appeared at the negotiating table as a capitalist, some countries to which the capitalists belonged were also trying to influence the country's capabilities negotiation.

There are many good brothers from China and Pakistan, many girls from Belarus, natural gas from polar bears, US policy, etc. There are many options, but few options.

How to pick the largest piece of cake from a limited selection is a concern for everyone, especially after some news is made public.

"What? I want to take back Q? My tube is terrible ~"

"What? I want to take back Du Niang? Niu force my Ming ~"

"What? I want to take Ali back? Wait, what is Ali?"

Reports of true, false, and fake are spreading out, not only occupying people's horizons in newspapers and magazines, but also on the Internet and even television.

However, Guan Ming, who has always been concerned, has never appeared, and has not appeared since the beginning.


"I didn't expect Guan Ge and this Guan Ming actually have the same name, but unfortunately, no one is handsome." Shaking and shaking the magazine, there is a picture of Guan Ming, which is the picture of Guan Ming ’s last dynamic projection conference Color, but at that time because of the photogenic, makeup must be more handsome than the current Su Yan, the most important thing is that suits and casual wear are two concepts, and everyone does not believe that the two Guan Minghui is the same person.

Hearing what Liu Chunmei said, Guan Ming smiled and said nothing, what can he say? Deny or acknowledge?

Forget it, Guan Ming can't do what he wants, but he can do it easily.

"It's just the same name." For this time Guan Ming invited out to eat cold drinks in the store, Li Feifei refused at first, because she didn't want to see Guan Ming and couldn't say why, but she couldn't hold Mu Xiaoxiao to pull. .

In the dormitory, there are two Shanghai stock markets. Although she and Mu Xiaoxiao have not had a lot of good friends until the beginning of school, they have almost contradicted with Liu Chunmei. One despise the regional blackness and one despise the non-Shanghai stock market. Rich psychology.

"If Brother Guan is this Guan Ming, then we don't have the ice cream." Li Minghui held his long hair in one hand and dug the ice cream with a spoon in one hand.

This small ice cream shop is still relatively high-end for Mu Xiaoxiao's four, and it is also 'Western-style'.

Guan Ming once remembered that he had been with a girlfriend and took the so-called coffee house, which was a small room with partitions and no windows, a length of 2 by 2 and a small table in a fart. Of course, although the environment was not Ye Di, but the success of KISS also had to lament the importance of the occasion, although now, that kind of place is really low.

"It just happened to pay you, please come and eat it once, so as not to be fooled by others when they are behind." Guan Ming joked, as for the difficulty that his future boyfriend will find the subject becomes **** After that, would he blame him? He wouldn't care about it. He lacked a girl and went to Belarus to look for it.

"Let ’s just forget it. I think Xiaoxiao is true, isn't it, Sister Minghui." That's what it said, but Liu Chunmei still winked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Blushing, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, but glared at Liu Chunmei.

In the bedroom, Mu Xiaoxiao walked closer with Liu Chunmei and Li Minghui. Although Li Feifei was a local, Mu's mom was not a pure local. He also had bad experiences when he was young. Black is also more exclusive.

"Yeah, the weather has been very dry recently. Fortunately, Xiaoxiao ~ ~ Every day, free skin care products are available, what do you say, Fifi." Then, Li Minghui tilted his head and looked at Fifi, With a smile on his face.

"It's okay." Liu Feifei said muffled.

Li Feifei and Li Minghui are one year older than Mu Xiaoxiao and Liu Chunmei. Unlike Li Feifei, Li Minghui is beautiful and entwined. Even foreigners, Li Feifei does not have an aversion to her.

"It's not worth anything. I'll go back to the company to get some more. If you run out of cosmetics, you can ask Ma Ma, she also has cosmetics, but she is too lazy to use them." Guan Ming smiled at Mu Xiao with a smile. Xiao said, turning around and selling Ma Qingyun.

Ma Qingyun is only 23 years old this time, and when Fenghua Zhengmao is stink, if you know that Guan Ming has arranged her like this, it is estimated that there must be a mumbling behind her.

"Why don't you need sister Ma." Turning his head, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a glance, and then lowered his head to eat ice cream, but the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, and he was in a good mood.

Formally, Guan Ming naturally ca n’t go to Mu Xiaoxiao ’s class every day. Too frequent is not good, but it ’s not bad to ask for something to eat. It ’s nice to listen to them and talk to each other. Life is also beautiful.

Now unlike in the future, at least the cheeky person will not be so brazen, after eating ice cream, Li Minghui took the other two to the library. As for Xiaoxiao Mu, in Liu Chunmei's words, he rented it to Guan Ming. If you want to borrow it next time, then think about what is delicious nearby.

"I'm going to the library too. The teacher has left too many homework recently." Seeing his little friends abandoning himself, Mu Xiaoxiao muttered dissatisfied, and at the same time he was a little bit nervous, I don't know why. When the two got along, Mu Xiaoxiao shivered.

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