Private Technology

: 167 Missed Opportunities (4/10)

Picking up girls is a matter of learning and experience, but they are all false. There will be slight deviations in different ages, different personalities, and even different hobbies. At least for Mu Xiaoxiao, if there is an anime movie in the movie theater, please go and watch. Movies are the best choice, followed by a comics shop, and finally a quiet place. Depending on the mood, you can choose a library or a park. If there are no stars she particularly likes to watch, going to a concert is the worst choice.

Based on the current favorability of Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Ming, go to the cinema to choose PASS. The environment is dark and easy to tamper with. Mu Xiaoxiao will have a lot of resistance. The comic shop is not familiar with Ming, and it is not a good place to chat, so Guan Ming took Mu Xiaoxiao to the park.

"Actually, I rarely come here. I didn't expect flowers to bloom now." Looking at the yellow flowers in the flower bed, Mu Xiaoxiao rejoiced and jumped forward, with his small hands behind his back, but it was a shawl, Ming thinks the pony tail might be better.

"So it's okay to walk around, don't look at the construction sites everywhere, but the scenery in some places is still very good." With both hands in his pockets, Guan Ming slowly walked behind, watching the young and lively Mu Xiaoxiao in front.

As for the name of the open flower, it doesn't matter, because Guan Ming found the flower that attracted him and bloomed his beauty.

The Shanghai stock market in September is still summer in terms of temperature. Nowadays, T-shirts are a good choice during the day. Mu Xiaoxiao is wearing a dress, such as the blooming lotus in the breeze, shaking the branches, and swaying on the blue pond.

"Guan brother, how do you say I am going out to work now?" Sitting on a stool in the park, Mu Xiaoxiao held her hands on her side, her two feet stretched forward, her toes kept shaking, Guan Ming couldn't judge her. Are you entertaining yourself?

"Now? It's too early. I don't recommend that you go to an internship now. It's too early. Even the brand of Hatchery University is hard to explain." Guan Ming shook his head to deny it. One of them was really unable to apply for a better job. The second is the large company that does not want Mu Xiaoxiao to live so tightly. As for the sweet and bitter taste of the world, it does n’t matter.

"Then which company do you go to? What about tea and water?" Turning his head, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with bright eyes, hoping to have a satisfactory answer.

For such an upright person, Guan Ming could only smile bitterly. She had just said that she was so relentless. It is estimated that there is a high probability that the speech was prepared long ago, and no matter what the other party said, she just followed her own. The rhythm goes.

"Are you short of money right now?" Guan Ming couldn't refuse and simply asked her why she wanted to bring tea and water.

"Well, I want to get my teeth. If you do it earlier, you don't need to wear braces during the internship in the future, otherwise you will be laughed at." Holding her fist, Mu Xiaoxiao cheered herself up, and at the same time he blasted at Guan Ming. Tooth is mainly a tooth that is slightly sunken inward.

"... I still have some relationship with the company. Arranging you in is fine, but I suggest that you study as a freshman so that your mother won't blame me. I can lend you the money for teething and wait for you to return it later. I ’m fine, at least when your mother asks you, you also have a rhetoric, otherwise you will come out to look for a job to find a part-time job, alas, your mother will kill you ~ "Guan Ming cheerfully threatened.

"欸 ~" Mu Xiaoxiao's skeptical pout, did not insist any more, in itself is begging to be rejected, at the same time she still counseled her mother a little.

"Let ’s do this. I will help you to contact the hospital. I will try to find some regular hospitals and doctors." Mu Xiaoxiao is not a person who borrows money. If he doesn't say something, Mu Xiaoxiao will keep thinking.

"Oh." With her hair pinched, Mu Xiaoxiao looked away. Suddenly, the atmosphere calmed down, the kingfisher in the forest cried, and Guan Ming suddenly thought of a song by Zhou Dong: The sparrow outside the window ...

"How do you get along with the people in the bedroom?" Maybe you breathe lightly, and your throat is a little dull, but after saying this, Guan Ming can't wait to hit his mouth.

Obviously, Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved, and his tone was a little cheerful. He said, "It's okay, Liu Chunmei's personality is very interesting. Even boys can be a piece of it. It's amazing. Li Minghui is so beautiful. I heard that there are Several male students wanted to chase her, but in the end those male students seemed to have a bad relationship in private, but Li Minghui was also a good person. As for Liu Feifei, she ... "

Barabara, Mu Xiaoxiao, who usually responds in a single syllable, turned her head and started to chatter.

Although my heart was annoyed a bit, I wasted a time that might break the current relationship, but the waste can only be wasted, and there will be opportunities in the future, at least Guan Ming is so convinced.


Pedalling ran upstairs and hid in the water room on the second floor. Mu Xiaoxiao secretly looked out the window. The setting sun was ordinary and popular, but Mu Xiaoxiao was a bit strange. Fortunate? Lost? Or maybe wondering ~ ~ son, eat too much today? "When I eat and eat, I can squint at the corner of my mouth and want to laugh. The management mother thinks that her son is evil. Although newspapers and magazines have mixed opinions on the sale of dynamic projections, they are very clear. It's very expensive. Earning and not earning are only relative terms. After all, whether it is resources or BAT's shares, in the long run, it is an excellent money collection project.

"No, nothing." Pouting the corner of his mouth, Guan Ming looks forward to seeing Mu Xiaoxiao next time. As for talking about something, go shit.

Get away, these **** banknotes!

The caretaker looked at the caretaker, the caretaker gave the caretaker to the caretaker, the old couple looked at each other silently, although they all felt that something was wrong with Guan Ming today, but the child was too old to ask any questions. pain.

Guan Ming is now a pity that he doesn't have sisters, sisters, brothers and brothers. There is no place to share this kind of things.

In the evening, Liu Mengmeng came over to report today's negotiations, but Guan Ming listened or not.

"Yeah, okay, I know." Guan Ming said with dispensation, and his heart grew grassy, ​​and he didn't think about it for a long time.

"Uh ... okay." Liu Mengmeng didn't know what to say for a while, but his boss always felt pitted again.

"By the way, you can help me to contact a hospital for orthodontics. It must be regular, and then it must be safe and reliable to correct one tooth." Guan Ming originally wanted to take Liu Mengmeng, but suddenly he thought of Mu Xiaoxiao's teeth.

"Ha? Boss, do you have to have your teeth?" Liu Mengmeng was a little skeptical of life, and the teething and negotiation are obviously not on the same level.

"You just need to find it. Tell me right now, I have a need." Glancing at this guy who has no eyesight, Guan Ming didn't want to ignore her.

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