Private Technology

: 169 like constipation (Six / ten)

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Is it cost-effective? This is probably the period during which everyone pays attention and discusses, especially after the transaction is completed, Liu Mengmeng intends to attend a dinner hosted by BAT.

It's a pity that Guan Ming's old mansion is more expensive than Li.

"It should be profitable, because the development prospects of BAT are very good. Some people in my company specialize in researching this one. I think that BAT will have an average market value of at least 100 billion US dollars in the future. If the three companies are added together, it can be estimated to be 400 to 500 billion US dollars. As the other side of the transaction, although the dynamic projection hardware technology will weaken the current market share, it is estimated that the speed and quality of updated products will be stronger with the current capabilities, so even if the market is divided, what will it be divided into? , It's hard to say. "Guan Ming said so.

Mu Xiaoxiao should be one of the few people who knows Guan Ming's thoughts, because no one knows what kind of monster BAT will become in the future. Perhaps people will think that 100 billion US dollars is the ultimate dream and achievement of BAT, but as a dozen In a nation with billions and walls, hundreds of billions of dollars are still too small.

The most direct data is that BAT accounts for more than 70% of Internet users in China. The ecosystem formed by BAT is solid and helpless.

Guan Ming was too lazy to update the hardware before because it was a monopoly market, and it took a lot of effort to make it. It would be good to update one in three or five years, but now that the hardware technology has been sold, the hardware update is about to start.

"But why do you ask this, you are studying history." If Mu Xiaoxiao is studying economics or something, he can understand it, but Mu Xiaoxiao is studying history, especially in China, and research history is generally Is static history.

"欸 ~ Teacher talked about the commercial and civil movement before and after the Northern Expedition. At the end, I left homework and let us write about the significance of this dynamic projection exchange BAT. Actually, we still have to think from multiple angles. We also want to discuss the international and national Policy and influence on the nation, right, is BAT now considered a national industry? "Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Now the concept of "ethnic enterprises" is very popular in the media. People only found out that BAT had a lot of foreign capital. Of course, now a lot of foreign capital has become Chinese, even if there is foreign capital.

"This thing needs to be dialectically viewed. You can write as much as you want. After all, you are only a freshman. Your teacher is not expected to look at how rigorous you write, but at the breadth and depth of your thinking. Wrong. It was wrong. "Guan Ming didn't want to discuss such a profound issue with her, the important thing was that he didn't understand.

"Cut ~" Rarely wanted to show his intelligence and wisdom, but was interrupted. Mu Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood. She said that she didn't want to talk to Guan Ming. Just when the bus entered the station, Mu Xiaoxiao jumped into the car.

Every time I see the lively Mu Xiaoxiao, he always feels that he is ‘just a classmate and a young man, and he ’s in full bloom’, but counting the time, the time he has actually experienced is also four.

Everyone has a castle called ‘naive’, and Guan Ming is hovering on the edge of the castle, unwilling to set foot in the darkness outside the fence, extinguishing his spirit, less fantasizing, and only wishing to keep his own treasure.

Guan Ming didn't know how to evaluate himself. On the balance of rationality and sensitivity, he probably leaned more on sensitivity. In his last life, he was at most a snail, moving slowly on the road, sometimes retracting his body to avoid the wind and rain, and this life, Probably evolved into a hedgehog. At least most people have no way to deal with it, and they will not consider whether it is time to roast or fried snails.

Last life was life-driven behavior, and this life was hobby-driven behavior. Guan Ming did not know if he would like to play gateball when he was old, and then developed a set of cow X gateball equipment. Now thinking about it, it is also very interesting. of.


"Boss, the latest news, Sequoia Capital was established to establish a new factory in California, ready to mass-produce dynamic projection hardware, and they actually wanted to invite me to go." I knocked on the door twice and did not wait for Guan Ming to respond. Liu Mengmeng broke into the office directly, angry.

"First of all, isn't this normal? What's so angry about it?" Guan Mingqing was lucky he didn't have the habit of standing in the office, otherwise he would be embarrassed, considering what Liu Mengmeng said and his future meaning that he would not be ashamed in the office. The probability, Guan Ming decided to remind her, so as not to see Guan Ming's forty-meter knife and frightened his legs.

"Second, you should get accurate prompts before coming in. This is my office. I am not only a boss, but also a man." At a glance at the battle, we changed five for one, and the second tower on the road is about to be broken. No, Guan Ming decided not to be the spring commander, first to be the office commander.

"But they are too much. They actually invited me to participate!" Fang his teeth, and Liu Mengmeng hated his teeth. When is it?

Glancing at the screen, our puck has a seven-second resurrection, and Guan Ming moves his finger to prepare for a wave of perfect operations to break through the awkward situation of 0/7/3.

"It ’s going to be ok, go with you, anyway, no one wants to beat you anyway, maybe Sequoia Capital ’s daily development cloth will say that updating the hardware scares us ~ ~ After all, I ’m so bullish, just update it a few times Can update them to spit blood. "Guan Ming absent-minded, a perfect set of REWC, puck became dead birds, while teammates shivered under the front tower.

"Oh? Boss, when do you update the hardware?" Liu Mengmeng heard, his eyes lighted up, and three steps and two steps, he rushed up.

Liu Mengmeng previously advised Guan Ming to do a good job of hardware update. Now that the economy is developing so fast, updating hardware is the best way to harvest silver, but Guan Ming said he is not too interested in updating hardware and waits for updates every three to five years. Fortunately, considering the cycle of Guan Ming's development of new products, Liu Mengmeng can only accept this setting, and suddenly heard that Guan Ming wants to update new equipment, Liu Mengmeng was a little excited.

There is a well-known Moore's Law. In simple terms, it can be updated in 18 months. The hardware update means better performance. However, Moore's Law is not a natural law, and it will definitely slow down in the later period. But at least now, this The speed has not slowed down.

Happily ran to Guan Ming, but saw Guan Ming playing the game, Liu Mengmeng almost did not spit old blood on the screen.

"Uh ... wait for Sequoia's products to go on the market, then let's update a wave of new products, play them, how about it." It is okay for a subordinate to see that he is playing a game, but it is a bit awkward to see that the game is hanging Already.

Standing next to Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng looked down at Guan Ming with a sad expression.

"OK, paid vacation, or a 10-day tour of Paris in reimbursement, or come to my house and invite you to eat my mother's dinner, you choose it yourself." The company must have someone to work, otherwise Guan Ming don't say games Scientific research cannot do it. Appropriate appeasement can increase the sense of belonging of subordinates.

"Do I have a choice!" Liu Mengmeng looked like constipation with a fist in one hand.

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