Private Technology

: One hundred and seventy Every date is a date! (Seven / ten)

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"Xiao Ming said that you come over for dinner to see what you want to eat, optional!" Guan Ma is very particular about things. Although the technology has not reached the level of the chef, she also supports ordering. It is quite a formal menu. In the restaurant menu, there are more than photos of dishes on it, and even how to do it is written. Guan Ming thinks this is how the mother was afraid to forget how to do it.

My son called himself and said that he wanted to invite his first dogleg, oh no, it was the company's second boss to eat, contact the relationship, and the mother was naturally supportive.

Although the rain and rain continued during this period, the father and mother were fed up with the high temperature, and during this time they had not moved at Guan Ming's house.

Seeing this, Guan Ming shrugged at Liu Mengmeng, that action, that look, fully expressed ‘you see, is n’t this a choice? ’

As Liu Mengmeng, who has slap cells in his blood, naturally has a clear position on the choice of right and wrong, not to mention the variety on the menu given by Guan Ma, who ran out of a box of instant noodles and asked her how many She would also tear a bowl of braised beef with tears.

"Hi ~" Guan Dao waved his hands silently, trying to coax his mother to cook in the kitchen, but Liu Mengmeng was here, and it was impossible for Guan Dao to give up to his mother, otherwise they would fight again.

"Okay, just look at the work." Guan Ming eyes clear, pushing Mu's shoulder, pushing his mother directly to the kitchen.

"Braised ... meat?" Opening the menu, Liu Mengmeng was preparing to order, but found that no one took care of herself. For a while, she felt that her constipation had been committed again, and she could not control her expression.

"Braised pork?" Guan Dao knew that Liu Mengmeng's existed, but Liu Mengmeng's last word suddenly reduced the decibel, Guan Dao was not sure if it was braised pork.

Liu Mengmeng nodded his expression subtly, and the whole person put the menu on the coffee table a little bit.

"Xiao Ming, tell your mother, here comes the braised pork." Sitting on the sofa, Guan Dao shouted a throat.

Liu Mengmeng didn't come to eat at Guan Ming's house, nor did he eat with his father and mother, but today I always feel that the style of painting is wrong, very wrong.

Guan Meng took a sip and ate dishes for Liu Mengmeng, and also asked Hanshou Nuan, not only Liu Mengmeng, but Guan Dao and Guan Ming both felt a little problem.

Fearful, Liu Mengmeng was decisive after dinner, and the housekeeper and his family of three sat on the sofa. The grandfather looked at Guan Ma and waited for her explanation.

Guan Ma sat cross-legged on the sofa and said, "Hey, father, what do you think of Liu Mengmeng?"

"How's it? Okay, what's wrong?" Guan Dad was confused, what else could happen, and his son was like nothing happened every day. As a result, the company hadn't closed down and hadn't been usurped. , Liu Mengmeng is okay.

"Hey, you say, how about letting her be our daughter-in-law?" Guan Ma said, narrowing her eyes narrowly.

"Ha? Mom, have you eaten too much, Liu Mengmeng? Forget it." Guan Ming almost choked with a drool. Although Liu Mengmeng has the possibility of buying one get one, Guan Ming has someone he likes. , Liu Mengmeng has not slept fewer women than Guan Ming. Guan Ming will humble himself.

"Liu Mengmeng? I'm a little older." Frowning, Guan Dao automatically shielded Guan Ming from the actual situation.

"It's not just a bit big, it's a lot." Guan Ming frantically frowned.

What a joke, Liu Mengmeng's head is so sweet that the pick-up girl can make up the monkey to get on the tree. Well, although Mu Xiaoxiao is not tall, he is better than Liu Mengmeng.

"It's not too big, it's only 5 years old, and it's better to be older. It's bigger to know that it hurts people." Guan Ma is most disgusted by love to see the age, because not all daughter-in-law husband and wife life is not satisfactory.

"That's too big, I know ..." Speaking of this, Guan Dad stopped talking, glanced at Guan Ming, and stopped decisively.

"Dad, my mother is older than you?" Guan Ming asked in confusion, if they remember correctly, the two are the same age.

"Large your head while you wait." Guan Ma reached out to pat Guan Ming, but it was a little far away, and she only made two gestures in the air.

Guan Ming always felt that the old couple was hiding something from him, then Guan Ming thought about it for a while, and finally remembered the news that he knew in a sad time in his last life, but also dumb.

"But Liu Mengmeng's body is too small, and it will be inconvenient to breed in the future." Guan Daddy was embarrassed and said Liu Mengmeng had a flat chest and a flat bottom.

After all, it is basically not as much as Liu Mengmeng. Guan Ming once thought that nailing on the board was a bit insulting, but it should not be a problem to say that Liu Mengmeng is a superevolution of nailing beasts.

"Hold on, I have someone I like, not Liu Mengmeng, and Liu Mengmeng is a homosexual, but you don't have to say it outside, now the news hasn't broke out, only your family knows it." At a critical time, Liu Mengmeng surnamed the pot , Pot of hot pot.

"Ah? Homosexuality?" Guan Da exclaimed

"Speak early, I waste so much effort." Guan Ma regrets.

The concerns of the father and mother are obviously different. After all, Liu Mengmeng is now a successful career ...

"A meal ~ ~ is nothing to do, it ’s nothing to invite a friend to dinner." Regarding Guan Ma's attitude, Guan Ming treats it with a critical attitude, and finally stands on the moral high ground. It's not easy for years.

"You know a ball. My menu is from your company's kitchen. It's all Liu Mengmeng likes to eat. I've been practicing these dishes during this time." Guan Ma's face was tangled.

Guan Dang Guan Ming Qi rolled his eyes, which was too fast to measure in advance.

"I said, you're free all day and you're doing nothing, don't you." Guan Dian gnawed his teeth and wondered what to say. No wonder during this time the meals were different from before. I thought it was my mother's whim and wanted to improve Women's power, but it turned out to be this way.

"What does your current girlfriend like to eat? By the way, when will I bring it back for a look?" Guan Ma didn't think there was anything wrong with this and asked quickly.

"Now I ca n’t get back. I'm on a date. As for eating, except for vegetables, all food is accidental, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the sea, as long as it is meat." Guan Ming did not know why Mu Xiaoxiao loved meat so much And it also belongs to the kind that can throw the cricket out of walking, but if there is such a hobby, there is no way.

As for dating, Guan Ming treats every meeting with Mu Xiaoxiao as a date!

This is fine, it's very clear.

"It's a good deal. I'll get ready to prepare the menu." When Guan Ma heard it, she left the father and son, and quickly went to the kitchen to find the menu to see which one could be recycled.

Looking at his wife who ran the kitchen, Guan Dian thought about it and said, "Xiao Ming, since Liu Mengmeng is gay, you have to pay more attention to your girlfriend and don't get robbed."

Guan Ming looked at Guan Dian silently, not knowing what to say.

What do heroes see?

Nonsense, always have a little confidence in your son.

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