Private Technology

: 177 Advance with the Times

It is said that ideals are **** and reality is very skinny, and the distance between reality and ideal is just a window, but this is on more than 20 floors ...

For almost a month, Guan Ming found himself a little idealized sometimes. His original goal might be achieved in the future, but now it is much more difficult.

After all, it's still a hardware issue.

Metal 3d printers can print metal, but they can only print metal, and hardware including cpu and gpu is not something that metal 3d printers can handle.

Not to mention resolution, everyone has their own unique brain shape. This is not derogatory and has no special meaning. It is the shape of the head. The distance between the screen and the eye cannot be fixed at a certain value. The best choice. Can automatically adjust the distance, of course, this part can adjust the display content ...

"Double Star, is there anything wrong in the database ... forget it, just when I didn't say it." Guan Ming waved his hand, sitting helplessly in a chair.

A lot of information cannot be put on the Internet, it can be put on the Internet, either it lacks key data and steps, or it is already universal, and most importantly, Guan Ming has little patience on this.

Guan Ming can be willful and qualified.

Having said that, although I don't know Guan Ming's psychological changes, Double Star knows exactly when he should appear and when he shouldn't.

Standing up, Guan Ming straightened his bones and was ready to go home.

In December in Shanghai, the weather was not cold, but due to the season, some flowers and trees also fell.

The big tree erected in the middle of the lobby on the first floor of the company, Guan Ming doesn't know its name, but it belongs to the evergreen seasons, adding a touch of color to this December's sky.

Zhou Wu drove and followed Guan Ming's car. It was not until Guan Ming returned home that he returned to his post.

Zhou Wu is very satisfied with his life. He is not as nervous as he used to work. He doesn't need to consider salary, worry about safety, and doesn't have to think about his boss's ideas.

Everyone has his own way of life. At least in Zhou Wu's view, he is very comfortable. After all, even if it is not his own villa, it is good to live in it. The only pity is that he does not have a girlfriend.

The biggest disadvantage of being with Guan Ming is that there is no way to get health care. His girlfriend is just in need. Zhou Wu suddenly remembered Ma Qingyun, who became a bodyguard with himself ...

"Son, it's the 20th today." Guan Ma held a small notebook in her hand, and a ball-point pen on it.

"Well, why?" Guan Ming was unhappy today. Guan Ming came back early and was lying on the sofa with her eyes closed to dress the body, but fortunately, there was more than one sofa in the living room, and Guan Ming didn't need to get up to make room.

"How's your girlfriend? It's Christmas time, come back and look at it." Just listening to the voice, you can hear the fantasy of Guan Ma's infinite expectation on this matter, the ghost knows how she knew this foreign festival .

He turned his head, opened his eyes, and Guan Ming's expression was a bit helpless. "Come on, I handle my own affairs."

Mu Xiaoxiao has been there a few times recently, but Guan Ming at least guaranteed to meet once a week, not to mention Ma Qingyun aside, at least Guan Ming didn't think it was a big problem. After all, when Mu Xiaoxiao was in high school, they were one week away. I only met once. Compared to that time, I still have the opportunity to sing and sing ktv together. Guan Ming is very satisfied with the life now, although he is still unable to brighten his sword.

"I know Tibetan every day, what I hid, is there anything we don't know?" Guan Ma heard immediately, and was upset. She said last year that she moved to live with her and told her girlfriend. Now she lives in several places. Month, except for the word 'girlfriend', Guan Ma doesn't even know whether he is a man or a woman!

"What's that heart? Xiaoming, tell your father and me, haven't you told your girlfriend that our family is rich?" Guan Dao took a cup of tea and sat on the sofa under Guan Ming, to the old couple. This should be the greatest possible.

Although he didn't sit on his calf, Guan Ming was uncomfortable, Guan Ming had no choice but to get up.

"Yeah, not only don't know that our family is rich, I lament that I have the same name as that big guy Guan Ming." Putting his feet on the coffee table, and then squinting left and right, Guan Ming lay down on his side, but there were no pillows. The cushions are a bit thick, and Guan Ming has some nests.

When Guan Dian heard it, he held a tea cup in one hand, and drew a 2 against Guan Ma in the other hand, exactly like the shape of ‘oh yeah’.

Guan Ming wasn't blindfolded, and naturally looked at Guan Ma.

I saw that the mother didn't hide it, opened the small book on hand, finally identified a page, and then looked up, "Son, I have made a pick-up plan for you, I think you need to keep up with the times. ! "

"Cough cough ..." Guan Ming took a sip of saliva, and the whole person bent his back like a Pippi shrimp in boiling water.

"Get up, it's cold on the ground ~" Guan Ma quickly came to help Guan Ming, patted him on the back, let him swallow this breath, no, spit it out ...

"I still don't know the cold on the ground? You are a lot of years old, do you know what pick-up plan? You are still advancing with the times, and my big teeth are almost laughing out." Because of a cough, Guan Ming's face was flushed with redness, An angry jumper.

Guan Ming didn't know if he met a fake mom and was still keeping up with the times? My dad ’s face is almost green ~ ~ What's the point, was it so discussed before? "Guan Diaohu's face was upset.

"Hey ~ Isn't this a quick mouth, do you want a grandson?" Guan Ma slumped, rebounded, and stared back.

"I'll see what you have discussed." Guan Ming said, took the notebook from the tube mother, looked up and down, it was not bad, there is no trace of alteration, it must be copied once, it is estimated that the original has not been changed.

When Guan Ming took a closer look, he said that he was a little bit unable to control his expression, and his muscles were a little cramped.

Tube mother, oh no, and tube father, the old couple's brain is really advancing with the times.

A candlelight dinner at a Western restaurant is the lowest level, because it only uses one line to describe it.

Fireworks and balloons are prepared in advance. The routine of confession at Christmas is very romantic. It takes two lines here.

The rest are all pretending to be x, for example, to find a few security guards in the company to pretend to be mixed up, and then there are two options given, one is to flatten the money, the other is to fake a punch, and then based on two different Choose to go down, and the skill tree below starts to fork.

Guan Ming felt that the old couple was delayed, and the screenwriter / director was delayed by the heavy pressure of life.

"That's it? You can pull it up, let alone say that they are a college student, and have a little IQ. Have you ever considered the option of an enthusiastic citizen making an alarm call?" I patted the script ... Guan Ming Smile was helpless.

"Then ... or add the option of alarm?" Guan Ma scratched her head and asked.

"Who do you ask ..." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming threw the book on the sofa, and went upstairs to the house.

Christmas? He started studying Christmas at the Spring Festival this year ~

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