Private Technology

: 178 It's still the same street

Western and Eastern festivals have similarities and differences. For example, there are some famous names, what is the day of Jesus' birth, and the day of the bridge meeting.

The difference is that some Western festivals are connected, while the Eastern festivals are basically separate.

Christmas is an important holiday in the West, which is comparable to the Spring Festival in China. However, many people have Christmas Eve that is happier than Christmas, because Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas, and Chinese people are slightly weaker in religion. Initially, It is difficult to distinguish between the two festivals.

It is a pity that on Christmas this year on Monday, the school will not be closed. On Christmas Eve, Sunday, Mu Xiaoxiao went home to sleep at night.

Wise Guan Ming said that it was a rare Christmas Eve to come out and stroll around. He is not a local, so he does n’t know what a good place in Shanghai is, etc. This is a very strong reason. Mu Xiaoxiao decided to come out and introduce him to a foreigner. The beauty of the city.

As for how Mu Xiaoxiao told Mu's mom, Guan Ming said he wasn't clear. He hadn't talked to Mu's mom Mu for a long time.

"Here." Guan Ming beckoned, originally tall, Mu Xiaoxiao found Guan Ming's position at a glance, pedaled and trot all the way.

"Isn't it cold to wear these?" Take off the scarf and loop around Mu Xiaoxiao's neck. Guan Ming didn't have the habit of wearing a scarf, but Mu Xiaoxiao had the habit of wearing a scarf in his previous life, but he didn't know why Developed.

"It's okay, it's not cold, wait for it." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed.

She had agreed to meet at ten in the morning, but she forgot the middle distance.

Regardless of whether it is local or out of town, today is also a festival, and she will be embarrassed when she is seen playing with people of different genders. She simply set the meeting place far away.

"Hou roar, let's go." Shaking his chin, the material of the neckband was okay, not to tie people.

Today's weather is very good. The outdoor temperature is around 10 °, but the wind is a bit strong. Mu Xiaoxiao is wearing a ponytail and is not worried about hair flying.

Black little pencil pants stand out with straight legs, a pink jacket on the upper body, um ... both sleeves are white.

"Where are you going today?" Two steps quickly, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao went side by side.

"It's decided, go to the Bund today, there are many, many buildings there." The little hand waved forward, the smile on his face was bright.

"I don't know what you are thinking, or the street in that place?" Guan Ming sang the song.

The song's name is Mu Songxiao's favorite song in his last life, because it was sung by men and women together. Time is released last month.

"Huh? What song?" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao stared at Guan Ming, crystal clear.

"The new song just released last month, the song name is a nice song." Guan Ming shrugged and smiled.

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao said nothing, then turned his head and looked forward.

Like, is able to withstand the baptism of years, it is a kind of persistence, but also a belief.

Obviously, Mu Xiaoxiao does not pay much attention to this song.

Christmas is coming soon, and many stores have Christmas trees at the door, but the Christmas tree is not the real tree in the West, but it is very localized. There is a tree-shaped iron shelf, and there are small lanterns on it. The elegant ones will decorate the iron shelves a little better, but few of them specialize in real trees. At least this bus has taken the bus. Guan Ming didn't see it.

As the international metropolis of Shanghai, the atmosphere of Christmas is still very strong.

Limitations of the times and economy, there is no large-scale looting of Europe at Christmas, but it can still be done locally.

The bus is not fast on the road. Occasionally, there are tour groups on the sidewalk. The front guide is holding a small flag, and tourists wear uniform vests.

"Look over there, I remember selling youth leagues there when I was a kid, and later I changed to sell ice cream. I used to like to buy ice cream with a small tongue." The car stopped at a certain intersection, and Mu Xiaoxiao patted Guan Ming's arm , Pointing to a fly shop on the side of the road.

"Little tongue ice cream?" Guan Ming asked in confusion, he would never admit that he was attracted by the name.

"Just make a green jelly like the tongue, then freeze it, and you can lick it when you eat it. I remember the most powerful one was that it was completely melted and soft, but it didn't fall down." Turned around, Mu Xiao Xiao's four fingers closed and bent, gestured, and then immediately turned to look out the window. With the blessing of the festival buff, her "lively" and "curious" attributes doubled.

"Oh? Really? That should be very interesting." Turning his head towards the glass window, although he said so in his mouth, Guan Ming's attention was on the chaotic horns, and he vaguely remembered that she had just given birth. At that time, a soothing and contented smile was hanging on the weak and pale face, and the messy horns were like exhausted urchins, lying drowsy together and falling asleep.

Of course ~ ~ There is nothing wrong with using kelp silk.


The Bund is still the Bund. It has experienced more than a hundred years of wind, snow, and rain, and witnessed the sad and happy separation in the world.

Guan Ming came to the Bund in the last life with Mu Xiaoxiao. When he first came, it was Guan Ming who saw Mu Damu and Mu's mother at the beginning. It was not a meeting in the ordinary sense, but 'seeing the parents'. Now thinking of it, Guan Ming Some also want to laugh. Probably, he was the first prospective son-in-law who got drunk when he first met.

"Nana, this is Waibaidu Bridge, China's first all-steel structure riveted bridge and the only remaining truss structure bridge ..." Barabara, Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at the bridge in front and began to introduce.

The voice was crisp and I didn't hear the softness of the body, but Guan Ming had a smile on his face. Although he looked directly at the Baidu Bridge outside, Yu Guang always kept an eye on the spirited girl.

Gradually, Guan Ming found something wrong, because the other party was too 'learned' and more 'learned' than the previous life. When the last life came, Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at the bridge and said, "Now, this It's Waibaidu Bridge, which is said to have existed before the founding of the People's Republic. "Then it disappeared.

Guan Ming isn't sure whether the Hatchery University has a history course specifically recorded in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It would be great if it did not exist. In this way, it means that Mu Xiaoxiao valued this 'dating' and prepared the materials.

"Xiaoxiao, did you know from that? It's so powerful." Guan Ming asked jokingly, looking at her with a little nervousness, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.

"Ah? Is this? The teacher once left homework. Let us use a cultural relic to interpret the economic and cultural characteristics of the time. At that time, I took Waibaiduqiao as an example, hehe." Stupid Mu Xiaoxiao was shaking his head proudly The pony tail swayed and broke the young man's heart in Guan Ming's heart ...

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