Private Technology

: 182 Suddenly the time

"Thank you." Nodded at the people around him, then Guan Ming looked at the plate.

"Hey, there are some good things to think about us in the future." Liu Chunmei said with a smile, and then ran back to her group.

"Here, eat half of your buns and give you a bun." Guan Ming put the buns on her plate.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the buns and saw the rice porridge at the bottom. He hesitated a moment, didn't say anything, started to eat stuffy, maybe he gave up on himself ...

Although it seems romantic to have breakfast or something together, this is not a stand-up cross talk. In the absence of a response, Guan Ming cannot tell the extent of Ma Sanli.

It ’s also awkward to have breakfast, especially if there are three light bulbs, Mu Xiaoxiao does not speak during breakfast time and resists silently.

Girls like to get together, for example, get together to go to the toilet. At least Mu Xiaoxiao hasn't gotten into the arms of Ming Guan.

Li Minghui was beside him, and Mu Xiaoxiao hid back and forth several times. The acceptable distance was about one person in the middle.

This Monday, only Li Feifei had classes in the morning or two, and the four of them led Guan Ming to the female dormitory. Of course, Guan Ming couldn't get in at the end.

Suddenly, the phone in Guan Ming's pocket rang.

Guan Ming frowned, because every time he came to see Mu Xiaoxiao, he would put the phone he usually used on Zhou Wu's side, and the phone on his body was dedicated to talking with Mu family. According to the truth, now this During this period, the Mu family should not call.

At first glance, it turned out that it was actually the telephone number of Guan Daddy.

"Hello?" Guan Ming didn't avoid it, but directly connected to the phone.

"Boss, something happened to the company. Is it convenient to call now?" Double Star's voice recognition is not high, but Guan Ming can still hear it, the kind of bland, nonchalant speaking speed.

I glanced at a few girls looking to this side, Guan Ming changed his phone and pulled away a certain distance. The current phone still has a certain degree of sound leakage.

"Say, what is it?" Guan Ming asked invariably.

Li Minghui was closest to Guan Ming. She didn't hear the details of the phone call, but faintly heard the word 'boss'. In addition to her curiosity, she also had a little more inquiry into Guan Ming's identity.

Unfortunately, Guan Ming changed hands to answer the phone, and she didn't understand the rest of the content. As for Mu Xiaoxiao, she only paid attention to Guan Ming at the moment of answering the phone, and then took Li Minghui's arm with a lack of interest. Chat with two other people around you.

"Now?" Guan Ming's voice was a little hesitant, then he raised his left hand and looked at the time of the watch. At 7:30 in the morning, in terms of time, the sooner the better.

Li Minghui didn't know the brand of the watch, but paid attention to it. She found that Guan Ming's watch seemed to be very high-level, at least very beautiful. The black bracelet had a black gold dial with a brass pattern. It was not an electronic watch. The side of the watch had A few raised, I don't know if it is a rotary or a button.

About three or four seconds later, as Guan Ming moved his hand, the sleeve covered the watch.

Hanging up the phone, Guan Ming looked at the people around him, exactly Mu Xiaoxiao, hesitated. The plan for today was to accompany Mu Xiaoxiao for a day, but something big happened temporarily, otherwise Double Star would not be able to call .

"Xiao Xiao, your brother seems to have something to do." Mu Mingxiao, who was still looking around, Li Minghui teased.

"Ah?" Xiao Xiao looked at Li Minghui with an inexplicable look, not knowing that Guan Ming had something to do with her.

"Forget it, I'll send you back first. It's a bit to deal with today." Guan Ming waved his hand and nodded in gratitude at Li Minghui. After all, when I met such a dumb person, it was more or less powerful.

Leaving his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao shrank, trying to get Li Minghui to block himself.

No matter how long the road is, there was a moment when she was watching Mu Xiaoxiao going upstairs. Even at the last moment, she didn't have the courage to say goodbye to Guan Ming. Of course, maybe it was because there were a lot of people around, and they were teasing him. .

"Hey, is it Secretary Qian? I'm Guan Ming." Guan Ming called and turned away.

Secretary Qian is not too young, but he does not have the habit of sleeping. He is eating breakfast at home to read the internal reference, but he did not expect to call someone by himself.

If the level is not enough, Qian Junhao's phone also belongs to the kind that can call in.

"Oh, Guan Ming, what's the matter?" Qian Junhao said, taking the phone to his eyes, and found that there was no note on the phone number, and he was a little alert. There are many phone frauds these years.

"That's it. This morning, there was an additional monitoring device in my company. The volume is very small and the flightable device is remotely controlled by radio. I want to ask how to deal with this kind of thing." Guan Mingyu Not fast, but the content is more explosive.

"Wait a while, where are you now?" Qian Junhao heard that, and knew that the problem was a bit serious. From the official opening of the Double Star Building to the present, the school security has done a very good job. He caught a spy in the company. I have taken out monitoring equipment in vegetables. For more than a year, I have never missed it, but now, when the following people have not reported any conditions, Guan Ming even called one step ahead and said that there were unknown equipment. How could this make money? Can Junhao sit still?

This is not an ordinary university. To put it bluntly, it is not worse than the military region in terms of strictness, but now there are monitoring equipment coming in. This is not a face-scratch. This is a beheading and a black hat.

Qian Junhao could not doubt whether Guan Ming was true or false, because there were too many confidential things in Guan Ming's company.

There is a laboratory in the basement of Guanming Company. As a person who develops dynamic military and civilian projections and participates in the rocket project, Guanming may not have any important information in his laboratory, even if it is not this part, in case Guanming leaks With some of his latest inventions and even ideas, the loss is not a small one. Similarly, it is not just the company's interests that are lost.

"I'm outside, rushing to the company's side." Guan Ming was not slow and walked towards the school.


"Xiao Xiao, you and Guan Xue have known each other for so long. Which company does he work for?" The two went side by side upstairs, Li Minghui asked.

It is also very interesting to talk about. In front of Guan Ming, these people are all brothers and brothers, but in the absence of Guan Ming, Li Minghui usually called Guan Xue, while Li Feifei called him by the first name, and Liu Chunmei called Guan Brother depending on the situation. \\ / 管 明 \\ / Guan brother, of course, the last one is usually dedicated when mocking Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I don't know, never asked." Shaking his head, Mu Xiaoxiao held the railing and moved up a bit. He turned his grief into appetite for breakfast and ate a little bit. At that time, he thought of eating Guan Ming's rice and making him hungry After all, it was so abominable to make her shame in front of the bedroom man.

But now it's a bit unstoppable. The most important thing is that ~ ~ Breakfast seems to be contributed by Liu Chunmei, it has nothing to do with Guan Ming's half a dime, and Guan Ming is not like a person who lacks money.

"I don't care too much. You didn't go to your heart last time. What a bad conscience you had. Your brother managed to come and eat together early in the morning. I don't believe any chance." Liu Chunmei didn't care, she was very keen to tease Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Ah! If you don't ask, I won't ask ~" Turning around, clenching fists with both hands, making a squatting posture, shouting, turning and running upstairs.

Li Minghui smiled, and at the same time noted the style of the watch, ready to look for opportunities.

"Hey, you little conscience, I bought your brother's breakfast, too!" Lying on the handrail of the stairs, Liu Chunmei's head burst into a throat.

"You deserve it!" Looking down, between the stairs, Mu Xiaoxiao made a face at Liu Chunmei.

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