Private Technology

: 183 There is no room for negotiation

Zhou Wu didn't know what happened, but he instinctively noticed that something big happened today, because according to past habits, Guan Ming would surely drag Mu Xiaoxiao out to play, after all, she had no class in the first or second quarter.

With Zhou Wu's past and current occupations, Guan Ming's many secrets are not secrets.

Guan Ming made a few calls on the road, first Liu Mengmeng. At this time, she was still at home, and asked her to wait for Guan Ming at the entrance of the company. The other was to keep the company security, especially the elevator, prohibited.

In addition to the company's lounge where Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng can live, there is also a security room. At present, there are no other people in the company except the security. As for Liu Mengmeng, she said that she needs half an hour to get to the company. After all, she has Girlfriend ...

Qian Junhao came earlier than Guan Ming. He didn't rush into the company with great fanfare to find out if there was any monitoring equipment. However, Guan Ming got out of the car and found that there were a few more cars in front of the company.

"Guan Ming, is what you said on the phone true?" Qian Junhao saw Guan Ming and took him two steps out, asking softly.

"Of course it is true. I am not a child. I have heard the story of the wolf coming." He waved his hand and Guan Ming motioned to Qian Junhao to enter the company.

Qian Junhao hesitated for a while and didn't let the people behind to keep up, mainly because some things were difficult to handle.

Military and civilian technology can be said to be very different on spy equipment. Ordinary cameras and recording pens are big people. Real military spy equipment can even be reduced to a fly-sized device. The human eye is difficult to find and identify, and it needs equipment to monitor and select the signals, but unfortunately, no signals have been found.

Looking for this monitoring device, there is no bulletproof vest or anything like that in the movie, Guan Ming took Qian Junhao directly to the elevator, and stopped about five meters away.

Guan Ming pointed to the flowerpot next to the elevator and said, "In there, the rest can only be left to you."

The distance of five meters, although not far, did not show any effect.

"Come, come in with the equipment." Qian Junhao took the intercom and started issuing the commander.

Guan Ming stepped aside to see how the professionals caught the 'fly'. At this time, Liu Mengmeng rushed to the company and saw Qian Junhao and a group of people holding various instruments blocking the door of the elevator. Liu Mengmeng also Come quickly, the first goal is to lock Guan Ming.

"Boss, what happened?" Liu Mengmeng asked beside Guan Ming.

A glance at Liu Mengmeng, except that her breath is a bit uneven, it is almost the same as in normal times. It is difficult to imagine her when she called ...

Guan Ming briefly explained the matter, and then frowned, "What has happened to the company recently? It stands to reason that such a thing would happen if the dynamic projection was just released."

This kind of thing will certainly not be described in terms of "broad spread". It is bound to have certain goals.

"Uh ... didn't I tell you last week? Yesterday, I will hold a press conference to tell the outside world that we are going to update the dynamic projection hardware and will make breakthroughs in functionality." Liu Mengmeng was aggressive.

"Oh, that's what happened." Guan Mingdan nodded, and then pretended to be fine and looked at Qian Junhao's help.

What a joke. Yesterday was Christmas Eve. Guan Ming could prepare for Christmas Eve and Christmas a year in advance, not to mention that as time approached, it was not a matter of life. Guan Ming didn't even listen.

Seeing the expression of his boss, Liu Mengmeng was sore with pain. Obviously, the other party did not listen carefully at the time of the report. This is only known at present, but it is estimated that the number of times he did not know is more.

"We have eliminated things for you. At present, it is most likely that they came from the Huangpu River, but the specific situation needs to be investigated later, but how did you find out?" Qian Junhao came over and asked.

"I'm a very timid person, so I thought about the security system when I was building the building." I greeted Qian Junhao and Liu Mengmeng, and Guan Ming took the elevator in front of me to his office.

"The entire company's security system has multiple guarantees, including not limited to cameras and other means. Even this elevator also has metal detection equipment, but it will not make a sound, but will collect information." Guan Ming patted the elevator metal Surface, clarity can be used as a mirror.

"But it did n’t come from the Huangpu River. I do n’t know. I just knew that this little thing had been lying in that flower pot after flying in. It is estimated that I want to switch floors by elevator. It is estimated that the battery capacity is not enough. Or, if you know the general situation of the building, at least, this elevator can only be used by me. Even Liu Mengmeng can only go up, not underground. "The elevator climbed quickly, and soon reached the first The seventh floor is the office floor of Guan Ming and Liu Mengmeng.

"Perhaps just to open the elevator door and fly down this gap." Squatting at the elevator entrance, Qian Junhao looked at the small gap between the elevator and the floor.

"It's very possible, but only if you know this person after being interrogated." With a shrug, Guan Ming took the two to his office.

"Sit down first, and I'll call up a complete surveillance plan." A greeting was heard, and Guan Ming started turning on the computer and connected the dynamic projection.

Although Liu Mengmeng is the vice president of the company, it is no problem for her to make a guest appearance.

"The current picture is 6:30 in the morning. According to the work process of the security office, it is patrolling time, and the gate of the building is just open." Guan Ming said this, with his left hand wearing metal gloves, and started to zoom in on the part. Then, a marked red dot appeared on the projection boundary, and then took advantage of the company's door to open, then flew into the company, first around the safe passage, but the gap in the door was almost empty, and finally in the row of elevator doors Wandering ~ ~ finally stopped in a flower pot.

"Is there a monitoring outside the building?" Qian Junhao wanted to follow the vine to see where this thing was "take off."

"There is monitoring outside the building, but it's too dark to track." Guan Ming spread his hands. In a limited space, Guan Ming and Double Star can detect without dead ends, but in an infinite space, this is really impossible, especially It's such a small head.

"You give me a copy, and I'll take care of it all."

"Of course you can." Guan Ming certainly supports such a request.

"Yes, this monitoring by your company ..."

"Of course not." Before speaking, Guan Ming was interrupted. Looking at Qian Junhao's old face, Guan Ming said with a serious expression: "This is definitely not possible, there is no room for negotiation."

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