Private Technology

: One hundred and eighty-four to one!

Qian Junhao didn't know how powerful Guan Ming's automatic monitoring equipment was, but at least from this incident, it can be seen that it has strong monitoring capabilities, but unfortunately was rejected by Guan Ming.

But it ’s not too bad, because if you take the country as a unit, do n’t say that this kind of fly-sized electronic spy device is just a real fly. If you want to monitor, you can immediately assign the male and female.

Looking around the world, the famous assassinated bosses are few except South Korea, especially Kim of North Korea. How many enemies still claim that they do n’t eat meat every day and follow the ball.

"This time, this is the first thing, but when you are outside the company or even at home, try to say less about some company things. Your villa's security level is not as high as the company's side. If you have the information, you should bring as little information as possible. Company. "Qian Junhao left and Guan Ming ordered Liu Mengmeng.

In the company's place, Guan Ming can install cameras in all places except the toilets, but the villas for employees do not work. I have seen people sleeping naked at home, but I have never seen anyone who goes to work barefoot, and the occasion is not right.

"Well, I see. I will have a meeting in a while and I will warn you about this." Today, unlike in the past, Liu Mengmeng has learned lessons and will not talk about work after returning home.

Looking at the watch, I found that Mu Xiaoxiao would be in class after a while, pondering a bit, Guan Ming felt that time was too late, and incidentally cared about the company. After all, this kind of thing has happened. too big.

"After you finished the press conference yesterday, what's the response from Sequoia?" After so much toss, Guan Ming had time to remember the news that Liu Mengmeng had reported.

"It has not been reflected for the time being, it is estimated that we are studying countermeasures." Liu Mengmeng shook his head. After all, it is not domestic. Even if there are channels, it still takes time.

The application for real-time camera feedback on dynamic projection has been answered within a short period of time, indicating that it can, but only this time.

However, when Guan Ming devoted himself to the VR headset, this kind of news just told Liu Mengmeng casually, but the content of the message became the upgraded function of dynamic projection.

Then Liu Mengmeng collected specific information about the Sequoia plant and forecasted the current sales share of the dynamic projection to ensure that when the sales of this generation of dynamic projection were weak, decisive production of new equipment.

The power of capital is strong. Sequoia was originally planned to be officially put into production and started sales on January 1st, but the factory was actually set up half a month in advance, and the equipment was officially produced the day before Christmas Eve. At the same time, Sequoia said it would The pre-order was opened on Christmas Eve, the mode is the same as Guanming Company, but they specifically stated at the press conference that they will start the research and development of the next generation of dynamic projection, meanwhile, they will globally recruit dynamic projection content producers, hold a dynamic projection content production competition, and so on.

And Liu Mengmeng, who knew the news in advance, chose to announce the news that Guan Ming was developing the second generation of dynamic projection the next day after Sequoia.

Although under the dual suppression of Sequoia and self-development, the current order of dynamic projection is much less, but the current competition is not only for the existing market, but more for industry dominance.

Although everyone did not say clearly, Guan Ming, as the creator of this industry, can even say that the software and hardware applied on the p-side are all intangible rules for this industry.

If you want to change the upstream from the downstream, you must first achieve a certain scale, supplemented by public opinion, and Sequoia is working on this.


Li Minghui had no class in the morning. He originally wanted to go to the library for review. Although he looked at the book, he always remembered the word "boss" that was not clear.

Probably because of curiosity, Li Minghui feels that the review is inefficient, it is better to go to relax, the most important thing is to see if you can find that watch.

For college students, it is not a rare thing. The "Magic World", which does not matter, is from the stand-alone era to the "Legend", from q to Du Niang, the domestic Internet is changing with each passing day. At the same time, posting it is also very amazing. The place.

In this era, a considerable number of people do not need to post it, but they know the existence of it. Among them, in addition to a number of game posts such as "Magic World", the most famous is the mutual explosion of the two major post bars.

Two-finger Zen Li Minghui, log in to an infrequently used account, and consult in a certain bar. Although it is a zero-level rookie, in this era, there are not many people posting this bar, so there are still many enthusiastic audiences responding.

After the post was posted, Li Minghui cut out to find a Korean drama, and probably came back to see the post after watching an episode. At this time, the post response volume has reached 3 pages.

Most of them are text, but there are also a few pictures. After seeing a certain picture, Li Minghui took a look at the price of this watch. The price of a small million almost did not scare Li Minghui up, even she was a little skeptical. Guan Ming's watch is not fake.

Somehow, my mind was lightened.


Christmas is one of the most important festivals in the West. Mu Xiaoxiao decisively returned to the bedroom after class. Well, it is normal. Guan Ming said that it is normal to go to the school library to relax. Arming yourself with knowledge is the best choice. After all, knowledge is like underwear. Others can't see it, but they can't live without it.

"Hey? Brother, I'm Liu Chunmei." Liu Chunmei's voice was full of vitality.

Standing on the stairs, Guan Ming leaned on the window sill, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it going to be noon soon? Would you like to ask Xiaoxiao to eat?" Liu Chunmei said jokingly.

Before, she was only joking with Mu Xiaoxiao, but after discovering that Guan Ming had some ‘bright eyes’, she started joking with Guan Ming.

"If you can bring Xiaoxiao out, you can eat whatever you want." Guan Ming's mouth turned up, and he would do multiple damage to the enemy if he countered within the enemy.

Suddenly, Guan Ming Yuguang saw Zhou Wu standing not far away, holding a mobile phone in his hand, obviously the one Guan Ming usually uses.

"Well, see you downstairs in the bedroom in 20 minutes! We must make Xiaoxiao look pretty!"

Guan Mingnao made up for the tragic process of dressing children.

"Get it!" Hanging up the phone, Liu Chunmei on the balcony blew a throat in the room. On the other side of the toilet, Li Feifei opened the door. Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been struggling to come out, was like a chick. Inside, it means she will never come out.

Seeing Guan Ming hang up, Zhou Wu came over and handed the phone to Guan Ming. He said nothing and went away again.

"Hey?" It seemed that Liu Mengmeng's phone number was on the phone. I didn't know what she was going to do. After all, she had just met in the morning, and it was estimated that something was wrong.

"Boss, it's me. Something went wrong. The United States and the European Union said that our dynamic projection belongs to flammable and explosive products and will restrict our stuff from flowing into the territory." Liu Mengmeng's voice was a little hasty.

"Because of Sequoia?" Guan Mingshun down the stairs. As for the book lying on the table in the library, Zhou Wuhui handled it well.

"Do not leave ten, what should we do?" Liu Mengmeng asked anxiously. At present, dynamic projection is a company's gold weapon, especially for European and American users. There are many orders. After all, according to the exchange rate, dynamic projection is less than three thousand dollars, and This is the price of less than three thousand dollars. Before that, the company would receive about ten orders in these areas every second. The most important thing is that this is just the beginning. I do n’t know what will be back in the future.

"... The court sued ~ ~ At the same time, it was announced to the media, and the global media published it once again. I am responsible for publishing the news on the network." Standing on the martyrdom, looking at the road ahead, there was a silence, Guan Ming said. .

"The effect of this prosecution is not obvious, and it is only a limitation. There are no specific restrictions in the notice ..." Liu Mengmeng was interrupted by Guan Ming before he finished speaking.

"Western people think that we are not good at using law, but I can tell you clearly here, sue, sue one by one! The company makes so much money not for the sake of cubs, but also for the flammable and explosive. The solutions are all provided by me. I will not let them sell, and they do n’t want to sell them. Whoever issues the documents will sue anyone, whoever provides false information will sue anyone! Go to Bush Jr. Sue! "

"Please hire a lawyer. Famous lawyers from all over the world are counted from the top down. The first five are all hired. If you do n’t have enough people, you will continue to go down. There is no place to spend it. "Put a lip, Guan Ming hangs up the phone, hands in pockets, just like nothing, walk to Mu Xiaoxiao's bedroom.

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