Private Technology

: One hundred and eighty-five flame red lips

Europe and the United States are capitalist countries. To put it bluntly, they are contract countries. The most profitable is naturally the profession of interpreting contracts.

Liu Mengmeng has the experience of studying abroad. Although I have often heard some people bragging about telling this to sue that they ca n’t afford to wear pants, but I really want to sue. First of all, you have money. Nor have they been able to get you into ruin.

Guan Ming is not bad at money, he only counts dynamic projection, he earns tens of thousands of dollars per second, and has been earning for several months. This is not even the previous static projection. Guan Ming can now have the confidence to fight any lawsuit. The sky is old, and the sea is broken.

Going downstairs, Guan Ming found that Mu Xiaoxiao hadn't come out yet, thought about it, instructed the double star, and let it follow up with the spread of information.

Dynamic projection of this plate, Guan Ming can easily break, because he still has newer products, he can take out a new plate, he has no concerns, but Sequoia will definitely not be able to survive, throwing so much silver Going out, I haven't waited to make money. The plate must not be broken. To describe it in a more classic way, that is to survive in the struggle.

It's been almost half an hour standing downstairs in the dormitory, not counting the time spent walking around, Guan Ming suddenly found that during the period when the girl was turning to a woman, makeup, or bad smell, should be a sign of this period .

Guan Ming suddenly remembered that a few months ago, the man who went out faced up to the sky, Mu Xiaoxiao who even thought Guan Ming was slow.

Guan Ming is not a stand-up chicken, but people who come and go glance over here, mainly because Guan Ming is too brazen.

Generally, people who come to block the girl's dormitory are directly opposite the door. Anyway, it is also under the side of the tree or somewhere.

About ten minutes later, Mu Xiaoxiao and his four talents slowly came down, especially Mu Xiaoxiao, who was taken down by Liu Chunmei, as if she loosened, she could float back to the dormitory.

"Well, you are ..." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao in front of him, Guan Ming grinned very kindly.

Lipstick, maybe a lip gloss, is not sure about the material, but the word he instantly thought of was 'flame red lips'. The red lips are probably because of the struggle, and even the reddish areas surpassed her size. Lips.

Whoops, Mu Xiaoxiao ...

"I said I wouldn't do it. You guys want me to do it! I ..." His face was almost red like 'Flame Red Lips', and Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to cry without tears, her face sad.

When I first went to college, everyone had their own silver at their disposal. Take Liu Chunmei, for example, she is an only child and has a little money at home. As an independent new-year college girl, she naturally flaunts fashion, although this flaming red-lip style lipstick \\ / The lip gloss is hers, but she is not ready to master this perfect color.

Because ...

"Find something to wipe, use me to buy ... Uh, it seems unnecessary." Without saying anything, Mu Xiaoxiao broke free from Liu Chunmei's restraint, pulled out a wipe from his pocket, and wiped his lips vigorously. It seems to be well prepared.

"Your age, the Japanese pink series will be better." Guan Ming gave a rare suggestion. Although Shibuya is well-known in Japan, in fact, the Japanese pink series is in line with the Asian aesthetics. Of course, the specific division may be There will be Meng Department, Girl Department, and so on. The specific Guan Ming is really unclear. After all, he has not really studied it carefully, just understand a little.

"Pink? Will it be a bit pale?" Liu Chunmei looked at Guan Ming, hoping that he would give a fair opinion from a male perspective.

"Youth is invincible, now you're fine with light makeup." Guan Ming exaggerated.

"It seems Brother Guan is very good at this, maybe we will have pink series of cosmetics in our bedroom in a few days." Li Minghui took Li Feifei's arm and said with a smile.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard it, he immediately looked up and glared at Guan Ming, as if he had done something terrible.

Looking at those lips that were congested by rubbing hard, Guan Ming suddenly thought of the dachshund mouth of the electric eye prince, but unfortunately the electric eye prince's eyes were watery and innocent, and Mu Xiaoxiao was watery eyes with shame.

"Well, let's go to eat. From now on, you can eat, drink, and play. You can decide where you go!" There is no way to digitize favorability, but silver can be digitized. At the same time, in most cases, silver can be proportionate. Translate into favorability.

Even if she can't influence Mu Xiaoxiao, the person who reforms her dormitory is not bad.


The boss sacrifices work time to pick up girls. Correspondingly, employees must sacrifice pick up time to work.

"Do you really want to ask those on the list?" Dong Minghua was wearing a professional outfit and scratched his head.

Although she appeared rarely, she was indeed the head of the company's legal department. She joined the company shortly after the company was founded. She is an old employee and is about the same age as Guan Ming.

Although there are upper layers in China, the Ministry of Law is also frequently dispatched, but this regular dispatch does not include prosecution of foreign functional departments.

Isn't this kidding!

Well, although each study of law has a heart to take down the functional departments, it is only yy, and the official standard has continued for thousands of years. This continuation of this thinking has made Dong Minghua wrong about this internal document.

"The boss said, money, and some, since the lawsuit is being played, I'm going to die, counting from top to bottom, five is not enough, then five, one year is not enough, and three years, okay?" Liu Mengmeng thought he was going to be a dog. Originally, she also had a slight interest in Dong Minghua. After all, she was hired mainly to covet her beauty ...

But now ... Liu Mengmeng is still coveted!

Cracking down on a company can start in many directions. The domestic custody is clear, and there is much less room to start.

In the case of an employee who was 'careless', the "inadvertent" news report about the characterization of Guanming's products in Europe and the United States caused a stir.


"Isn't this a little bit too much?" In the private room, eight hot and four cold and one soup, Liu Chunmei was somewhat embarrassed, because except Ming Xiao, who refused to order, Li Minghui and Li Feifei only ordered one dish ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Liu Chunmei ordered two dishes, and the rest were ordered by Guan Ming.

"It's a rare Christmas, and the cost is not big." Please ask Mu Xiaoxiao to eat and talk about money hurting feelings.

In fact, Guan Ming was still a bit poor in ordering food. The main hometown didn't pay much attention to it. Guan Ming remembered listening to a friend who said that eating in some areas is very particular about snacks before eating, salty soup after eating, and sweet soup after meal. However, This is not the habit of rich families eating out, but local customs ...

Speaking of the scene, did not drink, ordered drinks, and everyone started eating and drinking.

Guan Ming was not good at talking, and there was only a man at the dinner table. He simply listened to the little girls chatting. Fortunately, Liu Chunmei was more lively. She also knew Guan Ming's personality, and tried to pick up some stories about Mu Xiaoxiao's affair in the bedroom. Be regarded as a return of Guan Ming's hospitality.

Of course, at the dining table, there is probably only Mu Xiaoxiao who is dissatisfied with this ...

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