Private Technology

: 186 Christmas sky

In fact, when choosing courses for Mu Xiaoxiao, he did not pay special attention to information such as festivals, but it can only be said that luck is good. Mu Xiaoxiao only has classes in the morning or three or four in the morning, and then he will not have classes today.

"Sppg ~" After having lunch, Liu Chunmei patted the covered belly and shouted a loud slogan.

"I'll leave it, there will be lessons in the afternoon." With a shrug, Li Feifei was ready to retreat, and some of the lessons really couldn't escape near the end of the period.

"I'm going to the library to review, and I'm going to take an exam soon. If I'm hanging out, I can't have a good year." Li Minghui also refused sppg activities.

"Well, it's boring if you say it yourself." Liu Chunmei was discouraged and half-paralyzed in her seat.

"I, me, and me ~" Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at himself with his fingers, trying to highlight his sense of existence.

"Well? Aren't you going out with Guan Guan for a private meeting, why are you still sitting here?" Liu Chunmei made an exaggerated gesture, as if she saw an alien.

"That is, Christmas. Someone has asked you out. Why are you still here? Do you want to gain envious eyes?" After eating a big meal of Guan Ming, Li Feifei was not too rare for Guan Ming. But teased Mu Xiaoxiao.

"... It's almost the end of the term. I mean I'll also review it, Sister Minghui, let's go to the library and read a book together." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the three of them, and finally set his goal on Li Minghui.

"It's still a bit, we can't let the governor invite us to have a meal, and then accompany us to the library." Li Minghui said with a good expression.

"What are you talking about? Ready to go to the library in a while?" After paying the bill, Guan Ming just came in, and the conversation he heard was only the second half.

"How could it be? After our discussion, we decided to loan Mu Xiaoxiao to you. The time is up to class tomorrow. You don't need to send Mu Xiaoxiao back to bed at night ~" Liu Chunmei said with a smile, crazy.

"I'm going back to the bedroom to read a book, and I'm about to take an exam soon!" A shocking spirit, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was frightened, and Guan Ming's eyes were mostly alert.

"Jing said something out of the way, let's go." Guan Ming shook his head with a smile, don't say not to send it back, now it's hard to hold hands.

Liu Chunmei was not annoyed, blinked at Li Minghui and Li Feifei, and the four followed Guan Ming out of the hotel.

"Ready to run!" Just after leaving the store, Liu Chunmei took a deep breath and pursed her throat loudly. Li Minghui and Li Feifei laughed crisply and started running after Liu Chunmei. People on the side of the road were frightened by this voice. I watched it, but fortunately it was all girls, so I did n’t stop drinking.

"Wait for me ~" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted as she leaned on her waist and ran forward, unfortunately, she could only run for dozens of meters, leaning on one of the power poles and bending over , Panting.

"Every time I see you eating, I always feel Fan Texiang." Guan Ming walked up to Mu Xiaoxiao, teasing unscrupulously.

Five people have more than a dozen dishes, they must not eat, but Mu Xiaoxiao basically picks up all the meat except vegetables. As a result, he eats too much ...

"I ... I don't eat so much anymore!" With grief and anger on his face, his feet moved slowly, trying to hide on the other side of the telephone pole.

"Let's go, how about reading in the library this afternoon?" Guan Ming didn't go up to help or anything, but walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

"Come up, or do you want to go out a few hundred meters and squeeze the bus?" Opening the door, Guan Ming invited the other person in.

Hesitating for a few seconds, Mu Xiaoxiao decided to fight, and then slipped into the taxi.

Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed **** one side of the back seat, while Guan Ming sat safely on the other side. If it was not a well-known place that Guan Ming reported, the driver master would like to directly enter the Public Security Bureau.

Shut the car door as if it were two worlds. Guan Ming wanted to ask Mu Xiaoxiao if he got a love permit, but this kind of question doesn't need to ask the question to know the answer.

Silent, the car soon arrived at school.

Probably returned to a familiar place. Mu Xiaoxiao was not too nervous. At least in her opinion, the school was a sacred place, a public place. She had never heard of it in some schools. Restricted story.

"Go, go to the library." Passing by Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming patted her on the shoulder.

For a moment, but fortunately, Guan Ming didn't take any other action. Looking at the familiar back, Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, and then went to the school library.


In the December sky, snowflakes fluttered across the sky, and someone came quickly behind him, whispering softly in his ear, then he moved his muscles and went back to the office again.

The ringing of the red telephone, like a thunder, disturbed this peaceful world under snow.


Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao next to him, although Li Minghui didn't say anything, there was curiosity and doubt in his eyes.

Leaving his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao said nothing, opened the book and read the book honestly.

Sitting opposite Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming's smile was very kind. Against the background of the sun, his face wasn't handsome at first.


"What? Hiring so many lawyers, what does he want to do?" The blond foreigner asked incredulously in the office, listening to the voice on the phone.

"I guess it's a lawsuit."

"I also know that he is going to bring a lawsuit. Can you give me a more accurate message?" He shrugged his tie arrogantly, as if the tie was a shackle, which was curbing the expansion of the trachea.

"Sorry, this is the limit of my ability. After all, those guys only care about money, and if they leak information, even lawyers will face prosecution."



"" Disrupting the economic order and establishing a hegemonic treaty with hegemonic status! "

"Some days ago, the United States and most European and American countries claimed that the dynamic projection of Future Technology Co., Ltd. was flammable and explosive, and it would restrict the entry of dynamic projection equipment from the East. However, no examples and data were listed."

"... It is worth noting that products from the US Sequoia have not been included in the flammable and explosive category ~ ~ At the same time, the static projection of future technology is not a flammable and explosive item. Here , We have to suspect that the US-led country is suspected of disrupting the economy, and perhaps there are other unknown interest groups driving it. "

"It is reported that on Christmas Eve, Future Science and Technology stated that it would conduct in-depth research and update on dynamic projection, but then the news came out in the United States and European and American countries. It is difficult to make people wonder whether these countries have premeditated ... "

"... There is no doubt that the people's right of choice is controlled, and in countries that advertise freedom, freedom is restricted ..."

"It is reported that future technology will hire ..."

On the network, an anonymous post detonated the Christmas campfire instantly, and people were uproaring.

Some people gave Guan Ming a big gift on Christmas Eve, and Guan Ming gave the other a bomb on Christmas.

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