Private Technology

: 187 Don't take it for granted

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It is not uncommon for domestic companies to file lawsuits abroad, but there are not many such big ones as Guan Ming.

Compared to the old godmother's investment in tens of millions of rights protection each year, Guanming's approach is actually more deterrent.

It ’s a **** or a horse. Let ’s take a look at everything. Let ’s put everything on the table. The reason is the truth. Money is the money. Now, and the law is just the law, everyone has a certain tendency.

Liu Mengmeng was very law-abiding. He assembled a lawyer team the next day and formally sued the court. Of course, this court is not a domestic court.

At the same time, the court's summons, like the invitation letter of the press conference, passed across the ocean and passed to everyone and the company on the list.

"My God, I heard that the White House has been prosecuted!"

"I bet they must have wanted to sue Bush."

"But the problem is that it has nothing to do with the White House, and even Sequoia Capital has been sued."

"Since the prosecution, there must be a reason, maybe they have not yet announced the handle. I would rather directly sue Bush. I don't like him. My brother went to the battlefield in Libya, but he left his leg. there."


"Dammit, didn't you say that you wouldn't let the news go!" With a slam, a coffee cup slammed into the wall quickly and crashed into pieces, but no one dared to refute it, especially at this time.

In the capitalist world, many things can be exchanged for benefits, such as blocking certain news that is not intended to be known to the public.

Sequoia Capital, as one of the world's best-known investment companies, cannot be measured by specific values ​​in terms of volume or influence. Even they have been in touch with many well-known newspapers and magazines for a long time to block the news collectively, so as to make the European and American people know.

Because if it is not known, then in the dynamic projection market without future technology, Sequoia Capital will be the only company to drive future technology out of Europe, America and the United States.

Of course, to achieve this level, the price to pay is not small, and it can be described as large, but even so, there are countless such reports flooding the Internet and the newspapers, which makes him not **** off?

"Horson, come and tell me why." Sitting on the boss' chair, the man stared at the man standing ahead like an angry male lion.

"Boss, I contacted them, and they said that the deletion of messages on the Internet was not clean, and there were not even many deletions. If the newspapers do not follow up, it will affect their market share." , Talking voice is not loud, with a little timid.

"Damn, share, isn't it enough for me!" He hammered the wide boss table hard, his face flushed, and he was very angry.


"Early ~" Wearing pajamas, Guan Ming sat on the sofa and greeted Qian Junhao.

Probably the atmosphere of the Western Festival was relatively hot. I used to play with my old couple at home. At this time I wanted to move around and I was going to see the beauty of the Shanghai market.

"Early? You didn't sleep well last night." Qian Junhao looked at Guan Ming who was all right in front of him, and it was a little bit sore. The whole world was busy living for him. As a result, he was relaxed and relaxed, but in his heart He admired Guan Ming very much and admired his scientific research ability and ability to do things.

"..." Guan Ming looked at the other person speechlessly, not knowing what to say. If it was Mu Xiaoxiao in front of him, he wouldn't mind teasing about how it was "made", of course, if it was Mu Xiaoxiao, I can't say this, at least in the current relationship and identity.

"This time, there are two things. In fact, strictly speaking, they are also one thing." Qian Junhao didn't have that much time to talk about the topic and went directly to the subject.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Guan Ming felt a little bit more musical.

"First of all, it ’s your company's little spy device. Through our exhaustion, the suspect has been arrested, but every time his master contacted in Xiangjiang every time, because we were very determined at that time, the news was not leaked. , But if you want to find his family, you need to wait for the next contact, but it is certain that the family should be a foreign power. "Qian Junhao looked a little serious.

This is already a spy, and no matter in which country the crime of espionage is not small.

"Oh, what's the second thing?" Guan Ming didn't pay much attention to this matter, because in his opinion, such things as spies are normal, and even he has already prepared for this.

It's not that he shook M. Many people have robbed banks this year. Guan Ming doesn't think he is slower than the bank.

"Uh ... the second thing is that you are going to sue European and American countries this time." Qian Junhao's tone was stagnant. He also prepared some speeches on spying, mainly to appease Guan Ming and let him Do n’t worry too much about this, but I did n’t expect the other party to understate it so much, it ’s like going out to buy soy sauce. The owner said that the soy sauce cost two dollars and a bottle, and he immediately paid for the soy sauce and went away. Ok? I will not compromise on this matter in the Western countries. For the sake of our long-term cooperation, we still need to avoid esteem. Guan Ming's expression was a little bit indignant. This time he was about to go to his sleeves to do it. People behind him wanted to chop off his pants and cut himself into a knife, which was too old.

"Go, what do you mean? The above means asking if you need a consultant. In fact, every domestic company and foreign lawsuit will be followed and assisted by the country, but the intensity is different. What else can the country do to you? Qian Junhao rolled his eyes, this time it was kind, but it turned out to be donkey liver and lungs. If it wasn't for Guan Ming's promising future, Qian Junhao really wanted to slap him, his face full of peach blossoms.

"Ah? I'm sorry, I thought too much, but what does this consultant mean?" Guan Ming scratched his head awkwardly, embarrassed.

However, Guan Ming cannot be blamed. If it wasn't for the country ’s original affairs, Guan Ming ’s dynamic projection hardware technology would not be sold, but if you elaborate on it, it is not a country. Whoever allowed Wanwan to enter the United Nations referendum and meanwhile Not as strong as the United States.

To put it bluntly, it is wrong to be weak this year. It is as if the mourners fell to the edge. People's applause is given to victorious mourners. There is only one gold belt and it can only be tied to a person's waist.

"Fighting a lawsuit abroad is not the same as fighting a lawsuit at home. There are a lot of points to pay attention to. This section has professionals to remind you that it will reduce a lot of trouble. Do you need it?" Qian Junhao asked, but the consultant is not One person, but one group, is ready to go. However, considering Guan Ming's words and deeds, Qian Junhao still gives the choice to the other party. At the same time, he will report the content of the conversation today. The most important thing is Guan Ming's attitude. Let me wake up.

People are complicated, not simple. Don't take everything for granted.

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