Private Technology

: 188 is probably aggressive

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Society is made up of people, and everyone has their own division of labor.

Guan Ming never considers himself an all-rounder. Perhaps from the outside world, Guan Ming is a miraculous, low-key and talented person, but he labels himself as' ordinary person ', or more accurately,' otaku'.

But the otaku also has a girlfriend. This is not a multiple choice question, nor is it a judgment question. It is just needed.

Originally wondering how to go to Mu Xiaoxiao to do things in the past two days, Guan Ming got engaged.

"Be honest at home, don't you listen!" Guan Ma had a harsh tone and a serious attitude.

Guan Ming said he was so innocent. He obviously didn't do anything but was beaten by his mother.

"It should be bad luck, knowing that your company has spy equipment, scared me and your mother dare not go out to play." Guan Dad said angrily.

With eyes closed on New Year's Day, the old couple was still thinking about what to eat on New Year's Day, ready to go out for a sweep. The seafood dumplings and sauerkraut dumplings were not discussed, and they saw the overwhelming news in the newspaper.

Some said Guan Ming had offended the foreigner, and he was ruthless. Others said that Guan Ming's technology was too developed, some spies came to steal the technology, and some even said that he was going to tie up a ticket to Guan Ming to ransom, of course. The news is nonsense.

Is n’t it foolish, the old couple do n’t know, but know that their son ’s company is really in trouble, in case he really tied Guan Ming with a ticket, it does n’t matter if he wants money, but he ’s afraid of death. My father and mother are all ages. It's harder to add a younger brother to Guan Ming ...

"This is not my fault. It doesn't matter to me. Besides, you can't keep me at home for a lifetime." Guan Mingzhan made sense of the facts. After all, there is no Mu Xiaoxiao at home, and Guan Ming still has some needs.

"That's what it says, but you don't usually pay much attention to it, it's dangerous." Guanma went to cook, and Guandaddy was promoted to be an instructor, and instructed Guanming to keep him from doing things like this.

"In a word, if you don't let me go out, I won't find my girlfriend, and you won't have a grandson if you can't find my girlfriend." Guan Ming almost said, "Come on, hurt each other". Da Bacheng will first practice the level of men's singles.

Opening his mouth, Guan Dad would like to remind Guan Ming that this so-called 'sentence' is a bit long, but to be honest, he still cares about his grandson. After all, in case Guan Ming is tenderly dead, Isn't there a grandson to inherit the father's business? Of course, it is best not to be tenderly killed ...

When Guan Ming and his family fought for the right to 'go out and let go,' the Mu family also held a meeting for Guan Ming's affairs.


For one semester, Mu Xiaoxiao went home every week and often talked to Mu Damu Mu about his own affairs. For example, a classmate confessed that his life in the school cafeteria was a handle in the dark cooking industry. The male metamorphosis in the female dormitory, etc., inevitably has the word 'guanming', but it is only the name of Guanming that is often mentioned in the first half of the semester. In the second half of the semester, it is precisely this period of time. The two characters basically disappeared.

New Year's Day is coming soon. Mu's mom is going to invite Guan Ming. From Shanghai to Daocheng, and then from Daocheng to Shanghai, the old couple feel that Guanming will not go home for three days of New Year's Day fake urine, after all. The time is too short. I would like to invite him to thank him for taking care of Mu Xiaoxiao, but also want to talk to Guan Ming.

"What? Why invite him! Uh ... I mean, how important is New Year's Day, he will also go home to New Year's Day." Hearing Mu Mu's request, Mu Xiaoxiao jumped up from the stool and made a joke. Now she saw Guan Ming was a little scared.

I treat you as my brother, do you really miss me ...

"Why so much nonsense, if you don't call, I'll call. People have been managing for more than a year, and you have no idea of ​​being grateful? Either you call it or I call it." Mu family trivia It was Mu Mu's decision. For many years, Mu family had never had a major incident.

"... Okay." Sitting on the bench, Mu Xiaoxiao reluctantly responded.

"If Guan Ming doesn't come, I'll call in person, don't expect me to flicker." Mu mom reminded Mu Xiaoxiao, after all, the child is older, and honest people are more deceptive.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was completely changed, and his face was a little fat, full of unwillingness.


Regarding the report submitted by Qian Junhao, the above has also been studied, mainly for the current research report of young and middle-aged hearts, after all, Guan Ming is also considered a young man.

In this regard, the upper level felt that ideological education was not enough, and that the direction of public opinion was too liberal. Therefore, the first broadcaster to launch was "007: Royal Wars Casino", which will be released next month. You can still click two scissors.


"Oh? Xiaoxiao, something?" Immediately at lunchtime, Guan Ming saw that the phone was Mu Xiaoxiao. When he had no time, he answered the phone in the corner. Guan Ming immediately connected, mainly because Mu Xiaoxiao rarely called. If it's full, maybe she just hangs up.

As soon as the stewardess, who was holding the rice over there, immediately put down her hand, it was like a sticky candy, and one ear was stuck on the phone.

"Brother, do you have time on New Year's Day?" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was reluctant. At the same time, the voice of the midday news was heard. The host's voice was thick.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Guan Ming's spirit was a while, but unfortunately, the smile on the corner of his mouth hadn't bloomed yet. As soon as the mother tried hard, Guan Ming turned to her side.

Guan Ming is 1 meter and 8 meters tall, and Guan Ma is a little bit short, which is almost as high as Xiao Xiao. This distance is not a good user experience for eavesdropping on the phone.

Guan Ming's anger, just reborn, he obviously felt that his body should be strengthened, but the problem is that he didn't pay much attention to exercise, probably the strengthened part was absorbed by the cells ...

"Oh, my mother invited you to my home on New Year's Day. Can you come that day?" Mu Xiaoxiao spoke quickly and was a little vague, and then heard a small voice.

Guan Ming knows that Mu Xiaoxiao has been beaten again. After all, it doesn't look like a sincere invitation.

Guan Ming didn't answer immediately, but looked at his mother. After all, New Year's Day festivals are with family.

"Girlfriend?" Guanma's lips were closed and she didn't make a sound, after all, male and female voices were easy to distinguish.

Guan Ming nodded, indicating that her old man guessed exactly.

As soon as the mother saw it, she nodded quickly, and her head nodded almost out of phantom.

"Okay, I'll disturb your uncle and aunt by then, and of course, I'll bother you too." With the permission to go out, Guan Ming was in a good mood.

"Oh, that's okay ~ ~ bye." Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone without waiting for Guan Ming to say anything.


"It's not polite! Hang up without waiting for someone to say goodbye. How can I give birth to you?" Mu's mother twisted Mu Xiaoxiao's big arm.

"Ah ~ it's finished, I'm going to eat!" Mu Xiaoxiao blew his throat dry and ran to dinner.

The steward, the dining table, and the steward seated on the main seat. Taishan pressed the top without changing the color. He ate scallops raw, which was precisely shellfish, not skirts.

"Tell me what the girl looks like, do you have any pictures? What about the family? When will you bring it back to see you?" Guan Ma helped Guan Ming buckle Beizhu, and tried his best to keep him away and focus on the problem. on.

"The photos are there, the family is in a normal state, and I don't know when to meet." Guan Ming ate fresh sweet shellfish and replied one by one. I remember the last time I was treating, probably during the college entrance examination.

Mu Xiaoxiao always wants to see people, and Guan Ming has the idea of ​​getting married, which shows that this is a matter for the two families. Guan Ming still has to do with the basic operation of photos.

"What about the photos? Hurry up, let me see what it looks like?" Guan Ma originally wanted to complain that the answer was too short. As soon as she heard the photo, her eyes brightened, although she had been urging Ming to get married, but Now that I have a great career, I have to think carefully about what to look for. It is rare that Guan Ming is optimistic, and Guan Ma is looking forward to it.

"... I'm eating now. You can't learn from my dad. It's as stable as Mount Tai. Can people run away or what?" Guan Ming also wanted to enjoy this kind of rice to open his mouth.

"Don't tell me something. Your mother knows what she will tell me. After eating for so many years, it's not bad. Go and get the pictures." Guan Dian saw that the fire was going to burn He was on his own and quickly sold Guan Ming.

Guan Ming's expression was probably aggressive ...

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