Private Technology

: One hundred and ninety

Guan Ming was still pondering the meaning of Mu Xiaoxiao's name the moment before, and the next sentence was hit with a heartfelt blow. Guan Ming did not know whether he should pretend to be drunk or not listen.

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Holding chopsticks in his hand, Guan Ming sat idly on a stool, his expression was a bit sloppy, his brain responded slowly and his body responded slowly.

Dad Mu shook his head with a smile and said nothing, and at the same time confirmed Guan Ming's mind.

The name I used to chat was not to distract Guan Ming's attention, but to express emotion.

Dad Mu did not know what Guan Ming's name meant. After all, everyone had his own understanding, but when he thought of his deceased parents, he often thought of the four words 'knowing in old age'. The last four words are worth remembering and nostalgia.

The so-called twilight knowing can be the current summary of the past, or the twilight knowing.

Everyone and every stage will have different perceptions of life. Mu Da, who is middle-aged, does not know what people in old age should know, but he knows that, as a father, he wants his children to grow up healthy and have a happy life. , Have a good job, have a happy life, nothing more.

As for the grandson or something, it is too far away from him. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao is now a freshman. Although in ancient times, the child ran away all over the age, but in the eyes of Mu Da, Mu Xiaoxiao is still a child, just a child.

Because Guan Ming was a tutor before, and now he is a senior, it is too confusing, so the old couple found nothing for a while, until the time when Guan Ming gave money to Mu Xiaoxiao to get teeth, Mu's mom It appears that Guan Ming's care for Mu Xiaoxiao has exceeded a certain limit, and he is too concerned and too caring.

Don't say that revolutionary friendship is simple. There is no market on the old couple's side.

To be more thorough, Guan Ming is playing the rest of his predecessors, the old couple is not as simple as Mu Xiaoxiao, not to think about people, but it is normal to think more.

The old couple discussed many times, and got some news feedback from Mu Xiaoxiao. They decided to review and verify today. If they are qualified, we should drink and drink. If they are not qualified, you should play with the eggs.

"Scared? Oh, you, let me say what's good." Toasting, Mu Da and Guan Ming touched a glass, his tone felt indescribable.

Lao Meng, who was watching TV over there, was also attracted by the news, could not help but look back at what Guan Ming looks like.

The girl of the Mu family is an excellent student and has a good personality. This is what the old neighbors see. They are all ready to start immediately after graduating from senior year. As a result ...

Stumbled, toasted, toasted, but still a little sighed a bit sane.

"Eh ... I just ..." The empty hand swayed unconsciously in the air. Guan Ming wanted to find some more reasonable explanations. After all, the daughter of the boy who just went to college and was still caught. No, there was nothing wrong with the beating, especially in the third year of high school.

"Xiao Xiaonian is studying at university, neither my mother nor Xiaoxiao advocates her university dating." Dad Mu paused and found that Guan Mingzheng stared at himself drunkly, and he could see that his expression was tense, but alcohol paralyzed the facial muscles, showing Quite the opposite relaxation.

"Of course, Xiaoxiao's mother and I are not old-fashioned. To you, we are more at ease. You should know what I mean." Mu Da looked at Guan Ming for a moment.

"Understand it, thank you Uncle." Guan Ming has been drinking, he understands a fart, he only understands that Mu Da Mu Mu will not block it.

"I don't know the situation of your family at home, so it's easy to talk?" Mu Da was more optimistic about Guan Ming. He didn't know that Guan Ming was deliberate and had a plan. From Mu Da's perspective, at least Guan Ming was at work. They are responsible, and those who are responsible at work are usually not too bad.

"Ah, thank you Uncle." Seeing Mu Da pouring wine for him, Guan Ming quickly raised his glasses with both hands, a little apprehensive.

"... In my case, it was a normal situation at home. Later, when I went out to start a business, I still made some money. My parents were alive, and my grandparents and grandpa were alive." Guan Ming didn't want to shake his boss out in one step. There is mainly an 'Old Meng' on the side, and the ghost knows if he is a gossip.

"You, good face." Mu dad pointed at Guan Ming and said with a smile: "Our grandpa is also an acquaintance, let's say so, me, I value more men with a strong career. You are still young, Work hard, learn more skills when you have time, I do n’t know much about the Internet now, but the skills are not overwhelming. ”Mu Da specifically said his senses, apparently telling that he conveyed to his son-in-law. Requirements.

Guan Ming was a little bit crying. He didn't have any professional ambitions. He didn't really have a career. His career was completely forced out of life. When life was rich, he was lazy and killed.

However, up to now, Guan Ming must not be able to face the hard-anal Mu Dad, Guan Ming drunk. Although he can guarantee that he is telling the truth, Dad Mu is likely to think he is drinking too much. .

After all, it's normal to drink too much bragging.

Mu Da's conversation started. Guan Ming and Mu Da's identity is not just the relationship they had before, but also a relationship between the prospective son-in-law and the prospective father-in-law.

As for why it is ‘quasi’, there ’s mainly Mu Mu ’s side ...

Watching his boss help out by the target person, Zhou Wu hesitated for a moment, but didn't show up, and Ma Qingyun did the same.

"Come back?" Opening the door and seeing it, good guy, soaring into the air, Mu mom looked at Mu Da with a suspicion. Is this two or five?

"I don't know if the kid is confused or sneaky, and finally took a sip and sips, and Bai Bian's bit of wine." Mu Da explained, at least he could feel it in words, Mu Da didn't let go.

"How's it going?" Mu Mu asked Guan Ming on the sofa.

"Alright, Xiaoxiao, you put the big house on the floor, your mother and you are tonight." Guan Daddy sat on the sofa and took a few breaths. Although Guan Ming was tall and thin, the problem was that he was drunk and drunk. Man, too tired.

"Ha? He's sleeping in our house tonight?" Mu Xiaoxiao's face was incredible.

"Nonsense, he's drunk, we can send him to the hotel? Hurry up, don't stand here." Mu Mu stared, Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, and reluctantly moved to the house toss.

Mu Mu looked at Mu Da, and the latter nodded with satisfaction, without saying more.

Mu Da knows about wine, and it needs to be drunk before it can be tasted. Fortunately, the Ming people are honest. If they drink too much, they will go to sleep.

It's not that people who don't have good wine don't. People in this society don't have a wine or something. The wine is not good. It's too limited.


My head hurts. This is the first reaction of Guan Ming. The bed is a bit hard. This is the second reaction.

The sky was bright, and memories like water poured into my mind with a little vomiting.

This is probably the first time in two years that he has spent New Year's Day, and Guan Ming sighed secretly.

Specially, it is said that honest people either do n’t do it, or they die. The last time Guan Ming was not so imbued by Mu ’s father, okay, I do n’t know if Mu ’s father is young and strong, or he ’s raised for years Little suckling pig, you're going to be spoiled by your heart '.

She stood up, looked at herself, and looked at the surrounding environment. She just took off her coat and trousers, and here, she was still the Mu family.

I could hear the sound of a TV outside the door, and a few whispers. It was Mu's voice, and probably Mu's mom was awake.

"Uncle, aunt, sorry, I drank too much yesterday." Rubbing his face, Guan Ming put on his pants and killed him.

"It's early to get up, wash your face, and then drink porridge." Mu's mother didn't conceal her gaze at this time, and said nothing, her chin was raised towards the toilet, her attitude was completely different from yesterday.

"Okay." Guan Ming was heavy-headed, but he couldn't help but glance at the clock. At eight o'clock in the morning, the ghost knew he was up so early today for Mao ...

Seeing that there were only people on the dining table ~ ~ Guan Ming hesitated and didn't ask where Xiaoxiao had gone, but it didn't make much difference whether he opened it or not.

"Xiaoxiao yesterday ... let's eat ours." Mu's mother hesitated before she said anything, leaving Guan Ming with an open answer.

Drink some porridge, Guan Ming's spirit is much better, but at this time the interrogation from the future mother-in-law is also starting. It is not the same as Mu's concern. Mu's mom is more practical. You need a house to get married. Take it, let ’s get out of the car. If you ca n’t even pull it out, do n’t waste your feelings, just wash and sleep.

Guan Ming naturally said that there was no problem, but Guan Ming agreed too quickly, and Mu's mother always felt perfunctory, but after long-term contact, she had a good sense of Guan Ming and finally put up with it, but in her heart, still Some are not happy.

Guan Ming is a prospective son-in-law, and this 'quasi' is probably only the one outside the 18th line. There are three people in the Mu family. Guan Ming currently only has one and a half, one Mu dad, and half Mu mom. After all, the real target is These two young people, the old man can only achieve the level of control.

It is a pity that Guan Ming did not see Mu Xiaoxiao when he was out of the Mu family. He felt that Mu Xiaoxiao should be ashamed to meet with Guan Ming.

Actually ... it was Mu Xiaoxiao who drank too much. Last night, he and his old couple talked about the wine. Mu Xiaoxiao, who drank for the first time, did not inherit his father ’s alcohol, but in terms of quantity, it was not weak. Yu Guanming ...

"Boss, President Liu called you last night to tell you something happened." At the intersection not far from the Mu family, Guan Ming got in the car. Zhou Wu started the car and said, sitting in the co-pilot Ma Qingyun turned around and turned Handed it to Guan Ming.

"What can she do, my mother's all right last night." Guan Ming took the phone and asked.

"I called my aunt last night and the details are not clear."

The car cut through the empty morning and headed towards the haven. .


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