Private Technology

: 191 because of love

Looking at the time, although today is the second day of the statutory holiday on New Year's Day, the company still works overtime, and it is not the core of the company. After all, things are a little bit during this time, of course, the holiday pay doubles.

"... Um, then?" Silently, Guan Ming asked.

Guan Ming called the phone and, after hearing Liu Mengmeng's remarks, silenced and asked.

"Uh ... combining some suggestions, everyone thinks that reducing the impact is a bit better, after all, we have achieved some results so far ..." Liu Mengmeng hesitated and said.

The matter is very simple. Guan Ming's complaint was against many people, ranging from functional departments and Sequoia to small people.

First of all, the so-called 'Projection of Future Science and Technology Dynamics' reports in the United States and Europe and the United States have no detailed data, but they have the official seal and are of the executive type. Guan Ming seized his pain and died.

Secondly, Sequoia is also sued. It is not based on the reason of 'unfair competition', but based on the above document, and provides some hardware data of Sequoia, indicating that their products are similar to Guanming's products. Therefore, it should also be flammable and explosive. For the freedom and safety of the United States and the European and American people, Sequoia products should also be banned.

Suddenly, Guan Ming opened up the two large groups that had been kneaded together and incidentally brought them to court.

The meaning of Liu Mengmeng's call this time is very simple, mainly because it has the opposite meaning. First of all, the functional department will issue an announcement stating that the previous documents did not have detailed data. Yes, there was a pleasant deal with Guan Ming before.

As for which individuals would be implicated because of this incident, Liu Mengmeng didn't say, Guan Ming didn't ask, because they were optional.

"They didn't stick to the idea anymore? The counselling was too fast, was it a week?" Guan Ming was a little unbelievable.

Regardless of whether it is a movie, a TV series, a newspaper, or a magazine, it is normal for a large company to file a lawsuit in a foreign country for a year or two. It is quite troublesome to collect materials and provide evidence in the early stages.

Today seems to have just passed a week on January 2nd.

"It's not that they are too enthusiastic, but that we have invited everyone from the top ten law firms and also told them the truth, so they work very well one by one." Liu Mengmeng said very easily.

The so-called truth reasoning is nothing more than telling them that Guan Ming is rich, and the high commission is one aspect. If anyone dares to violate professional ethics, then Guan Ming will report to you that you will lose everything.

Those who work hard naturally have more returns. For example, even if Sequoia uses money and ammunition, it almost didn't resist Guan Ming's lawyers team. This is only the first wave. If there are more waves, If you do n’t know which wave, you missed it, and missed it means you ca n’t make money, it means losing money.

And the functional department is even simpler. You ca n’t provide detailed evidence to say that I have a problem. Is there any kind of discrimination? Is it suspected of duty crime?

"It's boring to do this. I haven't played enough. When I'm happy and let go, it's not too late, let's continue now." Guan Ming managed to find an interesting thing, how could it be done so soon, I wandered around, anyway, money burned.

"... good boss." Faced with Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng rarely said a 'no'.

The eyes that swept more than half of the world originally thought that everyone would shake hands peacefully when one party agreed, but unexpectedly, Guan Ming's choice continued.

Everyone reexamines this rarely-shown person, and it seems that there is a tendency to take away from his bones.

In fact, Guan Ming has a wave of thoughts to take away. The main reason is to vent. There is more accumulated, and there must always be a way to vent it.

"I heard Xiao Zhou said yesterday that you lived with Mu Xiaoxiao's family?" Guan Dao Guan Ma rarely did not go out today, but got up early and waited for his son to return home.

"Drinking yesterday, I stayed at Mu Xiaoxiao's house." Throwing his clothes on the sofa, Guan Ming sat down, unscrewed the water bottle cap, and murmured.

"Hurry up, then, how is it going?" Guan Ma urged, but she didn't get up to watch her son drink water early in the morning.

"It's okay, Mu's father has a good impression on me, and Mu's mother is okay." Guan Ming thought about the situation yesterday and this morning and gave a fair answer.

Guan Ming hasn't experienced such things as son-in-law, but he really has experience as son-in-law. Based on his understanding of Mu Da Mu Mu, Mu Da's side is basically stable.

"Okay? Are your conditions just fine? What kind of son-in-law is Xiaoxiao mother looking for!" His child was the best, and Guan Ming's senses fell towards his unseen mother-in-law.

I originally thought that I was a teacher, and at the same time I was able to teach Mu Xiaoxiao such a good person. At least he was an intellectual and reasonable person, but I did not expect to get only one 'OK' evaluation, which is a bit low.

Do n’t say anything else, money, Guan Mingyou, and the father and mother can also supervise Guan Ming who has no affair. Although Guan Ming is not handsome enough to push together, it is not ugly to keep his eyes open. He must be tall and tall. There are no bad habits and some diseases, the most important thing is that he is not too old, which is too high.

"You didn't say what happened to you?" Guan Dian frowned and asked.

Guan Ming is not a white horse prince, but he can also pull out the crystal shoes. The other party is not Cinderella, but not Snow White. Guan Dian thinks that the identity should not explain the problem of white, at least in his opinion, only this An explanation.

"Say, but I do n’t believe others. I ’ll talk about it when I look back for time. The occasion was not right before." Guan Ming waved his hand and lay on the corpse and the sofa. Yet.

As for the contradiction between Guan Mom and Mu Mom, Guan Ming didn't want to blend in. The old lady quarreled with each other in the past. It was a bit of a quarrel to describe it, but it was normal to ridicule each other. This kind of thing, the two old ladies can get together, and the mother said that her son is very good ~ ~ At the same time, Xiao Xiao took good care of him, so he gave birth to a son, and Mu Mom said that she was raised by her daughter It ’s good to have a son and so on.

"Okay, take a shower first, and get drunk." When Guan Ma heard it, she couldn't say anything, simply drove Guan Ming away.

Guan Ming, who wanted to lie down for an hour, had no choice but to run upstairs.

Because of the geographical relationship, the Shanghai market does not snow many times a year, unlike the snow in the north. In fact, there is no snow this year in Shanghai this year because the temperature is currently the lowest. The temperature is still above zero but the cold breath is not worse than the north.

In game terms, the cold in the north is a physical attack. The temperature is low and the wind is hard. It is dry cold.

The cold in the south is a magical attack, and it is humid and windy.

Relying on the large bath, Guan Ming thought about the experience of New Year's Day, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his heart was beautiful.

"Double Star, help me prepare a laptop, dynamic projection, and get it back this morning." Guan Ming said suddenly, now that Mu Damu Mu Ma has permission / default, Guan Ming is ready to formally intervene in Mu Xiaoxiao's life, of course, to Step by step.

"Good boss, but the company does not produce notebooks. Is it self-developed, copied, or ordered out?" Shuangxing's voice echoed.

Guan Ming didn't put a camera or anything in the bathroom, but he had a small speaker and a radio.

"Order it, pick a better one." Guan Ming was not prepared to develop a notebook, which was too time consuming.

He suddenly found that there seemed to be few things in his hand. Except for the mosquito repellent bracelet that he had sent in the past, as a person advertised as a technical house, he could not take out much.

Guan Ming decided to quickly find a chance to get the va head out, for nothing else, because of love.

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